Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Product Update: New iOS Build Coming... With The Feed!

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Our Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week. Here's what's happening:

'Tis the season for wrapping major dev projects. Hats off to those dudes for finishing some BIG STUFF.

The Feed Emerges In iOS

We'll be releasing a new build of the iOS app tomorrow morning. This build will offer the first glance at one of the year's biggest projects, the Feed.

The feed is a personalized content stream that features show announcements by artists, users and venues that you follow - as well as all of the metro's mobile Latest posts.

To make way for the Feed, we'll be moving the app's type-ahead search and Featured Places to the Discover screen...

... while the Do and Me tabs will remain unchanged.

Feed Content

The recently-added ability for new users to sync their Spotify and Facebook accounts to auto-follow artists and venues on our sites will help populate these users' personal Feeds with the content they're most interested in.

We've also started auto-following the Top Picks and Giveaways lists for all new users so that they'll have some awesome lists to peruse in their feed (and to drive engagement with these lists). 

Please make sure your Top Picks looks beyond awesome and that you're always adding the best events in your city to the list as you add them to your site - especially since more people are now going to see this feature than ever before. 

What about Android and Desktop?

Our plan is to release the Feed on desktop (to replace Latest) within the next month. We'll have much more on that coming soon - and Android will be arriving shortly after Desktop.

The version of the Feed that you will see in the next app build is just the first version. We'll be iterating on its functionality after seeing it in the real world and capturing feedback from metros and advertisers. We already have a number of additional features that we're planning to build and test soon, such as the ability to pin a Latest post to the top of the Feed.

What else is coming down the app pipeline?

Even more exciting news! The impending iOS build will allow us to test push notifications on small segments of users. Please don't sell or promise any push notification campaigns just yet - but please do stand by for further instructions here. We'll likely be reaching out to multiple metros to help us test these out - and will keep everyone posted with the results.

We're also currently testing onboarding links for existing users that will automatically log these users into their accounts when clicked - and will allow them to sync up their Spotify and Facebook accounts via our new onboarding process.

Many metros have also asked about beacons and location-based functionality within the app. These features will be ready for testing in the next build (after this one) - which should arrive within three weeks.

On this note, our developers are fired up by all of our progress and are planning to release a new iOS build every two weeks going forward. This will help us continuously improve the product and address bugs more quickly than before.

We'll shoot a quick follow-up to the network the moment the new iOS build is available. We can't wait for you to check it out!

A Quick Request From Our Data Team

Want better data on your newsletters' performance? If so, we ask that you please pick a standard format for your newsletter campaign names in MailChimp and stick with it.

Why? DoStuff does a lot of automation to pull in your email data for things like the Weekly KPI report and monthly goal tracking. Having wording in your campaign name that denotes it's a newsletter (i.e. "weekly" "daily" "top picks" "newsletter" etc.) helps us easily create automation rules that pull in your data without having to log in to each metro's MailChimp to pull reporting.

Here's a snapshot of some pretty ideal campaign naming:

Tip of the Week

We are currently syncing up every metro's MailChimp account with their Radmin CMS. However, those syncs will begin to fail if any list fields besides email address are set to 'Required'.

For this reason, it's important to make sure that going forward, if any member of your team adds a new list field to your MailChimp list, (s)he does not make that field required.

Here's a snapshot of some healthy list fields:

We'll of course be watching for error reports from HQ as well - but arming your metro with this knowledge will help prevent them from happening in the first place. Thanks much!
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How You (and the network) Did - 4/25/2016

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Winner of the Week: Do206!

Seattle secures the rare non-site-traffic-focused Winner of the Week award thinks to the unveiling of a novel ECP. Details below:
  • If you've been poring over the Weekly KPI report late at night (hey, a guy can dream) and accidentally clicked into the second tab, you would've seen a steady increase in Do206's ECP traffic over the last several weeks. But what was the cause of their 60% increase in MoM ECP traffic?
  • None other than this slick-looking Hotel Max ECP, which launched one month ago. With 5K uniques in the first month it's been live, it's an automatic 7% increase in their total ad traffic. Plus, 60K uniques over the course of a year is nothing to sneeze at.
  • Nestled among links to Zipcar and Sub Pop merch, Do206's event calendar offering is a great complement to the portfolio of Hotel Max's services. And it's just one way that metros can work with hotels to fill that need of event recommendation (you can check out more in our Hotel Opportunities deck
We'd like to think that their are other metros who could make a move into the hotel space, especially now with proof of concept. In fact, Provenance hotels operates properties in Portland and Nashville in addition to Seattle, and Do604 is closing in on a non-Provenance hotels ECP in exchange for comp rooms and ad inventory.

