Winner of the Week:
Do416, Do214, and Do206!
We're now in to the thick of the DoStuff App's public launch, so make sure you check out the App User Leaderboard to get an idea of where your metro stacks up against the rest of the network. The biggest delta in app user growth goes to Do416, who netted 519 new app users last week! That's third highest in the entire network, and 5X their user acquisition of any previous weeks. For those of you who haven't seen it already, they were able to use their connections with Apple to score a featured spot on the app store homepage.
Meanwhile, Do502 continues to bombard Lousville with press about the app, helping them secure 600 new users last week, second after Do512. Nice work everyone! Keep milking those partnerships and hitting the press outreach; it's easy to see the dividends they pay.
To round out our Winners of the Week, check out a few metros that took advantage of National Burger Day for some nice traction on email and Twitter:
- Do214 had their highest newsletter click rate in the last 4 months thanks to their Burger Top Picks page they built out for the holiday. Despite, being the second link in their email, that content received more clicks than anything else included in their email, and has received 600+ pageviews to date. Great use of evergreen content that they trotted out earlier in their dedicated content email.
- Do206 also celebrated with a very similar (but perhaps slightly more exhaustive)Seattle's Best Burgers list. Their tweet announcing the list hit a sweet spot, with 11 retweets, 20 favorites, and more traffic to site from Twitter than any other page last week. Lots of retweet love from those featured on the list (see Li'l Woodys, Lunchbox Laboratory, and Sun Liquor).
In general when analyzing these content pieces, we find that these "holiday" roundups are useful because they give some relevance to evergreen content, helping to increase spread on social channels and entice people to check out the content. The National Whatever Day contextualization is part of the reason (among other things) why people like dog-friendly bars on National Dog Day more than just "here's where you can get a hot dog."
That's it for today! Knock yourself out digging in on your own stats below:
That's it for today! Knock yourself out digging in on your own stats below:
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