#DEV has been killing it lately! Before we send out some Episode 6 project updates, we wanted to let you know some of the smaller features we've added and fixes we've made.
Event Ads
Repeating events were missing from your Featured Venues widget, but we've fixed this so that they show!
Ongoing Featured Event ads were ending at the start date of the event run. We made it so that they are live through the full run of the event.
FB/Free Fixes
For the time being, we have removed the Facebook pop-up share modal when users logged in via Facebook "Add" an event. There are some tweaks you all noticed that we will need to make before attempting again, such as being pulled back to the top of the page after exiting the modal.
Voting on an event with the Free user or checking an event as Free now automatically busts the user cache so that the event displays on the list immediately.
We also removed the "Free" added to the topline info on the event page because you all take care of that the majority of the time AND can make it look better.
Page Not Found?
Your error pages used to have errors. The search wouldn't work and users would have to navigate back to get off the page. Now search works on error pages and we've added your Featured Stuff links to direct users to not only working pages but also your BEST pages :)
Other Stuff
- Dates added to events in live search results
- Events with vanity URLs and user/lists with vanity URLs can now be edited on the front-end!
- Logging in on pages with vanity URLs will no longer lead to "page not found" errors but allow successful login.
- Venue maps will be determined by address input on the venue profile rather than latitude and longitude - because it just makes more sense!
- We added a cache bust for uploading a new Featured Event ad! One less time you have to use the cache busting button in your SASS editor.
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