That's enough hospitality talk for one week, but check out your newly updated stats below, and see where 60K unique ECP visits over the next year would put you:
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 4/18/2016

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Winner of the Week: Do210!

Sometimes all it takes is a well-executed RSVP and giveaway to claim Winner of the Weekhonors, and Do210 did exactly that to notch their highest week of traffic in over 5 months. Details below:
Sometimes with all of the content at a metro's disposal, it's easy to lose track of the things that traditionally do well in your emails: festivals and free stuff. In this case, Do210 kept their eye on the content prize, and were able to more than double YoY site traffic because of it. 

Now's a great time to take stock of the content you're choosing to feature in your email, and make sure that it's resonating with your audience. Not sure how? Hit us up; we're happy to help. And in the meantime, your emails stats and more are ready for you to peruse:
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Product Update - Big Changes Coming! New User Onboarding Flows, Spotify Syncing & Changes To The Nav

Our Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week. Here's what's happening:

Our developers are getting ready to deploy some major updates related to user onboarding. These changes - which were promised at the Summit as one of our top 10 upcoming projects in 2016 - will help our network make a significant step forward in this year's push for growth and user retention. Huge props to our developers for finishing this ambitious project!

Changes To The Nav

We are modifying each site's top navigation bar to expose the 'Register' and 'Sign In' buttons.

Once these changes are made, clicking 'Latest' will take you directly to DoXYZ.com/Latest. There will no longer be a Latest dropdown menu. The reasons for this are two-fold:

  • A very small percentage of users ever clicked on it.
  • We needed to remove it to pave the way for another one of our large projects, The Feed (much more on that coming soon).

Hovering over 'My Profile' (once logged in) will reveal the following menu for Managers:

And here's how it will look for regular users:

In addition to being an improvement on our existing presentation of these elements, these changes were also necessary to pave the way for our new user onboarding flow.

New User Onboarding

Once these changes are rolled out, when users click the 'Register' button, they will entered into our new user onboarding flow.

They will begin the process by signing up on this screen:

After signing up, they will be invited to sync their Facebook and Spotify accounts to be notified when new shows are announced by artists they follow (as well as receive alerts about venues adding shows once the feed is introduced).

This is going to really move the meter for how many band notification emails users receive - and consequently, how engaged they are with the sites. (Did you know that band notification emails are averaging a 16.9% open rate and 3.9% click rate across the network?)

When users connect with Facebook, we will automatically follow all of the artists and venues that they like. When users connect with Spotify, we will follow all of the artists whom they follow - as well as all the artists featured on their saved music (playlists, albums and songs).

If users are not interested in connecting accounts, they can skip this step by clicking the 'Next' button - or can exit the onboarding process by clicking out of the onboarding modal.

A note that the 'Connect' step will also be available on conference and metro lenses, but not ECPs.

After completing this step, users will be brought to the final stage of the onboarding flow, where they'll be invited to add your site's three most popular events over the next four weeks to their calendars.

The 'See Everything' button will bring the user to the site's homepage, making the onboarding complete.

Please also note that this is just version 1 of the new onboarding experience - and we'll be testing more new features, including additional accounts to sync and a more direct and informative welcome email process, in the coming months.

Onboarding For Contest Users

When a new user registers by entering a giveaway or an RSVP, they will also be invited to setup their account:

And will be brought to the 'syncing' portion of the onboarding flow after clicking the 'Setup My Account' button.

More Awesome Stuff

We're introducing metro-specific default 'Notify Winners' templates for giveaways. This should save your giveaway managers a significant amount of time in their working weeks.

To edit your metro's template (once these changes go out), head over to Radmin -> Advanced and follow the instructions above the template about how to properly use the variables.

Please note that any changes that you make to the template will effect all existing giveaways for which winners have not yet been notified. A note that once any winners are notified once for a giveaway, then changes to the metro default template will not effect that giveaway's emails.

We will soon have the ability to write metro-specific rules that apply to all of your scrapers. Want to always exclude 'Sold Out' from your event titles? Want to always change 'At The Door' to 'Doors'? Just let Support know (anytime once these changes go out).

We're updating the dripper system to send thank you emails to all new mobile app users, three days after they first sign in. These thank you emails have proven to be a good source for gathering feedback and collecting positive reviews in the app stores, which improves our searchability and therefore increases downloads.

We're adding an easy way to get Opt-In emails from giveaways in Radmin. This will take the form of a button on the 'Pick Winners' screen. Click the button to have the Opt-Ins emailed to you.

We will soon have the ability to export complete venue data for your metro. This will include most everything you see on the venues' pages in Radmin - for all venues.

Tip Of The Week

Want to spoof our sites into thinking you're a new user? Add a '+' to the portion of your email address directly before the '@' - and then append anything to the '+' to form an address like 'johnny+41216@dostuffmedia.com'. 

This will fool our system into thinking you're a new user - but it won't fool Gmail, so all welcome emails, giveaway confirmation emails, etc will still be delivered to your regular inbox.

It's a great way to test out your confirmation emails and make sure that they look exactly as you wish. Using the formula name+MMDDYYletter@doxyz.com is highly recommended, so that you never accidentally hit the same email twice.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 4/11/16

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Winner of the Week: DoLA!

Our Winner of the Week award heads out to the west coast, where DoLA capitalized on everything hush hush about Coachella for some serious traffic:
  • Rather than go over the same well worn festival-related content (bands to see, stuff to bring, etc.) DoLA put together this definitive list of all the parties happening around Coachella. A killer example of using our platform to do what it does best: showcase events. And to go a step further, they even promised to help their audience actually get into said parties, including a guaranteed entry giveaway.
  • All it took was one email to unlock a trove of traffic. The subject line promise of being able to "RSVP for the coolest Coachella parties" was enough to make it the 7th most opened email and 5th most clicked DoLA email of all time. With more than half of those clicks hitting the Coachella content, it was the makings of a surefire content hit. 
  • When all was said and done, DoLA rode a week of email success (including other, slightly less trafficked, big hits), notching 4K more clicks and site sessions than ever before.
All this points to a tried and true service of acting as event guide to anything exclusive or unofficial. If you think about it, not all that different from how Do512 first rose to prominence on being the best source for the less-than-official SX events.

Take a moment to ponder if something similar exists in your market, and then see how it might affect your weekly stats (freshly updated below):
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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 4/5/16

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Winner of the Week: Do416!

Toronto is proof that lightning can strike twice, thanks to their successful update to the "12 Days of Giveaways" campaign of yore. Check out all the details of their recent #FestivalFest giveaway barrage below:
  • The only notable logistical changes to Do416's spring take on their giveaways campaign was that they only ran the campaign for a total of 5 consecutive days, M-F last week. Otherwise, promotion was very much the same, with a dedicated blast and ~$40 of paid social announcing a festival giveaway that was live for just 24 hours.
  • How was performance? For email, results again indicate that increasing email frequency is 100% justifiable when serving up the content your subscribers want every day. A quick comparison of Do416's average metrics during Festival Fest as compared to all of their newsletters from the previous year:
Open Rate18.49%20.44%
Click Rate16.87%36.40%
  • Social traction was no different, with tons of engagement per post, peaking with their final day's giveaway, a post that netted them 32K organic reach, entirely because the partner fest shared. Essential for getting new subscribers outside of your existing audience.
  • The end result? Do416 received 13.6K site sessions and their second highest week of traffic to site ever, after 12 Days of Giveaways. Of that traffic, 83% came from FestivalFest. Plus the 671 net new subscribers they secured is nothing to sneeze at. 
Now that festival season is up and running, it's a fantastic time to get rolling in your market. Check out your stats and see where you'd stand with another 700 subscribers and 10K site sessions:
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Product Update: New iOS Build Coming... With The Feed!

Our Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week. Here's what's happening:

'Tis the season for wrapping major dev projects. Hats off to those dudes for finishing some BIG STUFF.

The Feed Emerges In iOS

We'll be releasing a new build of the iOS app tomorrow morning. This build will offer the first glance at one of the year's biggest projects, the Feed.

The feed is a personalized content stream that features show announcements by artists, users and venues that you follow - as well as all of the metro's mobile Latest posts.

To make way for the Feed, we'll be moving the app's type-ahead search and Featured Places to the Discover screen...

... while the Do and Me tabs will remain unchanged.

Feed Content

The recently-added ability for new users to sync their Spotify and Facebook accounts to auto-follow artists and venues on our sites will help populate these users' personal Feeds with the content they're most interested in.

We've also started auto-following the Top Picks and Giveaways lists for all new users so that they'll have some awesome lists to peruse in their feed (and to drive engagement with these lists). 

Please make sure your Top Picks looks beyond awesome and that you're always adding the best events in your city to the list as you add them to your site - especially since more people are now going to see this feature than ever before. 

What about Android and Desktop?

Our plan is to release the Feed on desktop (to replace Latest) within the next month. We'll have much more on that coming soon - and Android will be arriving shortly after Desktop.

The version of the Feed that you will see in the next app build is just the first version. We'll be iterating on its functionality after seeing it in the real world and capturing feedback from metros and advertisers. We already have a number of additional features that we're planning to build and test soon, such as the ability to pin a Latest post to the top of the Feed.

What else is coming down the app pipeline?

Even more exciting news! The impending iOS build will allow us to test push notifications on small segments of users. Please don't sell or promise any push notification campaigns just yet - but please do stand by for further instructions here. We'll likely be reaching out to multiple metros to help us test these out - and will keep everyone posted with the results.

We're also currently testing onboarding links for existing users that will automatically log these users into their accounts when clicked - and will allow them to sync up their Spotify and Facebook accounts via our new onboarding process.

Many metros have also asked about beacons and location-based functionality within the app. These features will be ready for testing in the next build (after this one) - which should arrive within three weeks.

On this note, our developers are fired up by all of our progress and are planning to release a new iOS build every two weeks going forward. This will help us continuously improve the product and address bugs more quickly than before.

We'll shoot a quick follow-up to the network the moment the new iOS build is available. We can't wait for you to check it out!

A Quick Request From Our Data Team

Want better data on your newsletters' performance? If so, we ask that you please pick a standard format for your newsletter campaign names in MailChimp and stick with it.

Why? DoStuff does a lot of automation to pull in your email data for things like the Weekly KPI report and monthly goal tracking. Having wording in your campaign name that denotes it's a newsletter (i.e. "weekly" "daily" "top picks" "newsletter" etc.) helps us easily create automation rules that pull in your data without having to log in to each metro's MailChimp to pull reporting.

Here's a snapshot of some pretty ideal campaign naming:

Tip of the Week

We are currently syncing up every metro's MailChimp account with their Radmin CMS. However, those syncs will begin to fail if any list fields besides email address are set to 'Required'.

For this reason, it's important to make sure that going forward, if any member of your team adds a new list field to your MailChimp list, (s)he does not make that field required.

Here's a snapshot of some healthy list fields:

We'll of course be watching for error reports from HQ as well - but arming your metro with this knowledge will help prevent them from happening in the first place. Thanks much!

How You (and the network) Did - 4/25/2016

Winner of the Week: Do206!

Seattle secures the rare non-site-traffic-focused Winner of the Week award thinks to the unveiling of a novel ECP. Details below:
  • If you've been poring over the Weekly KPI report late at night (hey, a guy can dream) and accidentally clicked into the second tab, you would've seen a steady increase in Do206's ECP traffic over the last several weeks. But what was the cause of their 60% increase in MoM ECP traffic?
  • None other than this slick-looking Hotel Max ECP, which launched one month ago. With 5K uniques in the first month it's been live, it's an automatic 7% increase in their total ad traffic. Plus, 60K uniques over the course of a year is nothing to sneeze at.
  • Nestled among links to Zipcar and Sub Pop merch, Do206's event calendar offering is a great complement to the portfolio of Hotel Max's services. And it's just one way that metros can work with hotels to fill that need of event recommendation (you can check out more in our Hotel Opportunities deck
We'd like to think that their are other metros who could make a move into the hotel space, especially now with proof of concept. In fact, Provenance hotels operates properties in Portland and Nashville in addition to Seattle, and Do604 is closing in on a non-Provenance hotels ECP in exchange for comp rooms and ad inventory.

That's enough hospitality talk for one week, but check out your newly updated stats below, and see where 60K unique ECP visits over the next year would put you:

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 4/18/2016

Winner of the Week: Do210!

Sometimes all it takes is a well-executed RSVP and giveaway to claim Winner of the Weekhonors, and Do210 did exactly that to notch their highest week of traffic in over 5 months. Details below:
Sometimes with all of the content at a metro's disposal, it's easy to lose track of the things that traditionally do well in your emails: festivals and free stuff. In this case, Do210 kept their eye on the content prize, and were able to more than double YoY site traffic because of it. 

Now's a great time to take stock of the content you're choosing to feature in your email, and make sure that it's resonating with your audience. Not sure how? Hit us up; we're happy to help. And in the meantime, your emails stats and more are ready for you to peruse:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Product Update - Big Changes Coming! New User Onboarding Flows, Spotify Syncing & Changes To The Nav

Our Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week. Here's what's happening:

Our developers are getting ready to deploy some major updates related to user onboarding. These changes - which were promised at the Summit as one of our top 10 upcoming projects in 2016 - will help our network make a significant step forward in this year's push for growth and user retention. Huge props to our developers for finishing this ambitious project!

Changes To The Nav

We are modifying each site's top navigation bar to expose the 'Register' and 'Sign In' buttons.

Once these changes are made, clicking 'Latest' will take you directly to DoXYZ.com/Latest. There will no longer be a Latest dropdown menu. The reasons for this are two-fold:

  • A very small percentage of users ever clicked on it.
  • We needed to remove it to pave the way for another one of our large projects, The Feed (much more on that coming soon).

Hovering over 'My Profile' (once logged in) will reveal the following menu for Managers:

And here's how it will look for regular users:

In addition to being an improvement on our existing presentation of these elements, these changes were also necessary to pave the way for our new user onboarding flow.

New User Onboarding

Once these changes are rolled out, when users click the 'Register' button, they will entered into our new user onboarding flow.

They will begin the process by signing up on this screen:

After signing up, they will be invited to sync their Facebook and Spotify accounts to be notified when new shows are announced by artists they follow (as well as receive alerts about venues adding shows once the feed is introduced).

This is going to really move the meter for how many band notification emails users receive - and consequently, how engaged they are with the sites. (Did you know that band notification emails are averaging a 16.9% open rate and 3.9% click rate across the network?)

When users connect with Facebook, we will automatically follow all of the artists and venues that they like. When users connect with Spotify, we will follow all of the artists whom they follow - as well as all the artists featured on their saved music (playlists, albums and songs).

If users are not interested in connecting accounts, they can skip this step by clicking the 'Next' button - or can exit the onboarding process by clicking out of the onboarding modal.

A note that the 'Connect' step will also be available on conference and metro lenses, but not ECPs.

After completing this step, users will be brought to the final stage of the onboarding flow, where they'll be invited to add your site's three most popular events over the next four weeks to their calendars.

The 'See Everything' button will bring the user to the site's homepage, making the onboarding complete.

Please also note that this is just version 1 of the new onboarding experience - and we'll be testing more new features, including additional accounts to sync and a more direct and informative welcome email process, in the coming months.

Onboarding For Contest Users

When a new user registers by entering a giveaway or an RSVP, they will also be invited to setup their account:

And will be brought to the 'syncing' portion of the onboarding flow after clicking the 'Setup My Account' button.

More Awesome Stuff

We're introducing metro-specific default 'Notify Winners' templates for giveaways. This should save your giveaway managers a significant amount of time in their working weeks.

To edit your metro's template (once these changes go out), head over to Radmin -> Advanced and follow the instructions above the template about how to properly use the variables.

