Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New Features & Fixes: Facebook + Free + Ad Reports + TRUE DAT

No comments:
We just released a few important features and fixes that we are excited to share!

Facebook Share Prompt

When a user is logged into your site via Facebook and adds an event to his calendar, a popup share prompt for Facebook will appear. This is live across ALL of our sites so that your Facebook users can be sharing what they're doing and your site!

Still to come: share prompt after entering Giveaways or RSVPing.

Free Automated at Last

We have created a way to automate your Free list! Similar to your Guestlist and Top Picks users, your Free user will be set up to automatically vote on events that have "Free" checked with event creation, either in Admin (under the "Tickets" section) or on your site.

When Free is checked:

  • *The event will automatically be added to your Free list 
  • NOTE: We will be inputting a cache bust so that this happens automatically without you having to bust the user cache.
  • *A tag similar to your "EVERY DAY" that reads "FREE" will show on the event card in your listing pages
  • *"Free" will be added to the topline info on the event page

We will add the Free user ID to automate this for you UNLESS you choose to omit the automatic addition to the list. In which case, the check would simply add the tag and topline info.

Ad Reports

  • 1. We input a section on "How To Read This Report" at the top of all ad reports so that instead of "Coming Soon," your metrics are defined.
  • 2. We also added text to each section for clarification about the stats!
  • 3. We removed the option to pull ad reports from events pages in Admin because these were no longer applicable.

Other Notable Fixes

  1. Similar to the "Free" tag and topline info change explained above, "Sold Out" will now appear in a tag on listing pages and in topline info instead of in a button
  2. In the Artist Creation form, "Title" now reads "Artist Name"
  3. Error pages on the new ECP have been improved
  4. New ECPs were showing dates on event cards, which was unnecessary and has been removed
  5. This morning the date field for future events was reading "TRUE," which was also keeping selected future date listing pages from showing. This was not a Ram Dass inspired comment on the nature of time and reality. It has been fixed!

Ram Dass: Thought of the NOW

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Record Store Day!

Many of you all have been sharing awesome content around Record Store Day. The third Saturday of every April, this holiday drives thousands of fans and artists to more than 700 independently owned record stores across the country.  It's a huge opportunity to support your city’s record stores and the vinyl-heads that spend hours searching through crates looking for hidden gems.

We shared some info about it with you last year and wanted to follow up by showcasing some of your fellow Doers stellar ideas. 


They created this special page to explain the holiday and provide a guide (map and all!) for their fans:

To promote it, they included it in their Newsletter and Latest dropdown as well as Tweeted it. 


They published a blog post that gives advice on how to make the most out of the day and include their team member top picks for releases:

The post also links to their Record Store Day page. ALSO great, Do512 keeps a venues list up year round that showcases record stores in Austin (map included!)

Their promotion included their Newsletter and Latest dropdown. 


Their Record Store Day customized list also links to a page that showcases the official list of all releases.


  • 1. Take this opportunity to connect to a holiday relevant to your audience.
  • 2. LISTS are key! You can use them year to year to drive SEO. 
  • 3. Share your voice and get creative.
  • 4. Share your lists and posts via multiple channels: Latest dropdown, Featured Stuff, social...
If you have an awesome RSD feature or promotion to share (or anything awesome to share for that matter), DO! Because sharing is caring. Just send our way or comment below.

Read More

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What DoStuff's Doing: E5 ending! So much happening!

T-MINUS 2 weeks until the end of E5 for us at DoStuff! There is LOTS happening as we push to GTD. Progress made includes improvements to ad reporting and ECPs/lenses, new LearnStuff stuff, goal calls, new metro and brand partnership developments, your awesome growth, and our internal growth!

So read on for more details about what's going on.

