Friday, July 18, 2014

What DoStuff's Doing: Welcome Do502, Do312's Pizzafied Punk Albums, and Front-end Updates

It's been a few weeks since out last Network Update and there's a lot to cover, so let's get right to it!

Product Updates

Big Front-end Rollout

This week saw a big rollout of some of the front-end features we’ve been working on the past few months.

In addition to the Artist Cards, Event Tags, and Latest page updates profiled here, yesterday’s rollout also added a sold-out button to the front-end edit tool and the inclusion of hours of operation to Venue Pages.

New Sold Out Button.png

El Meson Hours of Operation.png

If you haven't done so already, check out these new features on your site and let us know what you think.

What else? 

  • How Old is Your Audience? We've updated tracking on all sites so that you can now view the demographics and interests of your site visitors in Google Analytics (including whether or not your fans have been lying about their age). Find it under the "Audience" tab in your GA profile. 
  • Search Bar in New ECPs: New ECPs now have the same search functionality as your DoXXX site, nestled in the sticky navigation bar at the top: 

***Note: the search bar replaced the "Featured Venues" dropdown in ECPs, since this was the most logical area to embed the search bar for users. Featured Venue widgets will remain in the new ECP design.
  • Tastemaker Sorting Improved: new Tastemakers added to your site will appear at the bottom of your list of all Tastemakers (they used to appear at the top), and will move up to the top of the list based on most recent activity on the site. 
  • Start Poking Your Friends: we've changed how Facebook pulls in the data from your site when you're posting a link to your homepage. It used to pull your mobile logo; now it pulls your shiny full-sized logo. 

Tools to Help You Win

  • New Weekly KPI Report: Goodbye old weekly audience update form (and all that work), hello Weekly KPI Reports. Here’s a link to the How To doc so you can brush up before the first email goes out on Monday. 
  • New DSD Queue: The New DSD queue in Asana features colored tags and headers to help you figure out where your request stands. There is also now a Reference DSD queue to archive ideas that were passed up this time around. You can read more about how it works here
  • New Twitter Analytics: Twitter just launched a new Tweet Activity Dashboard that shows impressions and engagements for all of your Tweets. To get this data, you'll need to have a current account with Twitter ads, BUT this allows you to see metrics on both promoted and organic tweets. No need to pay to play. Just go to your Twitter Ads dashboard and look for the Analytics tab at the top.

Big Network Wins

Do312's 'Pizzafy' a Punk Album Contest

With nearly two weeks still to go until a winner is selected, Do312 has received over 140 entries to its Pizzafy a Punk Album Contest. Instead of just a normal ticket give-away for their upcoming Riot Fest, the team in Chicago came up with this fantastic way to engage their community.

People are noticing, too. This week the contest was Tweeted out to Riot Fest's 10,000 Twitter followers and was mentioned in a blog post by Brooklyn Vegan. Be sure to show Do312 some love and share this out, and let us know if you're running any similar contests in your metro!

What else?

  • Do416 + NXNE Lense: Do416 doubled its June traffic with their North by Northeast (NXNE) festival lense sponsored by Pemberton Music Festival. They also had their Events Recommended by Tastemakers promoted on the official NXNE site, providing a great example of cross-promotion with a festival partner.
  • Do206 KEXP ECP: Seattle’s landmark public radio station just launched its new events page powered by Do206! The page is built on the old ECP platform, but is still a huge win and continues the trend of adding top public radio stations as ECPs. Since launching, KEXP has accounted for a third of Do206's traffic, with 5,000 visits in less than a month. Reach out to your market's public radio station to start laying the groundwork for a traffic shot in the arm! 
  • Do312 Riot Fest Page: Stuart whipped up an awesome custom layout (complete with animated Ferris wheel) for Do312’s Riot Fest page. Wanting to try your hand at some sweet page customization? Check out our custom CSS documentation and give it a crack! 
  • Do512 and Do312 Killer Facebook Posts: Do512 scored 2,500 Likes and 150 Shares on this World Cup post, all adding up to a record-breaking organic reach of over 4 million! Do312 captured the doom and gloom of their market with this weather post, racking up 2,200 Likes, 2,600 Comments, and 920 Shares. The success of both of these mean you should always be looking for what is top of mind in your market, and surfacing it in creative ways on your social channels. 
  • DoLA Hits 100K: Be sure to congratulate our friends at DoLA for hitting the 100,000 registered users mark last week! But as Josh Feingold pointed out, with 3.9 million residents in the city of Los Angeles they have their sights set much higher. 
  • Do414 Page Redesign: Give our friends in Brew City a high five for at last transitioning to the redesigned site this month. 
  • Do312 Anniversary: Do312 celebrated their 4th birthday! 

