Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/30/16

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Winner of the Week:
Do250 + Do314!

This week’s winners prove there are no small metros, only (relatively) small market sizes. Do250 and Do314 did some nice work capitalizing on mid-tier festivals to reap audience rewards this past week. The full rundown:
  • Do250: If you look at Victoria’s FB post data over the past month, it doesn’t take a genius to extrapolate a trend. Four of the top five posts in terms of organic reach are plugging various stages of voting contests to play a festival. Do250 already hit pay dirt when promoting the chance to play Legends Valley fest in early August, and the magic continued with their announce of the top 10 nominees for Rifflandia. Once again, reach/engagement was helped along by the various bands sharing the post in the hopes of corralling more votes. All told, Do250 had 135% more social traffic than the week prior, helping to propel them to their third highest traffic week of all time. Oh and the voting page looks pretty too.
  • Do314: Not to be outdone, St. Louis had their 2nd highest week of traffic for the year thanks to some email dominance. On Friday, Do314 sent out this email - which link would you bet got the most clicks? Dog bars? Kurt Vile’s goofy mug? Nope and nope. The announce of Grove Fest lineup received the vast majority of clicks, helping that newsletter hit their 4th highest CTR of all time. For the entire week, Do314 received double the email traffic of the week prior, thanks to a weekly combined CTR that was the highest in 2 years.

    We’ve recently spent some time doing a deep dive into the types of daily email content that are driving engagement (more to come soon…), but one of the things that stood out was that 60% of the top 15 non-giveaway events were festival lineup announcements. Need more evidence? A whopping 100% of the top 5 highest clicked non-giveaway links were festival lineup announcements (stuff like The Meadows and West Fest). Moral of the story - if you have a festival lineup announce, put it in your email. Giveaway or no giveaway (though giveaways always help).
That’s it for today! A quick shout out to Do503 for wrapping up Migration Week and doubling their previous highest week of traffic.
Check out how your metro stacks up, and don’t forget to toss some growth ideas our way if you got ‘em:
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/22/2016

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Winner of the Week:
Do604 + Do617!

We're running through the 6s with no woes this week, as both Do604 and Do617 put up weeks to be proud of:
  • Do604: As much as I hate to repeat metro wins week to week, I'll be the first to admit I goofed and called the Mural Fest win early last week. While it was Do604's highest week of traffic at the time, they've since eclipsed that mark by more than 3X thanks to the 10K+ referral sessions directly from the official fest site to Do604's conference lens. Even better, Do604 got a big ol graphic on the homepage linking to their map view of the fest. Props to the Vancouver team for showing once again that, while not every metro has the ability to land a Lolla aftershows page, there are plenty of other worthwhile opportunities of partnering with mid- to small-tier festivals to harness their audience.
  • Do617: Boston became the latest metro to switch to daily emails, with last week as their first week sending a full 5 emails. It's no coincidence then that they produced the highest week of traffic so far this year, and at last hit 2X YoY traffic. Email traffic was roughly triple what it was when they were sending weekly emails, thanks to big wins like this Billy Joel giveaway featured in Monday's email that received 1,200+ clicks. Hopefully many more big weeks of daily email traffic to come!
A few quick social success shoutouts to DoLA, whose Secret Bars list popularity propelled them to yet another highest all-time week of traffic, and Do206's Donald Trump post setting a FB engagement high point, and aesthetic low point, simultaneously.

Growth ideas that we missed? Send 'em to us. All the other stats are below:
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/15/2016

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Do604 + DoLA/DTB!

This week's winners are all about new ways of promoting the app that you can use immediately. Check it out:
  • Do604: Vancouver has been working with several local festivals to partner up and be featured in the DoStuff app, some going so far as putting up billboards touting their presence in the app, driving Vancouver to their highest week of new app users. Last week set a first though, as not only did they integrate Mural Fest within the DoStuff app, they also got a snazzy conference lens that acted as the official schedule of the fest. Thanks to Mural Fest sending several hundred sessions over to the Do604 scheduler, Vancouver notched their highest week of traffic ever, not to mention the several dozen app downloads they received from the festival's promotion.
  • DoLA/DTB: Two of our California metros are partnering up to promote each other's fest giveaways in their respective markets, with DoLA planning to run a giveaway for Treasure Island, and DoTheBay running a giveaway for Beach Goth. What makes this particular deal unique is that they'll be using our newly developed "App only" giveaway feature to convert existing users over to app users. DoLA is already running one of these for Beach Goth, and it's proven a successful way of converting email subscribers --> app users. Last week it received the most clicks of any of their record-breakingweek of email content (and highest week of traffic overall), with an incredible 841 new installs driven via app-only giveaways. 
We'll be working with you to implement regular App Exclusive giveaways to continue driving your existing user base into the app, and of course don't hesitate to hit us up if you have a festival that you think would be a good partner to co-promote the app.