Product Improvements

Mark these DONE:
  1. 1. The date range for ad reporting has been fixed so that year designation works. 
  2. 2. Ad reports will no longer distinguish between ECP and site stats so that traffic is shown holistically.
  3. 3. New registrations via new ECPs will now only receive 1 confirmation email
  4. 4. The registration email for new ECPs is now customizable
  5. 5. We fixed a bug that was causing ongoing events set in the future to show under "Today" on ECPs
  6. 6. The "View More" option for search results has been fixed to actually show more results!
  7. 7. Venue info, such as phone number and hours, now displays on venue pages. Now your users can get all the info they need about a venue (an image, a list of shows, an address with a map view, a number, etc.) on your site! 
  8. 8. Featured Event ad upload now became easier because we enlarged the file size accepted
  9. 9. The bug preventing Featured Venue widgets from showing more than 10 events has been fixed, they once again display ALL events listed at the displayed venue
  10. 10. We relocated the middle brand ad to below the 4th event for each page load to increase its value to your partners
  11. 12. Users set to autovote will no longer display in your RSVP lists and the Giveaways winner selection modal so that they don't clutter your RSVP and opt-ins list
  12. 13. Cache busting has been implemented for additional changes made to RSVPs/Giveaways via the modal. One more thing you'll no longer need to bust a cache for!
  13. 14. We fixed a bug so that the event page meta text (what displays in the browser bar or tab) correctly displays the full event title

What to look forward to:
  1. 1. A prompt to share an event via FB after adding it to personal calendar, RSVPing, or entering a Giveaway
  2. 2. The ability to "unvote" on an event in Admin
  3. 3. Improvement to the quality of brand ad appearance
  4. 4. An automated process for new ECP requests!
Thank you all for your continual contributions to the DSD que, from making us aware of bugs to making needed feature requests and hearting them up!

New Lenseeees

Not just new ECPs. On deck, we have the first implementation of targeted event listings via lenses. One of the first will be rainbow.do312.com - the gay/LGBTQ/PC-way-of-saying-contrary-to-heteronormativity that we have cited as a prime example whenever discussing the value of lenses for appealing to different audiences. This is going to be a game-changer for your editorial voice and list building. Much like with the new ECPs, we're working closely with several of you to build out the first few lenses. This way we can knock out kinks and fine tune the process as best we can. Once that's complete, we'll roll out to everyone.


The Lolla Flyaway is running and you all have expressed happiness with the positive impact it's having. Tastemakers are being organized in a few cities for another minor program with Nokia. Do512 ran a successful event for Macallan earlier this month.

LearnStuff Hours and Articles

This past week, we held a kickoff call for goal setting and tracking with you all in two groups. Thanks for your participation! Success is not possible without defining it in the first place, which is why goals are so important (Hint: If you haven't done yours yet, DO!) We'll continue with a monthly call in smaller groups of 2-3 cities and quarterly larger group calls. Woot!

We're building out all kinds of guidance for our new LearnStuff platform, set to be debuted soon! We've made progress on sales and pricing guidance as well as Tastemaker program guidance. Check you all out:

New Metros and Brands

San Antonio - Do210 -  is signed! Third time's a charm. We had a kickoff call with them the other day to get them set on the search for the perfect team. Know anyone in San Antonio? Feel free to share their job postings.

Active new metro discussions include: Las Vegas and Louisville! Vancouver and Miami! Cleveland and Charlottesville... So much diversity and so much coming!

Big brand discussions continue with lots of liquor brands: Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, to name a few.

Network News & Wins

Do415's team is getting a change-up! Dawson will be taking over as their Managing Partner, and they will be hiring a new GM. To set the foundation for their team, they may attend our next Bootcamp in May! Always an option for current cities to attend Bootcamp when there is room for a refresher or reboot.

HazDF is killing it with ECP traffic! The week that their LifeBoxSet calendar launched, it received 10,000 views - dectupling (x10?) their traffic. WHOA. Part of the success was their collaborative effort with LBS to launch the ECP by spreading la palabra. A review of this to come in new LearnStuff.