Please note that any changes that you make to the template will effect all existing giveaways for which winners have not yet been notified. A note that once any winners are notified once for a giveaway, then changes to the metro default template will not effect that giveaway's emails.

We will soon have the ability to write metro-specific rules that apply to all of your scrapers. Want to always exclude 'Sold Out' from your event titles? Want to always change 'At The Door' to 'Doors'? Just let Support know (anytime once these changes go out).

We're updating the dripper system to send thank you emails to all new mobile app users, three days after they first sign in. These thank you emails have proven to be a good source for gathering feedback and collecting positive reviews in the app stores, which improves our searchability and therefore increases downloads.

We're adding an easy way to get Opt-In emails from giveaways in Radmin. This will take the form of a button on the 'Pick Winners' screen. Click the button to have the Opt-Ins emailed to you.

We will soon have the ability to export complete venue data for your metro. This will include most everything you see on the venues' pages in Radmin - for all venues.

Tip Of The Week

Want to spoof our sites into thinking you're a new user? Add a '+' to the portion of your email address directly before the '@' - and then append anything to the '+' to form an address like 'johnny+41216@dostuffmedia.com'. 

This will fool our system into thinking you're a new user - but it won't fool Gmail, so all welcome emails, giveaway confirmation emails, etc will still be delivered to your regular inbox.

It's a great way to test out your confirmation emails and make sure that they look exactly as you wish. Using the formula name+MMDDYYletter@doxyz.com is highly recommended, so that you never accidentally hit the same email twice.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 4/11/16

Winner of the Week: DoLA!

Our Winner of the Week award heads out to the west coast, where DoLA capitalized on everything hush hush about Coachella for some serious traffic:
  • Rather than go over the same well worn festival-related content (bands to see, stuff to bring, etc.) DoLA put together this definitive list of all the parties happening around Coachella. A killer example of using our platform to do what it does best: showcase events. And to go a step further, they even promised to help their audience actually get into said parties, including a guaranteed entry giveaway.
  • All it took was one email to unlock a trove of traffic. The subject line promise of being able to "RSVP for the coolest Coachella parties" was enough to make it the 7th most opened email and 5th most clicked DoLA email of all time. With more than half of those clicks hitting the Coachella content, it was the makings of a surefire content hit. 
  • When all was said and done, DoLA rode a week of email success (including other, slightly less trafficked, big hits), notching 4K more clicks and site sessions than ever before.
All this points to a tried and true service of acting as event guide to anything exclusive or unofficial. If you think about it, not all that different from how Do512 first rose to prominence on being the best source for the less-than-official SX events.

Take a moment to ponder if something similar exists in your market, and then see how it might affect your weekly stats (freshly updated below):

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 4/5/16

Winner of the Week: Do416!

Toronto is proof that lightning can strike twice, thanks to their successful update to the "12 Days of Giveaways" campaign of yore. Check out all the details of their recent #FestivalFest giveaway barrage below:
  • The only notable logistical changes to Do416's spring take on their giveaways campaign was that they only ran the campaign for a total of 5 consecutive days, M-F last week. Otherwise, promotion was very much the same, with a dedicated blast and ~$40 of paid social announcing a festival giveaway that was live for just 24 hours.
  • How was performance? For email, results again indicate that increasing email frequency is 100% justifiable when serving up the content your subscribers want every day. A quick comparison of Do416's average metrics during Festival Fest as compared to all of their newsletters from the previous year:
Open Rate18.49%20.44%
Click Rate16.87%36.40%
  • Social traction was no different, with tons of engagement per post, peaking with their final day's giveaway, a post that netted them 32K organic reach, entirely because the partner fest shared. Essential for getting new subscribers outside of your existing audience.
  • The end result? Do416 received 13.6K site sessions and their second highest week of traffic to site ever, after 12 Days of Giveaways. Of that traffic, 83% came from FestivalFest. Plus the 671 net new subscribers they secured is nothing to sneeze at. 
Now that festival season is up and running, it's a fantastic time to get rolling in your market. Check out your stats and see where you'd stand with another 700 subscribers and 10K site sessions: