Thursday, April 17, 2014

Record Store Day!

Many of you all have been sharing awesome content around Record Store Day. The third Saturday of every April, this holiday drives thousands of fans and artists to more than 700 independently owned record stores across the country.  It's a huge opportunity to support your city’s record stores and the vinyl-heads that spend hours searching through crates looking for hidden gems.

We shared some info about it with you last year and wanted to follow up by showcasing some of your fellow Doers stellar ideas. 


They created this special page to explain the holiday and provide a guide (map and all!) for their fans:

To promote it, they included it in their Newsletter and Latest dropdown as well as Tweeted it. 


They published a blog post that gives advice on how to make the most out of the day and include their team member top picks for releases:

The post also links to their Record Store Day page. ALSO great, Do512 keeps a venues list up year round that showcases record stores in Austin (map included!)

Their promotion included their Newsletter and Latest dropdown. 


Their Record Store Day customized list also links to a page that showcases the official list of all releases.


  • 1. Take this opportunity to connect to a holiday relevant to your audience.
  • 2. LISTS are key! You can use them year to year to drive SEO. 
  • 3. Share your voice and get creative.
  • 4. Share your lists and posts via multiple channels: Latest dropdown, Featured Stuff, social...
If you have an awesome RSD feature or promotion to share (or anything awesome to share for that matter), DO! Because sharing is caring. Just send our way or comment below.


  1. Do615 was all over RSD...


Thoughts to share? DO!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Record Store Day!

Many of you all have been sharing awesome content around Record Store Day. The third Saturday of every April, this holiday drives thousands of fans and artists to more than 700 independently owned record stores across the country.  It's a huge opportunity to support your city’s record stores and the vinyl-heads that spend hours searching through crates looking for hidden gems.

We shared some info about it with you last year and wanted to follow up by showcasing some of your fellow Doers stellar ideas. 


They created this special page to explain the holiday and provide a guide (map and all!) for their fans:

To promote it, they included it in their Newsletter and Latest dropdown as well as Tweeted it. 


They published a blog post that gives advice on how to make the most out of the day and include their team member top picks for releases:

The post also links to their Record Store Day page. ALSO great, Do512 keeps a venues list up year round that showcases record stores in Austin (map included!)

Their promotion included their Newsletter and Latest dropdown. 


Their Record Store Day customized list also links to a page that showcases the official list of all releases.


  • 1. Take this opportunity to connect to a holiday relevant to your audience.
  • 2. LISTS are key! You can use them year to year to drive SEO. 
  • 3. Share your voice and get creative.
  • 4. Share your lists and posts via multiple channels: Latest dropdown, Featured Stuff, social...
If you have an awesome RSD feature or promotion to share (or anything awesome to share for that matter), DO! Because sharing is caring. Just send our way or comment below.


  1. Do615 was all over RSD...


Thoughts to share? DO!