Do416 celebrated 4/16 today in a newsletter filled with special offers to their fans! A great idea for all our sites (minus the numberless ones). Check it out:

PARTAY with PABST! Do214 has planned an awesome launch party on 4/27, sponsored by Pabst.

Do312 is promoting Record Store Day via a customized list, as many of you are, and a link to a page that showcases the official list of all releases.

More RECORD STORE DAY promotions here!

Do317 also promoted Record Store Day in their most recent newsletter. Check out the awesome template that we built with them! It's taken some work to get right, but we will be customizing new templates for everyone in order to a) give everyone something awesome and b) streamline the process of ad input in newsletters.

Festivals! Do206 helped launch Capitol Hill Block PartydoNYC launched the Hudson Project lineupSpring Awakening launched their lineup in partnership with Do312Do415 launched the lineup for Outside Lands.

Finally, maybe our network didn't get to share an interview Arcade Fire. BUT doNYC did get an interview with Scott Stapp. And yes, they're serious.

DoStuff Stuff

As we close out our E5, we are working to streamline out internal communication and are now holding regular Friday afternoon meetings that include beer and bocce (of course). We're also thinking of starting a band because we already have the album art:
Photography courtesy of Justin and Google Hangout

We celebrated 2 birthdays last week: Kirk, Dev Master of the Do-niverse, and Justin, the Legend of DoStuff, both completed another circle around the sun!
Because who doesn't love a fiery unicorn birthday gif?
Hope everyone is enjoying spring! (Sorry Chicago...) Look for our E5 recap/E6 preview next update.

Comments of suggestions, please send our way!

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What DoStuff's Doing: New Improvements and Movements

These past few weeks, we've made progress on all fronts. Read on for news of product improvements, ECPs, fests, NBD plans, and all that is new in the network!

Product Improvements

We have been pushing through refinements to our increasingly streamlined metro platform. Upgrades include:

  • 1. The list of all Tastemakers page now displays the appropriate Tastemaker icon and include a few lines of description:
  • 2. Sort by popularity now works better for user/list pages
  • 3. When a user follows an artist or venue, the follow count upticks immediately 
  • 4. Artist and venue follow works on mobile!
  • 5. Artist and venues now have a minimum popularity of 1 to ensure they show in search results
  • 6. Artist popularity was recalibrated to increase the accuracy of search results
  • 7. Featured Event ads work for repeating events!
  • 8. We've increased the file size for Featured Event ad uploads to lessen errors
  • 9. Permalinks saving with accents to lead to error pages will no longer be an issue!
  • 10. META tags have been added for Twitter
  • 11. We removed the "Add" button from past events on listing and event pages
  • 12. The SASS editor will include what went wrong in any error messages to make it easier to work within the designer
  • 13. Got a large number of events to add manually? You can now input them via a spreadsheet


The long-awaited Guestlist App is in a testable state. We are making improvements and soon you'll be able to offer your partners this nifty feature.

New ECPs

The functionality and customizability of our new ECPs is getting better and better! And you all are getting more and more onboard. Check out some new examples:
HazDF - Sopitas
Do312 - Chicago Underground Film Fest

You can also check out LifeBoxset and Star Events, powered by HazDF and Do312 respectively. Do317 has their first in the que and KCRW is stoked to switch over!


Did someone order pizza? Scott and Kristin got to virtually hang with Do317 users who were lured by pizza, beer, and sheer devotion to discuss their sites and give feedback. More pizza and beer hangs to come so we can connect with your fans and ensure we're building a product they love. If you haven't started setting one up in your market, please do so! Do317 enjoyed it so much they are going to keep it up and invite users to come by more regularly.

The Lolla Fest Flyaway is off to a flying start! You all have been keeping up with ads and social to make the campaign a success.

Page by page progress is happening both on our New Managing Partner site, which will help onboard new metros, and LearnStuff for all current support documentation. We are closing in on flipping the switch from old HelpDesk...

News on Newbies

Do206 threw a killer karaoke invite-only launch party sponsored by Pabst. In attendance were the Superbowl trophy and a giant bunny, who sadly was decapitated later in the night. For full coverage, check out pics and more party pics!

A girl, a viking, and a GM
Live at last: Do214! With their new GM getting up to speed fast, Do214 launched the other week. If you didn't get it, check out their newsletter debut:

Last Thursday, Do416 also went live and announced itself to TO and the world. They had a super organized social media blitz with an Influencer (Tastemaker/All-Star/Family Member) announced each day leading up to their launch and an ECP announced each hour after noon the day of their launch.

Show your new partners some love, and the rest of the world how big our network is growing, by sharing the news on your social channels. Like how Do312 gave Do416 a shout out!

Do415 has a new team member! Dylan will be their new Content Manager and Carmen will be moving into account management.

New Metros. New Brands. New Biz.

Last week, we had a post-SX review and SX 2015 planning session with many of you. Get excited for a bigger blowout that our whole metros organize together next year!

New metros are coming! We are gaining momentum with cities such as San AntonioMinneapolis, LouisvilleMiami, Portland(s), and more...

Brand sales updates include traction with Anheuser-Busch and a potential partnership with Healthcare.Gov. Other brand potentials: Taxi MagicLive NationT-Mobile...

Festival Fun

GovBall had an early launch this week that went smoothly!

Other smooth fest launches:
Hudson Project

DoStuff Stuff

If you haven't seen them, be sure to check out our initial DoStuff homegrown marketing pushes with this article by Rick Webb on why he <3s DoStuff and our network SX success story.

Other than enjoying the 80-degree weather here in Austin by throwing bocce, beer, and popchip parties on the daily, we will be cranking hard to finish our E5 strong. We'll keep you posted on our progress.

Please reach out with any questions, thoughts, or shares. 

Happy April!

Read More

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New Features & Fixes: Facebook + Free + Ad Reports + TRUE DAT

We just released a few important features and fixes that we are excited to share!

Facebook Share Prompt

When a user is logged into your site via Facebook and adds an event to his calendar, a popup share prompt for Facebook will appear. This is live across ALL of our sites so that your Facebook users can be sharing what they're doing and your site!

Still to come: share prompt after entering Giveaways or RSVPing.

Free Automated at Last

We have created a way to automate your Free list! Similar to your Guestlist and Top Picks users, your Free user will be set up to automatically vote on events that have "Free" checked with event creation, either in Admin (under the "Tickets" section) or on your site.

When Free is checked:

  • *The event will automatically be added to your Free list 
  • NOTE: We will be inputting a cache bust so that this happens automatically without you having to bust the user cache.
  • *A tag similar to your "EVERY DAY" that reads "FREE" will show on the event card in your listing pages
  • *"Free" will be added to the topline info on the event page

We will add the Free user ID to automate this for you UNLESS you choose to omit the automatic addition to the list. In which case, the check would simply add the tag and topline info.

Ad Reports

  • 1. We input a section on "How To Read This Report" at the top of all ad reports so that instead of "Coming Soon," your metrics are defined.
  • 2. We also added text to each section for clarification about the stats!
  • 3. We removed the option to pull ad reports from events pages in Admin because these were no longer applicable.

Other Notable Fixes

  1. Similar to the "Free" tag and topline info change explained above, "Sold Out" will now appear in a tag on listing pages and in topline info instead of in a button
  2. In the Artist Creation form, "Title" now reads "Artist Name"
  3. Error pages on the new ECP have been improved
  4. New ECPs were showing dates on event cards, which was unnecessary and has been removed
  5. This morning the date field for future events was reading "TRUE," which was also keeping selected future date listing pages from showing. This was not a Ram Dass inspired comment on the nature of time and reality. It has been fixed!

Ram Dass: Thought of the NOW

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Record Store Day!

Many of you all have been sharing awesome content around Record Store Day. The third Saturday of every April, this holiday drives thousands of fans and artists to more than 700 independently owned record stores across the country.  It's a huge opportunity to support your city’s record stores and the vinyl-heads that spend hours searching through crates looking for hidden gems.

We shared some info about it with you last year and wanted to follow up by showcasing some of your fellow Doers stellar ideas. 


They created this special page to explain the holiday and provide a guide (map and all!) for their fans:

To promote it, they included it in their Newsletter and Latest dropdown as well as Tweeted it. 


They published a blog post that gives advice on how to make the most out of the day and include their team member top picks for releases:

The post also links to their Record Store Day page. ALSO great, Do512 keeps a venues list up year round that showcases record stores in Austin (map included!)

Their promotion included their Newsletter and Latest dropdown. 


Their Record Store Day customized list also links to a page that showcases the official list of all releases.


  • 1. Take this opportunity to connect to a holiday relevant to your audience.
  • 2. LISTS are key! You can use them year to year to drive SEO. 
  • 3. Share your voice and get creative.
  • 4. Share your lists and posts via multiple channels: Latest dropdown, Featured Stuff, social...
If you have an awesome RSD feature or promotion to share (or anything awesome to share for that matter), DO! Because sharing is caring. Just send our way or comment below.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What DoStuff's Doing: E5 ending! So much happening!

T-MINUS 2 weeks until the end of E5 for us at DoStuff! There is LOTS happening as we push to GTD. Progress made includes improvements to ad reporting and ECPs/lenses, new LearnStuff stuff, goal calls, new metro and brand partnership developments, your awesome growth, and our internal growth!

So read on for more details about what's going on.

Product Improvements

Mark these DONE:
  1. 1. The date range for ad reporting has been fixed so that year designation works. 
  2. 2. Ad reports will no longer distinguish between ECP and site stats so that traffic is shown holistically.
  3. 3. New registrations via new ECPs will now only receive 1 confirmation email
  4. 4. The registration email for new ECPs is now customizable
  5. 5. We fixed a bug that was causing ongoing events set in the future to show under "Today" on ECPs
  6. 6. The "View More" option for search results has been fixed to actually show more results!
  7. 7. Venue info, such as phone number and hours, now displays on venue pages. Now your users can get all the info they need about a venue (an image, a list of shows, an address with a map view, a number, etc.) on your site! 
  8. 8. Featured Event ad upload now became easier because we enlarged the file size accepted
  9. 9. The bug preventing Featured Venue widgets from showing more than 10 events has been fixed, they once again display ALL events listed at the displayed venue
  10. 10. We relocated the middle brand ad to below the 4th event for each page load to increase its value to your partners
  11. 12. Users set to autovote will no longer display in your RSVP lists and the Giveaways winner selection modal so that they don't clutter your RSVP and opt-ins list
  12. 13. Cache busting has been implemented for additional changes made to RSVPs/Giveaways via the modal. One more thing you'll no longer need to bust a cache for!
  13. 14. We fixed a bug so that the event page meta text (what displays in the browser bar or tab) correctly displays the full event title

What to look forward to:
  1. 1. A prompt to share an event via FB after adding it to personal calendar, RSVPing, or entering a Giveaway
  2. 2. The ability to "unvote" on an event in Admin
  3. 3. Improvement to the quality of brand ad appearance
  4. 4. An automated process for new ECP requests!
Thank you all for your continual contributions to the DSD que, from making us aware of bugs to making needed feature requests and hearting them up!

New Lenseeees

Not just new ECPs. On deck, we have the first implementation of targeted event listings via lenses. One of the first will be rainbow.do312.com - the gay/LGBTQ/PC-way-of-saying-contrary-to-heteronormativity that we have cited as a prime example whenever discussing the value of lenses for appealing to different audiences. This is going to be a game-changer for your editorial voice and list building. Much like with the new ECPs, we're working closely with several of you to build out the first few lenses. This way we can knock out kinks and fine tune the process as best we can. Once that's complete, we'll roll out to everyone.


The Lolla Flyaway is running and you all have expressed happiness with the positive impact it's having. Tastemakers are being organized in a few cities for another minor program with Nokia. Do512 ran a successful event for Macallan earlier this month.

LearnStuff Hours and Articles

This past week, we held a kickoff call for goal setting and tracking with you all in two groups. Thanks for your participation! Success is not possible without defining it in the first place, which is why goals are so important (Hint: If you haven't done yours yet, DO!) We'll continue with a monthly call in smaller groups of 2-3 cities and quarterly larger group calls. Woot!

We're building out all kinds of guidance for our new LearnStuff platform, set to be debuted soon! We've made progress on sales and pricing guidance as well as Tastemaker program guidance. Check you all out:

New Metros and Brands

San Antonio - Do210 -  is signed! Third time's a charm. We had a kickoff call with them the other day to get them set on the search for the perfect team. Know anyone in San Antonio? Feel free to share their job postings.

Active new metro discussions include: Las Vegas and Louisville! Vancouver and Miami! Cleveland and Charlottesville... So much diversity and so much coming!

Big brand discussions continue with lots of liquor brands: Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, to name a few.

Network News & Wins

Do415's team is getting a change-up! Dawson will be taking over as their Managing Partner, and they will be hiring a new GM. To set the foundation for their team, they may attend our next Bootcamp in May! Always an option for current cities to attend Bootcamp when there is room for a refresher or reboot.

HazDF is killing it with ECP traffic! The week that their LifeBoxSet calendar launched, it received 10,000 views - dectupling (x10?) their traffic. WHOA. Part of the success was their collaborative effort with LBS to launch the ECP by spreading la palabra. A review of this to come in new LearnStuff.

Do416 celebrated 4/16 today in a newsletter filled with special offers to their fans! A great idea for all our sites (minus the numberless ones). Check it out:

PARTAY with PABST! Do214 has planned an awesome launch party on 4/27, sponsored by Pabst.

Do312 is promoting Record Store Day via a customized list, as many of you are, and a link to a page that showcases the official list of all releases.

More RECORD STORE DAY promotions here!

Do317 also promoted Record Store Day in their most recent newsletter. Check out the awesome template that we built with them! It's taken some work to get right, but we will be customizing new templates for everyone in order to a) give everyone something awesome and b) streamline the process of ad input in newsletters.

Festivals! Do206 helped launch Capitol Hill Block PartydoNYC launched the Hudson Project lineupSpring Awakening launched their lineup in partnership with Do312Do415 launched the lineup for Outside Lands.

Finally, maybe our network didn't get to share an interview Arcade Fire. BUT doNYC did get an interview with Scott Stapp. And yes, they're serious.

DoStuff Stuff

As we close out our E5, we are working to streamline out internal communication and are now holding regular Friday afternoon meetings that include beer and bocce (of course). We're also thinking of starting a band because we already have the album art:
Photography courtesy of Justin and Google Hangout

We celebrated 2 birthdays last week: Kirk, Dev Master of the Do-niverse, and Justin, the Legend of DoStuff, both completed another circle around the sun!
Because who doesn't love a fiery unicorn birthday gif?
Hope everyone is enjoying spring! (Sorry Chicago...) Look for our E5 recap/E6 preview next update.

Comments of suggestions, please send our way!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What DoStuff's Doing: New Improvements and Movements

These past few weeks, we've made progress on all fronts. Read on for news of product improvements, ECPs, fests, NBD plans, and all that is new in the network!

Product Improvements

We have been pushing through refinements to our increasingly streamlined metro platform. Upgrades include:

  • 1. The list of all Tastemakers page now displays the appropriate Tastemaker icon and include a few lines of description:
  • 2. Sort by popularity now works better for user/list pages
  • 3. When a user follows an artist or venue, the follow count upticks immediately 
  • 4. Artist and venue follow works on mobile!
  • 5. Artist and venues now have a minimum popularity of 1 to ensure they show in search results
  • 6. Artist popularity was recalibrated to increase the accuracy of search results
  • 7. Featured Event ads work for repeating events!
  • 8. We've increased the file size for Featured Event ad uploads to lessen errors
  • 9. Permalinks saving with accents to lead to error pages will no longer be an issue!
  • 10. META tags have been added for Twitter
  • 11. We removed the "Add" button from past events on listing and event pages
  • 12. The SASS editor will include what went wrong in any error messages to make it easier to work within the designer
  • 13. Got a large number of events to add manually? You can now input them via a spreadsheet


The long-awaited Guestlist App is in a testable state. We are making improvements and soon you'll be able to offer your partners this nifty feature.

New ECPs

The functionality and customizability of our new ECPs is getting better and better! And you all are getting more and more onboard. Check out some new examples:
HazDF - Sopitas
Do312 - Chicago Underground Film Fest

You can also check out LifeBoxset and Star Events, powered by HazDF and Do312 respectively. Do317 has their first in the que and KCRW is stoked to switch over!


Did someone order pizza? Scott and Kristin got to virtually hang with Do317 users who were lured by pizza, beer, and sheer devotion to discuss their sites and give feedback. More pizza and beer hangs to come so we can connect with your fans and ensure we're building a product they love. If you haven't started setting one up in your market, please do so! Do317 enjoyed it so much they are going to keep it up and invite users to come by more regularly.

The Lolla Fest Flyaway is off to a flying start! You all have been keeping up with ads and social to make the campaign a success.

Page by page progress is happening both on our New Managing Partner site, which will help onboard new metros, and LearnStuff for all current support documentation. We are closing in on flipping the switch from old HelpDesk...

News on Newbies

Do206 threw a killer karaoke invite-only launch party sponsored by Pabst. In attendance were the Superbowl trophy and a giant bunny, who sadly was decapitated later in the night. For full coverage, check out pics and more party pics!

A girl, a viking, and a GM
Live at last: Do214! With their new GM getting up to speed fast, Do214 launched the other week. If you didn't get it, check out their newsletter debut:

Last Thursday, Do416 also went live and announced itself to TO and the world. They had a super organized social media blitz with an Influencer (Tastemaker/All-Star/Family Member) announced each day leading up to their launch and an ECP announced each hour after noon the day of their launch.

Show your new partners some love, and the rest of the world how big our network is growing, by sharing the news on your social channels. Like how Do312 gave Do416 a shout out!

Do415 has a new team member! Dylan will be their new Content Manager and Carmen will be moving into account management.

New Metros. New Brands. New Biz.

Last week, we had a post-SX review and SX 2015 planning session with many of you. Get excited for a bigger blowout that our whole metros organize together next year!

New metros are coming! We are gaining momentum with cities such as San AntonioMinneapolis, LouisvilleMiami, Portland(s), and more...

Brand sales updates include traction with Anheuser-Busch and a potential partnership with Healthcare.Gov. Other brand potentials: Taxi MagicLive NationT-Mobile...

Festival Fun

GovBall had an early launch this week that went smoothly!

Other smooth fest launches:
Hudson Project

DoStuff Stuff

If you haven't seen them, be sure to check out our initial DoStuff homegrown marketing pushes with this article by Rick Webb on why he <3s DoStuff and our network SX success story.

Other than enjoying the 80-degree weather here in Austin by throwing bocce, beer, and popchip parties on the daily, we will be cranking hard to finish our E5 strong. We'll keep you posted on our progress.

Please reach out with any questions, thoughts, or shares. 

Happy April!