In our continued efforts to showcase what's working around the network, we're debuting...
The Monthly Content Leaderboard
Every day, that spreadsheet scours the entire network and updates with the 100 highest traffic pages over the last 30 days. You'll find that data in three different categories, separated on their respective tabs:
The Monthly Content Leaderboard
Every day, that spreadsheet scours the entire network and updates with the 100 highest traffic pages over the last 30 days. You'll find that data in three different categories, separated on their respective tabs:
- Top Editorial: The top 100 /p/ and user pages by traffic over the last 30 days, with traffic broken out by channel.
- Top Events: The top 100 event pages by traffic over the last 30 days, with traffic broken out by channel.
- Top Other: The top 100 category/venue/artist by traffic over the last 30 days, with traffic broken out by channel.
Hopefully that helps with brainstorming content ideas, looking at what sort of big giveaways andRSVPs other markets are landing, and which ECPs are moving the needle. As always, we're more than happy to provide context or answer any questions as to why things are ranked how they are in the leaderboard.
We'll return to standard winners of the week next Monday, but why not check out all your stats goodness in the meantime?
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