Out Now - App Download Links
We've added app download links to all giveaway and RSVP confirmation emails.Note: If you customize an event's RSVP confirmation email then this link will not be automatically included - but we highly recommend adding it to help drive app downloads.
Coming Soon - New Search Alerts
We're adding an alert to the old Radmin search pages to encourage you to use our new Beta Search.We'll be removing old search soon - so we want to make sure that everyone gets comfortable with the new search (Beta Search) before we switch over. The new search (Beta Search) is faster and more accurate than old search - so we'd recommend using it whenever you can.
Coming Soon - Features & Fixes
We've implemented a solution to prevent varying text sizes from appearing on /p pages within the app.There were a variety of actions that users could take to inject unwanted 'font-size' code into their /p pages' HTML - which then caused the pages' copy to appear in varying sizes on the app.
Going forward, we will automatically clean these unwanted insertions out of /p pages' HTML. This will not solve every issue with fonts on pages - but it will be a big step forward in standardizing them.
A note that this fix will not be retroactive when it goes out - meaning that you will need to manually re-edit any /p pages that contain varying font sizes if they were created on or before this date (9/16).
You will soon see event dates when setting up Featured Event ads in Radmin - to help you better identify events with similar titles.
We've also prevented duplicate and/or past events from populating in this field.
We've made sure that your 'Dang! Couldn't Find That Page' pages will feature the same links as your metro's (desktop) Featured Stuff.
A reminder that your metro's Featured Stuff links are edited via Radmin -> Content -> Words.
We've also fixed a bug that was causing duplicate editions of the same event to appear in Radmin search.
And we've added validation into the 'Permalink' field of the /p pages editor to prevent anyone from saving permalinks that include spaces in their URLs.
Our validation check will automatically turn these spaces into dashes.
So this:
Will automatically become this:
Tip of the Week
We recently discovered that HazDF was crashing in the DoStuff app because there were blank spaces in their advertisements' Destination URLs.Not something you'd expect to crash an app, right? We were surprised too.
Going forward, our dev team will be taking steps to automatically 'sanitize' these URLs and strip away the spaces by default.
In the mean time, please make sure to not include any extra spaces within your ads' 'Destination' and 'Link Override' URLs to prevent this problem from happening for your metro.
Thanks for reading the Product Update!
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