NBD & Programs

Welcome Do502!

The DoStuff Network continues to grow and is now expanding into the Bluegrass State! DoStuff has teamed up with Jeffrey Smith from Crash Avenue and Lizi Hagan from Production Simple to bring Do502 to life.


Thanks to them, "bands" will now be added to "bourbon" and "bats" on the list of things synonymous with Louisville.

Do210 Graduates from Bootcamp!

The San Antonio crew joined us in Austin for training, and is now on the fast track to launching their site. They've already made strong headway on locking in venues, securing giveaways, and planning events for their community.

Keep an eye out for their site to go live in the upcoming days, as they're on their way to breaking the speed record for getting a DoSite up and running.

What else?

  • Future Folk: Halfway through the Future Folk Part of Earth Tour 2014, we’re seeing excellent turnout at all of the screenings. Plus, the FF BitTorrent Bundle has brought in over 1M pageviews, 620,000 downloads, and captured over 11,000 emails so far! 
  • Ballantine Ale Deal: New York signed a deal with Ballantine Ale, Pabst’s newest resurrected beer label that will be promoted within the metro. This deal was a renewal buy based on the success of the Lone Star program in Texas. 


If you have comments or feedback, or just want to give a shout out, let us know!

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Thoughts to share? DO!

Friday, July 18, 2014

What DoStuff's Doing: Welcome Do502, Do312's Pizzafied Punk Albums, and Front-end Updates

It's been a few weeks since out last Network Update and there's a lot to cover, so let's get right to it!

Product Updates

Big Front-end Rollout

This week saw a big rollout of some of the front-end features we’ve been working on the past few months.

In addition to the Artist Cards, Event Tags, and Latest page updates profiled here, yesterday’s rollout also added a sold-out button to the front-end edit tool and the inclusion of hours of operation to Venue Pages.

New Sold Out Button.png

El Meson Hours of Operation.png

If you haven't done so already, check out these new features on your site and let us know what you think.

What else? 

  • How Old is Your Audience? We've updated tracking on all sites so that you can now view the demographics and interests of your site visitors in Google Analytics (including whether or not your fans have been lying about their age). Find it under the "Audience" tab in your GA profile. 
  • Search Bar in New ECPs: New ECPs now have the same search functionality as your DoXXX site, nestled in the sticky navigation bar at the top: 

***Note: the search bar replaced the "Featured Venues" dropdown in ECPs, since this was the most logical area to embed the search bar for users. Featured Venue widgets will remain in the new ECP design.
  • Tastemaker Sorting Improved: new Tastemakers added to your site will appear at the bottom of your list of all Tastemakers (they used to appear at the top), and will move up to the top of the list based on most recent activity on the site. 
  • Start Poking Your Friends: we've changed how Facebook pulls in the data from your site when you're posting a link to your homepage. It used to pull your mobile logo; now it pulls your shiny full-sized logo. 

Tools to Help You Win

  • New Weekly KPI Report: Goodbye old weekly audience update form (and all that work), hello Weekly KPI Reports. Here’s a link to the How To doc so you can brush up before the first email goes out on Monday. 
  • New DSD Queue: The New DSD queue in Asana features colored tags and headers to help you figure out where your request stands. There is also now a Reference DSD queue to archive ideas that were passed up this time around. You can read more about how it works here
  • New Twitter Analytics: Twitter just launched a new Tweet Activity Dashboard that shows impressions and engagements for all of your Tweets. To get this data, you'll need to have a current account with Twitter ads, BUT this allows you to see metrics on both promoted and organic tweets. No need to pay to play. Just go to your Twitter Ads dashboard and look for the Analytics tab at the top.

Big Network Wins

Do312's 'Pizzafy' a Punk Album Contest

With nearly two weeks still to go until a winner is selected, Do312 has received over 140 entries to its Pizzafy a Punk Album Contest. Instead of just a normal ticket give-away for their upcoming Riot Fest, the team in Chicago came up with this fantastic way to engage their community.

People are noticing, too. This week the contest was Tweeted out to Riot Fest's 10,000 Twitter followers and was mentioned in a blog post by Brooklyn Vegan. Be sure to show Do312 some love and share this out, and let us know if you're running any similar contests in your metro!

What else?

  • Do416 + NXNE Lense: Do416 doubled its June traffic with their North by Northeast (NXNE) festival lense sponsored by Pemberton Music Festival. They also had their Events Recommended by Tastemakers promoted on the official NXNE site, providing a great example of cross-promotion with a festival partner.
  • Do206 KEXP ECP: Seattle’s landmark public radio station just launched its new events page powered by Do206! The page is built on the old ECP platform, but is still a huge win and continues the trend of adding top public radio stations as ECPs. Since launching, KEXP has accounted for a third of Do206's traffic, with 5,000 visits in less than a month. Reach out to your market's public radio station to start laying the groundwork for a traffic shot in the arm! 
  • Do312 Riot Fest Page: Stuart whipped up an awesome custom layout (complete with animated Ferris wheel) for Do312’s Riot Fest page. Wanting to try your hand at some sweet page customization? Check out our custom CSS documentation and give it a crack! 
  • Do512 and Do312 Killer Facebook Posts: Do512 scored 2,500 Likes and 150 Shares on this World Cup post, all adding up to a record-breaking organic reach of over 4 million! Do312 captured the doom and gloom of their market with this weather post, racking up 2,200 Likes, 2,600 Comments, and 920 Shares. The success of both of these mean you should always be looking for what is top of mind in your market, and surfacing it in creative ways on your social channels. 
  • DoLA Hits 100K: Be sure to congratulate our friends at DoLA for hitting the 100,000 registered users mark last week! But as Josh Feingold pointed out, with 3.9 million residents in the city of Los Angeles they have their sights set much higher. 
  • Do414 Page Redesign: Give our friends in Brew City a high five for at last transitioning to the redesigned site this month. 
  • Do312 Anniversary: Do312 celebrated their 4th birthday! 

NBD & Programs

Welcome Do502!

The DoStuff Network continues to grow and is now expanding into the Bluegrass State! DoStuff has teamed up with Jeffrey Smith from Crash Avenue and Lizi Hagan from Production Simple to bring Do502 to life.


Thanks to them, "bands" will now be added to "bourbon" and "bats" on the list of things synonymous with Louisville.

Do210 Graduates from Bootcamp!

The San Antonio crew joined us in Austin for training, and is now on the fast track to launching their site. They've already made strong headway on locking in venues, securing giveaways, and planning events for their community.

Keep an eye out for their site to go live in the upcoming days, as they're on their way to breaking the speed record for getting a DoSite up and running.

What else?

  • Future Folk: Halfway through the Future Folk Part of Earth Tour 2014, we’re seeing excellent turnout at all of the screenings. Plus, the FF BitTorrent Bundle has brought in over 1M pageviews, 620,000 downloads, and captured over 11,000 emails so far! 
  • Ballantine Ale Deal: New York signed a deal with Ballantine Ale, Pabst’s newest resurrected beer label that will be promoted within the metro. This deal was a renewal buy based on the success of the Lone Star program in Texas. 


If you have comments or feedback, or just want to give a shout out, let us know!

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Thoughts to share? DO!