Wednesday, January 8, 2014

RSVP Email Customization + Other Improvements

RSVP Email Customization

That special feature you've requested to change the text of RSVP confirmation emails is available!  Here are the options you now have for these emails:

1. Do not customize any text and the default email will send
2. Enter text in the "RSVP Email Text (old)" and it will add that to the end of the default text - so this works exactly as it has worked
3. Enter a new title in "Email Subject" and special message in "Email Text" to customize the email entirely

*If you enter a title in the "Email Subject" field ONLY --> the default text will still send in the body of the email with your original subject line
*If you enter a special message in the "Email Text" field ONLY --> the default subject line will send with your special message in the body

For new users, they will also receive the default confirmation of registration on DoXXX with any RSVP email customization. (We fixed the default subject that noted the user "Entered to WIN and registered!")

Here is some image guidance:

Woot! If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know either in comments here or by email.

Other Improvements

Here is a general update on some tweaks and bug fixes we have made since our last update:

1.  We experienced missing BUY buttons and strange text in place of the WIN button that we fixed ASAP yesterday
2. Rearranged the WIN button to appear at top/as the first button among the calls to action
3. Input Opt-In in the RSVP/Giveaway modal below notification of registration for DoXXX
4. Added a hover state to the RSVP/Win button when in the modal
5. The # of followers has been removed from user pages
6. Playlists play songs!

DoStuff Update

We will send one Friday after our Episode planning so you can know how your hearts have won us over and what we'll be working on E5!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

RSVP Email Customization + Other Improvements

RSVP Email Customization

That special feature you've requested to change the text of RSVP confirmation emails is available!  Here are the options you now have for these emails:

1. Do not customize any text and the default email will send
2. Enter text in the "RSVP Email Text (old)" and it will add that to the end of the default text - so this works exactly as it has worked
3. Enter a new title in "Email Subject" and special message in "Email Text" to customize the email entirely

*If you enter a title in the "Email Subject" field ONLY --> the default text will still send in the body of the email with your original subject line
*If you enter a special message in the "Email Text" field ONLY --> the default subject line will send with your special message in the body

For new users, they will also receive the default confirmation of registration on DoXXX with any RSVP email customization. (We fixed the default subject that noted the user "Entered to WIN and registered!")

Here is some image guidance:

Woot! If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know either in comments here or by email.

Other Improvements

Here is a general update on some tweaks and bug fixes we have made since our last update:

1.  We experienced missing BUY buttons and strange text in place of the WIN button that we fixed ASAP yesterday
2. Rearranged the WIN button to appear at top/as the first button among the calls to action
3. Input Opt-In in the RSVP/Giveaway modal below notification of registration for DoXXX
4. Added a hover state to the RSVP/Win button when in the modal
5. The # of followers has been removed from user pages
6. Playlists play songs!

DoStuff Update

We will send one Friday after our Episode planning so you can know how your hearts have won us over and what we'll be working on E5!