Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How You (and the netowk) Did Last Week - 6/15/15

Winner of the Week: Do312, Do416, and Do512! 

Friends, metros, countrymen - lens me this year.
A handful of metros take home the prize this week, thanks to several markets taking advantage of lenses to drive traffic and dollars.

A digest of some lens highlights around the network:
  • Do312: Chicago's Jack lens hit its traffic goal today, and continues to be a great example of content you can put together for brands. It joins Do312's rainbow lens (featured in their Deep Eddy guide to pride) in their portfolio of sold content.
  • Do416: Toronto keeps rolling on building out conference lenses with the end goal of getting them sponsored. Their current NXNE lens is sponsored by Car2Go, and their previous lens for CMW was their most popular piece of content since launch. All told, the CMW lens got 18K pageviewss, 10K of those to their tastemaker music guide.
  • Do512: The metro that started lenses (thanks to SXSW) is using a lens to host their Sound and Cinema series, and traffic to the S&C content is already up 141% from last year at this point. Just one more great lens to go along with things like SXSW and their X games lens.
If you look into the the past and future, you only get more examples of lens opportunities. DoTheBay launched five separate lenses when they transitioned away from Do415. Since then, their traffic to site has been up 92% compared to the year prior. And Do317 is hard at work building out lenses for their various neighborhoods, since they already have a presenting sponsor lined up.

The important thing to remember when building lenses is that they take a significant investment of time. So before going lens crazy, think about whether the lens will have a wide audience, andway more importantly, think about who will pay money to sponsor the content. The real advantage of lenses is that they afford you design flexibility and easy control of what ads appear where, which is a great recipe for tailoring content for a specific advertiser (see: Jack lens).

Check out your last week of stats, and start thinking if you can augment your audience and wallet with some lens action:

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How You (and the netowk) Did Last Week - 6/15/15

Winner of the Week: Do312, Do416, and Do512! 

Friends, metros, countrymen - lens me this year.
A handful of metros take home the prize this week, thanks to several markets taking advantage of lenses to drive traffic and dollars.

A digest of some lens highlights around the network:
  • Do312: Chicago's Jack lens hit its traffic goal today, and continues to be a great example of content you can put together for brands. It joins Do312's rainbow lens (featured in their Deep Eddy guide to pride) in their portfolio of sold content.
  • Do416: Toronto keeps rolling on building out conference lenses with the end goal of getting them sponsored. Their current NXNE lens is sponsored by Car2Go, and their previous lens for CMW was their most popular piece of content since launch. All told, the CMW lens got 18K pageviewss, 10K of those to their tastemaker music guide.
  • Do512: The metro that started lenses (thanks to SXSW) is using a lens to host their Sound and Cinema series, and traffic to the S&C content is already up 141% from last year at this point. Just one more great lens to go along with things like SXSW and their X games lens.
If you look into the the past and future, you only get more examples of lens opportunities. DoTheBay launched five separate lenses when they transitioned away from Do415. Since then, their traffic to site has been up 92% compared to the year prior. And Do317 is hard at work building out lenses for their various neighborhoods, since they already have a presenting sponsor lined up.

The important thing to remember when building lenses is that they take a significant investment of time. So before going lens crazy, think about whether the lens will have a wide audience, andway more importantly, think about who will pay money to sponsor the content. The real advantage of lenses is that they afford you design flexibility and easy control of what ads appear where, which is a great recipe for tailoring content for a specific advertiser (see: Jack lens).

Check out your last week of stats, and start thinking if you can augment your audience and wallet with some lens action:

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