A couple quick shout outs to Do317, who had their highest week of traffic in years thanks to the success of their Migration Week campaign (including a real-life Mario Kart race) + Do615/Do617 who both switched over to the new email format last week.

Growth ideas that we missed? Send 'em to us. All the other stats are below:
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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/8/16

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Winner of the Week: Do210!

San Antonio capitalized on a tried-and-true method of audience growth for an especially strong week, so let's get to the goods:
  • San Antonio had their highest week of traffic in the last 3 months thanks to the ol' "win before you can buy" promotion, a reliably popular way to get people to enter to win tickets, as they can still buy tickets without worrying about if they're still in the running to win. 
  • True to form, the newly announced Mala Luna festival performed best in their email, whereas the Morrissey announce performed especially well on social, where $20 in boosting was enough to get 11K reach and 200+ engagements.
  • This channel distinction is more important than you'd suspect. Even though Mala Luna received more traffic last week than Morrissey (14% and 12% of Do210's traffic, respectively), Morrissey converted that traffic into new registrations/subscribers at a much higher rate. 21% of sessions that landed on Morrissey resulted in new subscribers, but only 13% of sessions that landed on Mala Luna resulted in new subscribers. No surprise here, since email traffic = existing users, social traffic = higher percentage of new users.
  • And in case you've too busy moping around listening to the Smiths to read product updates, we've rolled out a giveaway referral system. We've seen it convert consistently at around 5% of total entrants resulting in a new referred user, and these two giveaways outperformed that benchmark, with 113 new referred users on 1,362 entrants for an 8.3% conversion rate.  
Now that giveaway referrals are going to be a big part of user acquisition, it's even more important to capitalize on their promotion, ideally by securing the aforementioned "win before you can buy" tickets and promoting both in email and on social where possible.

A quick shout out to Do317 whose full transition to daily emails helped them hit their highest week of traffic in 6+ months, and DTB riding the traffic wave of OSL aftershows to lead them to their highest traffic in 90+ weeks.

Stats and all below:
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/1/16

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Winners of the Week: Do317!

The march towards the whole network sending daily emails shuffled along with Do317 transitioning last week. Less than a week later, how's it looking?
  • The two metrics we monitor most in the transition to dailies are: 1) are we significantly increasing the unique number of subscribers that open or click at least one email per week and 2) are we seeing a higher rate of unsubscribes per email compared to weeklies. If it's yes to the former and no to the latter, then transition = success
  • In Do317's case, over the first 4 days of them sending daily emails, they've had 18.15% of their list open an email, with 4.18% of their subscribers clicking content. Compare that to all of 2016, where on average they averaged 11.47% of their list opening and 2.58% of their list clicking once per week. And that's not even with a full week of daily data.
  • And unsubscribes? They averaged 67 unsubscribes per campaign in dailies so far. In all of 2016, they averaged 75 unsubscribes per campaign. Unsubscribe rate (unique unsubs/opens) held steady at 0.988% on dailies, vs. 0.985% in all of 2016 on weeklies.
  • And just like that, Do317 had their highest week of traffic in the last 5+ months, thanks to a 156% increase in email traffic from the week prior.  
At this point, hopefully you've joined the majority of metros sending daily emails on the new template, as that's the biggest game changer. But the work doesn't end there. Then it's all aboutoptimizing your subject lines and including the content that drives the most engagement.

To help with that, we've built out a new doc that pulls in the content that's driven the most traffic via email in all of 2016 for any metro. This tab shows which types of pages account for what percentage of email traffic across the network. You'll notice that events make up the bulk of traffic (duh) and that giveaways make up the bulk of the event traffic.

However, on each subsequent tab you'll see that I've broken out each content category of email traffic by landing page, i.e. all of the events that received the most email traffic are here (note that Do512 has it's own column due to some logistical issues with the data). Or you can see that venue pages haven't traditionally driven a ton of traffic, though there are exceptions when big venues or summer concert series announce their calendars, like in this DoTheBay email or this DoLA email.

Long update today! But all important stuff to help you achieve email dominance. Got other ideas for growth/wins in your market? We're all ears. Otherwise, the usual stats suspects below:
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/30/16

Winner of the Week:
Do250 + Do314!

This week’s winners prove there are no small metros, only (relatively) small market sizes. Do250 and Do314 did some nice work capitalizing on mid-tier festivals to reap audience rewards this past week. The full rundown:
  • Do250: If you look at Victoria’s FB post data over the past month, it doesn’t take a genius to extrapolate a trend. Four of the top five posts in terms of organic reach are plugging various stages of voting contests to play a festival. Do250 already hit pay dirt when promoting the chance to play Legends Valley fest in early August, and the magic continued with their announce of the top 10 nominees for Rifflandia. Once again, reach/engagement was helped along by the various bands sharing the post in the hopes of corralling more votes. All told, Do250 had 135% more social traffic than the week prior, helping to propel them to their third highest traffic week of all time. Oh and the voting page looks pretty too.
  • Do314: Not to be outdone, St. Louis had their 2nd highest week of traffic for the year thanks to some email dominance. On Friday, Do314 sent out this email - which link would you bet got the most clicks? Dog bars? Kurt Vile’s goofy mug? Nope and nope. The announce of Grove Fest lineup received the vast majority of clicks, helping that newsletter hit their 4th highest CTR of all time. For the entire week, Do314 received double the email traffic of the week prior, thanks to a weekly combined CTR that was the highest in 2 years.

    We’ve recently spent some time doing a deep dive into the types of daily email content that are driving engagement (more to come soon…), but one of the things that stood out was that 60% of the top 15 non-giveaway events were festival lineup announcements. Need more evidence? A whopping 100% of the top 5 highest clicked non-giveaway links were festival lineup announcements (stuff like The Meadows and West Fest). Moral of the story - if you have a festival lineup announce, put it in your email. Giveaway or no giveaway (though giveaways always help).
That’s it for today! A quick shout out to Do503 for wrapping up Migration Week and doubling their previous highest week of traffic.
Check out how your metro stacks up, and don’t forget to toss some growth ideas our way if you got ‘em:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/22/2016

Winner of the Week:
Do604 + Do617!

We're running through the 6s with no woes this week, as both Do604 and Do617 put up weeks to be proud of:
  • Do604: As much as I hate to repeat metro wins week to week, I'll be the first to admit I goofed and called the Mural Fest win early last week. While it was Do604's highest week of traffic at the time, they've since eclipsed that mark by more than 3X thanks to the 10K+ referral sessions directly from the official fest site to Do604's conference lens. Even better, Do604 got a big ol graphic on the homepage linking to their map view of the fest. Props to the Vancouver team for showing once again that, while not every metro has the ability to land a Lolla aftershows page, there are plenty of other worthwhile opportunities of partnering with mid- to small-tier festivals to harness their audience.
  • Do617: Boston became the latest metro to switch to daily emails, with last week as their first week sending a full 5 emails. It's no coincidence then that they produced the highest week of traffic so far this year, and at last hit 2X YoY traffic. Email traffic was roughly triple what it was when they were sending weekly emails, thanks to big wins like this Billy Joel giveaway featured in Monday's email that received 1,200+ clicks. Hopefully many more big weeks of daily email traffic to come!
A few quick social success shoutouts to DoLA, whose Secret Bars list popularity propelled them to yet another highest all-time week of traffic, and Do206's Donald Trump post setting a FB engagement high point, and aesthetic low point, simultaneously.

Growth ideas that we missed? Send 'em to us. All the other stats are below:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/15/2016

Do604 + DoLA/DTB!

This week's winners are all about new ways of promoting the app that you can use immediately. Check it out:
  • Do604: Vancouver has been working with several local festivals to partner up and be featured in the DoStuff app, some going so far as putting up billboards touting their presence in the app, driving Vancouver to their highest week of new app users. Last week set a first though, as not only did they integrate Mural Fest within the DoStuff app, they also got a snazzy conference lens that acted as the official schedule of the fest. Thanks to Mural Fest sending several hundred sessions over to the Do604 scheduler, Vancouver notched their highest week of traffic ever, not to mention the several dozen app downloads they received from the festival's promotion.
  • DoLA/DTB: Two of our California metros are partnering up to promote each other's fest giveaways in their respective markets, with DoLA planning to run a giveaway for Treasure Island, and DoTheBay running a giveaway for Beach Goth. What makes this particular deal unique is that they'll be using our newly developed "App only" giveaway feature to convert existing users over to app users. DoLA is already running one of these for Beach Goth, and it's proven a successful way of converting email subscribers --> app users. Last week it received the most clicks of any of their record-breakingweek of email content (and highest week of traffic overall), with an incredible 841 new installs driven via app-only giveaways. 
We'll be working with you to implement regular App Exclusive giveaways to continue driving your existing user base into the app, and of course don't hesitate to hit us up if you have a festival that you think would be a good partner to co-promote the app.

