New WYSIWYG Media Widget
The WYSIWYG editor we launched this spring to help you create better looking Event descriptions and editorial content just got a BIG TIME update.Now, with just a few clicks on the front-end you can embed Events, Venues, Artists, User pages, and more into the content on your site.
When we first built the WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get, or “wiz-ee-wig”) this spring, we modeled the features off of those on the Medium blogging platform. Medium is considered one of the best blogging sites on the web right now, and it’s in large part due to the simplicity of its editing tools.
We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on the WYSIWYG editor since May, but we decided we could go even farther to help you create great content on your site.
With the new “Plus Sign” widget in the left-hand margin, you can drop in rich media with just a few clicks -- including Event, Venue, Artist, and User cards, as well as photos, videos, and Flickr galleries.
Embedding Events In A Blog Post
A couple weeks ago, Do317 put up a post on their blog announcing the chance to win tickets to a big beer festival in Indy this weekend. It’s a great post, but readers have to click through to to find the Event page before they can enter to win or RSVP.
Using the new WYSIWYG Plus Sign, Do317 was able to draft that same blog post on a /p/ Page and embed the Event card directly under the title. When readers click on the card it expands to show the “WIN”, “BUY”, and “ADD” buttons.
No need to click through anymore -- reader’s can engage with the Event directly in the blog post. That means better conversions on your blog posts and happier partners (a.k.a. $$$).
If you scroll to the bottom of the post, you can see Do317 also embedded Venue cards for the local breweries that will be at the event. It’s a great way to support you local partners and encourage readers to visit more pages on your site.
The “Plus Sign”
To add cards and other media with the WYSIWYG editor, hover over the left margin while editing a /p/ Page or Event description until the Plus Sign appears. When you click on it, this menu appears:
- Upload photo from your computer
- Add photo via URL
- Embed YouTube video via URL
- Embed DoXXX Event card
- Embed DoXXX Venue card
- Embed DoXXX Artist card
- Embed DoXXX User card
- Add Flickr gallery via Flickr ID and Tag
We honestly cannot wait to see how you work these features into the content on your site. Besides creating new types of editorial on /p/ Pages, you can embed Event cards into an Event description to highlight future shows in a series, or embed User cards into an Event description to promote a Tastemaker that's hosting the event.
If you have any more ideas you’re looking to try, share them in the #general channel in Slack to see what others think.
Daily Rankings View in Radmin
Every once in a while, it's inevitable that the way the Popularity algorithm ranks Events on your site just doesn't look right to you. You will sometimes notice unimportant events (like a yoga class at the public library) topping a major touring Artist on your metro's front page.In the past you would have to do a bit of guess-and-check to manually alter an Event's Popularity, see if the change you wanted occurred on your site, and then maybe go back and try again.
Now with the Daily Rankings View in Radmin (that purple button in the top left corner), you can see how Events are being ranked and adjust the Popularity rating as necessary all in one place.
Remember, adjusting Popularity ratings should only be done if you think the ranking of content doesn't match your users' interests. If Justin Beiber is the top Event on a given day because he has the most fans, you just have to deal with it.
Update to Scraper Chat
For those that have used the new chat function to make comments on a scraper in Radmin, you may have made the unfortunate mistake of clicking 'OK' instead of 'send' and deleting your beautiful letter to our coder, Taro.To prevent that from happening anymore in the future, we just got rid of the 'OK' button. Problem solved.
Dupes No Longer Showing Up Repeatedly
When we made the switch from Admin to Radmin this summer, one of the biggest upgrades was the Duplicates ("Dupes") Queue. Instead of a long, confusing list of repetitive Events we made it possible to quickly sort through your queue to merge, edit, or delete Events that were flagged as dupes.The one thing that wasn't better is that Radmin was pulling in Events that had already been flagged as a duplicate. That meant you might see the same dupe come into your queue again and again.
The Dev team over here at DoStuff made some changes and Radmin should now recognize scraped Events that were already flagged as dupes and keep them from ever ending up in your queue. You will need to flush your dupes queue ("Flush All") for this to start working, but this shouldn't be a problem going forward.
If you still find that dupes are showing up repeatedly in the coming weeks, log the bug in the DSD Queue in Asana or contact support and we'll take a look.
That's all for now! Comment below or send DoStuff a message if you have any questions about these latest updates.
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