Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Product Update: Dupe Prevention, Front-end Search Improvement, and Lots of Bug Fixes

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

It’s been a while since our last Product Update and we have a lot to cover. For this first update of the New Year, we wanted to share all the little bug fixes and product improvements we worked on over the past month to make your sites bigger, badder, and faster in 2015.

Front-end Dupe Prevention

Because User-created Events get approved automatically, all of our ingenious ways for weeding out dupes in the backend are ineffective against simple human error. If a Venue owner or promoter decides to add an Event that already exists, there’s been nothing stopping them from doing it.

Until now. We’ve added a validation check to the front-end New Event wizard that checks to see if there is already an Event on the same day at the same Venue.

The validation check does not take into consideration start time, band names, or anything else that tends to fluctuate in the weeks leading up to the Event. If it finds a match for date and Venue name, it will return the following prompt.

Nine times out of ten this will be a correct match and the User will realize they were creating a dupe and stop what they're doing (great success!). If there actually is more than one Event taking place at that Venue on that day, the User can just check the confirmation box and resubmit. Easy as that.

Front-end Search Improvements

Over the past months, we finished up a number of small projects to improve front-end search results.

Venue Keyword Search

Until now you could only search for Venues by name. Now, Users can now search for words contained within the Venue description and other parts of the page to find Venues. This means you can potentially search by neighborhood ("Red River") or type of Venue ("rock club") to discover what you're looking for.

Page Keyword Search

We also introduced keyword search for /p/ Pages. This means that if you search for an Artist, it will also list editorial content in addition to the Artist page in the list of suggested results. This also works for content contained within Event descriptions.

Duplicate Results Bug Fix

There was a bug affecting DoLA, Do416, and a few other metros that would return duplicate results for certain users. Both results led to the same page, but it made the list of results confusing. This bug has been fixed.

The Other Bits

Here are the other improvements and bug fixes since our last update:

  • Mail Export Includes Real Names: The Mail Export function (in Old Admin) now includes the User's real name, if it is available. Before only the email address and display name would be exported.
  • Hometown Displayed When Adding Artists: When adding Artists to an Event on the front-end, their hometown is now displayed in parentheses to the right of their name in the drop-down. This is to prevent any confusion with similarly-named Artists.
  • "Are You Or Older?" Bug Fixed: The glitch that caused the question "Are You Or Older?" to display on RSVP's when a minimum age was not entered has been fixed. This now defaults to your metro's legal drinking age if no minimum age is given. If your metro doesn't have a LDA set, it will default to "Are You 21 Or Older?"
  • User CSS Bug Fixed: There was a bug that caused custom CSS settings to disappear for Promo Users on the calendar tab (e.g. ""). This was flagged to us by KCRW but has now been fixed.
  • Giveaways Page Bug Fixed: There was a bug that caused giveaways to remain on the Giveaways Page even after they were canceled or turned off. The only way to get rid of them was to manually log in and unvote. This process is now done automatically so your Giveaways Page is always up-to-date.
  • Disappearing "Free?" Bug Fixed: There was a bug that caused the "Free?" box to disappear from time to time for copied Events. This is now fixed.


Thoughts to share? DO!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Product Update: Dupe Prevention, Front-end Search Improvement, and Lots of Bug Fixes

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

It’s been a while since our last Product Update and we have a lot to cover. For this first update of the New Year, we wanted to share all the little bug fixes and product improvements we worked on over the past month to make your sites bigger, badder, and faster in 2015.

Front-end Dupe Prevention

Because User-created Events get approved automatically, all of our ingenious ways for weeding out dupes in the backend are ineffective against simple human error. If a Venue owner or promoter decides to add an Event that already exists, there’s been nothing stopping them from doing it.

Until now. We’ve added a validation check to the front-end New Event wizard that checks to see if there is already an Event on the same day at the same Venue.

The validation check does not take into consideration start time, band names, or anything else that tends to fluctuate in the weeks leading up to the Event. If it finds a match for date and Venue name, it will return the following prompt.

Nine times out of ten this will be a correct match and the User will realize they were creating a dupe and stop what they're doing (great success!). If there actually is more than one Event taking place at that Venue on that day, the User can just check the confirmation box and resubmit. Easy as that.

Front-end Search Improvements

Over the past months, we finished up a number of small projects to improve front-end search results.

Venue Keyword Search

Until now you could only search for Venues by name. Now, Users can now search for words contained within the Venue description and other parts of the page to find Venues. This means you can potentially search by neighborhood ("Red River") or type of Venue ("rock club") to discover what you're looking for.

Page Keyword Search

We also introduced keyword search for /p/ Pages. This means that if you search for an Artist, it will also list editorial content in addition to the Artist page in the list of suggested results. This also works for content contained within Event descriptions.

Duplicate Results Bug Fix

There was a bug affecting DoLA, Do416, and a few other metros that would return duplicate results for certain users. Both results led to the same page, but it made the list of results confusing. This bug has been fixed.

The Other Bits

Here are the other improvements and bug fixes since our last update:

  • Mail Export Includes Real Names: The Mail Export function (in Old Admin) now includes the User's real name, if it is available. Before only the email address and display name would be exported.
  • Hometown Displayed When Adding Artists: When adding Artists to an Event on the front-end, their hometown is now displayed in parentheses to the right of their name in the drop-down. This is to prevent any confusion with similarly-named Artists.
  • "Are You Or Older?" Bug Fixed: The glitch that caused the question "Are You Or Older?" to display on RSVP's when a minimum age was not entered has been fixed. This now defaults to your metro's legal drinking age if no minimum age is given. If your metro doesn't have a LDA set, it will default to "Are You 21 Or Older?"
  • User CSS Bug Fixed: There was a bug that caused custom CSS settings to disappear for Promo Users on the calendar tab (e.g. ""). This was flagged to us by KCRW but has now been fixed.
  • Giveaways Page Bug Fixed: There was a bug that caused giveaways to remain on the Giveaways Page even after they were canceled or turned off. The only way to get rid of them was to manually log in and unvote. This process is now done automatically so your Giveaways Page is always up-to-date.
  • Disappearing "Free?" Bug Fixed: There was a bug that caused the "Free?" box to disappear from time to time for copied Events. This is now fixed.


Thoughts to share? DO!