A couple quick shout outs to Do317, who had their highest week of traffic in years thanks to the success of their Migration Week campaign (including a real-life Mario Kart race) + Do615/Do617 who both switched over to the new email format last week.

Growth ideas that we missed? Send 'em to us. All the other stats are below:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/8/16

Winner of the Week: Do210!

San Antonio capitalized on a tried-and-true method of audience growth for an especially strong week, so let's get to the goods:
  • San Antonio had their highest week of traffic in the last 3 months thanks to the ol' "win before you can buy" promotion, a reliably popular way to get people to enter to win tickets, as they can still buy tickets without worrying about if they're still in the running to win. 
  • True to form, the newly announced Mala Luna festival performed best in their email, whereas the Morrissey announce performed especially well on social, where $20 in boosting was enough to get 11K reach and 200+ engagements.
  • This channel distinction is more important than you'd suspect. Even though Mala Luna received more traffic last week than Morrissey (14% and 12% of Do210's traffic, respectively), Morrissey converted that traffic into new registrations/subscribers at a much higher rate. 21% of sessions that landed on Morrissey resulted in new subscribers, but only 13% of sessions that landed on Mala Luna resulted in new subscribers. No surprise here, since email traffic = existing users, social traffic = higher percentage of new users.
  • And in case you've too busy moping around listening to the Smiths to read product updates, we've rolled out a giveaway referral system. We've seen it convert consistently at around 5% of total entrants resulting in a new referred user, and these two giveaways outperformed that benchmark, with 113 new referred users on 1,362 entrants for an 8.3% conversion rate.  
Now that giveaway referrals are going to be a big part of user acquisition, it's even more important to capitalize on their promotion, ideally by securing the aforementioned "win before you can buy" tickets and promoting both in email and on social where possible.

A quick shout out to Do317 whose full transition to daily emails helped them hit their highest week of traffic in 6+ months, and DTB riding the traffic wave of OSL aftershows to lead them to their highest traffic in 90+ weeks.

Stats and all below:

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/1/16

Winners of the Week: Do317!

The march towards the whole network sending daily emails shuffled along with Do317 transitioning last week. Less than a week later, how's it looking?
  • The two metrics we monitor most in the transition to dailies are: 1) are we significantly increasing the unique number of subscribers that open or click at least one email per week and 2) are we seeing a higher rate of unsubscribes per email compared to weeklies. If it's yes to the former and no to the latter, then transition = success
  • In Do317's case, over the first 4 days of them sending daily emails, they've had 18.15% of their list open an email, with 4.18% of their subscribers clicking content. Compare that to all of 2016, where on average they averaged 11.47% of their list opening and 2.58% of their list clicking once per week. And that's not even with a full week of daily data.
  • And unsubscribes? They averaged 67 unsubscribes per campaign in dailies so far. In all of 2016, they averaged 75 unsubscribes per campaign. Unsubscribe rate (unique unsubs/opens) held steady at 0.988% on dailies, vs. 0.985% in all of 2016 on weeklies.
  • And just like that, Do317 had their highest week of traffic in the last 5+ months, thanks to a 156% increase in email traffic from the week prior.  
At this point, hopefully you've joined the majority of metros sending daily emails on the new template, as that's the biggest game changer. But the work doesn't end there. Then it's all aboutoptimizing your subject lines and including the content that drives the most engagement.

To help with that, we've built out a new doc that pulls in the content that's driven the most traffic via email in all of 2016 for any metro. This tab shows which types of pages account for what percentage of email traffic across the network. You'll notice that events make up the bulk of traffic (duh) and that giveaways make up the bulk of the event traffic.

However, on each subsequent tab you'll see that I've broken out each content category of email traffic by landing page, i.e. all of the events that received the most email traffic are here (note that Do512 has it's own column due to some logistical issues with the data). Or you can see that venue pages haven't traditionally driven a ton of traffic, though there are exceptions when big venues or summer concert series announce their calendars, like in this DoTheBay email or this DoLA email.

Long update today! But all important stuff to help you achieve email dominance. Got other ideas for growth/wins in your market? We're all ears. Otherwise, the usual stats suspects below: