An accurate, updated, and aesthetically pleasing front page is just as awesome as it is attainable. Follow these steps to perfect the most immediately visible portions of your metro’s front pages in under an hour. The more frequently you complete the process, the quicker it becomes!
Have a question? Check the ‘FAQ / Answers' section at the bottom of the page.
How To Perfect Your Front Pages In One Hour
- Set yourself up for success.
- A second monitor is highly recommended.
- A slammin’ Spotify playlist is too.
- Clean off your desktop.
- Quit all unnecessary programs.
- Close all of your windows except for one.
- Log on to your metro’s site.
- Make sure you’re using an account that has ‘Manager’ permissions.
- Head to your home page.
- Check your Leaderboard, Brand and Listings ads.
- Are all ads displaying correctly?
- Does anything look stretched or pixelated?
- Check your ‘Latest.’
- Click ‘View All Latest’
- Scan through the first page of Latest Entries
- Are there any duplicate posts? Misspellings?
- Are all of covers relevant, text-free and low contrast?
- Do all the tags make sense?
- Should anything be posted to ‘Latest’ that hasn't yet been?
- Check your Search Bar.
- Is your search suggestion still relevant?
- Can you update the suggestion to something more timely?
- Click into the ‘Search’ field.
- Are any of your Featured Stuff outdated?
- Is there anything that you should add to Featured Stuff?
- Do any of the featured Tastemakers have strange display names?
- Scan through today’s event listings.
- Check for event listings in need of the human touch.
- Do all the events make sense?
- Do all of the lineups seem like they’re updated?
- Are there any duplicate events?
- Are there any lame or off-brand events?
- Are there ‘Buy’ links present (when applicable)?
- Are there any shows that seem like they should be sold out that aren’t marked as such?
- Are all of the cover photos text-free?
- Are there any misspellings or strange / redundant top lines?
- Open each substandard event in a new tab (on the same window) - but don’t address right away.
- Continue working down the event listings until you’ve hit the ‘View More’ button.
- One by one, click into each window and address the elements of the event listing that need to be improved.
- Questionable lineup? Open the ticket link in a new window to double-check.
- Subpar photo? Use a separate window to locate an ideal image.
- Once you find said image, drag it your desktop.
- Upload the image to the event page.
- Make sure you keep your computer’s ‘Open File’ popup modal sorted by ‘Date Added’ (in descending order) by default.
- That way, you know the most recently added image will always be on top and you don’t have to spend time digging for it.
- Continue this process until all additional windows have been closed.
- Switch to ‘Tomorrow’ and repeat the process.
- Continue the process for six days into the future.
- Check your site’s footer.
- Are all of your Featured Event ads displaying correctly?
- Are any ads stretched or pixelated?
- Are there any outdated links in your footer?
- Are all of your social links present and working?
- Check your category navigation and click into each category.
- Is every category displaying more than 10 events (on a given day)?
- If not, consider either displaying all upcoming events within the category (see FAQ for instructions) or just removing the category.
Celebrate! You’ve finished. You now have a magnificent looking website.
FAQ / Answers
How often should I update Latest?
You should update your Latest section whenever you or a member of your team produces a piece of content that you are proud of. This can include (but is not limited to):
- A new list (or an updated evergreen list such as ‘Top Picks,’ ‘Free Shows’ or ‘Just Announced’)
- A new /p page
- An awesome new giveaway or RSVP offer
- A doXYZ-presented event announcement
Should I delete Latest entries?
No. Latest entries should never be deleted. Rather, newer updates should push older Latest posts down the list. Your Latest section should read like a blog feed and tell the ‘story’ of all your metro’s key cultural happenings throughout the year.
How do I update my Search Suggestions or Featured Stuff?
Navigate to Radmin -> Content (on the left sidebar) -> Words
How do I edit a Shortcut?
Navigate to Radmin -> Content (on the left sidebar) -> Shortcuts. When editing a shortcut:
- Check ‘Display?’ to include the shortcut on your site’s shortcut navigation bar
- Check ‘Show Ongoing?’ to have the shortcut include ongoing events
- Check ‘Show Upcoming’ to have the shortcut display upcoming events immediately below the given day’s events (highly recommended for shortcuts with less than 10 events per day)
How do exclude a certain category’s events from my front page?
Navigate to Radmin -> Content (on the left sidebar) -> Shortcuts and find your metro’s default (home page) shortcut (it’s frequently titled ‘What to do’). Edit the Shortcut to ‘exclude’ events from any unwanted categories.
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