Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Product Update: Episode 8 Prep

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Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

This week is full of planning meetings here at DoStuff HQ. Not only are we in the homestretch of Summit prep, we're also wrapping up Episode 7 and planning for Episode 8.

One of the most important parts of this planning period for the Product team is going through the DSD Queue to figure out what projects need more focus over the next few months.

Prepping DSD Queue For New Episode

Just as a quick refresh -- here at DoStuff we break our year into periods we call Episodes to assist in planning. An Episode ranges anywhere from 2-3 months depending on the time of year and what else is going on.

The week of planning between the old Episode and the new one is especially important because we need to decide where to dedicate our limited manpower in the coming months.

We'll have a full Episode 7 recap and Episode 8 preview coming soon, but in the meantime you might enjoy a peek into part of the planning process. Over the past few days, you may have noticed the Product team combing through all the tickets in the DSD Queue in Asana and segmenting them into buckets for E8 prep.

These segments have been used throughout this week by the product team to identify what's been generating a lot of DSD tickets lately and where they may need to focus their time over the next couple of months.

If you have any questions about what projects get picked for an Episode, it may be useful to go back to this exchange from the last Episode recap and to keep an eye out for the full Episode 8 preview in the coming weeks.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Metro News: doNYC's CMJ Lens, DoStuff Office Exchange, Do502 Launch Party, and more!

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Our regular Metro News updates highlight big wins, cool ideas, and notable events from around the Network so you can stay up to date on what your counterparts around the U.S., Canada, and Mexico are doing.

It's Friday afternoon and we know you're looking to get outside and enjoy this fall weather. But before you walk out the door for the weekend, take a look at what's going on around the Network this month.

doNYC’s CMJ Lens

As the CMJ Music Marathon heads towards its finale this weekend, we wanted to highlight one of the fest’s breakout acts -- doNYC.

For those that aren’t familiar, the CMJ Music Marathon is a week-long music fest in NYC consisting of 1,400 acts playing 80 clubs spread out across 2 boroughs. It’s the Big Apple’s answer to SXSW, only without Lady Gaga playing inside of a giant Doritos bag. Think SXSW of the early 2000’s, not 2014.

Really wanting to take advantage of this influx of indie music fans, doNYC spent months putting together a badass Conference Lens for CMJ.

The Conference Lens format gave doNYC a number of big advantages for engaging the CMJ crowd -- including customized site design, a default “slim cards” view to pack more shows onto a single page, and a “view by start time” check box for sorting through hundreds of daily shows.

It took a lot of planning a design work from the doNYC team, but people are noticing. Not least of whom, the CMJ team itself.

The engagement numbers have also been pretty impressive this week, with more than 25,000 page views and over 20,000 unique visitors to That’s the most trafficked Lens in DoStuff history after the Do512 SXSW Lens.

Check out this week’s product update for more info on building Lenses in Radmin, and keep doNYC’s baller CMJ Lens in mind the next time a conference-style festival is happening in your metro.

DoStuff Office Exchange

Some of you are already clued into this, but DoStuff is doing its first Network Office Exchange this month. Members of the Delivery team are spending a few days with a metro to get a better feel for needs on the "front lines", and to provide a bit more hands-on assistance as needed.

Google Hangouts and Slack are great and all, but it's not the same as working with y'all in person. And to be honest, we just miss your musk.

Here's the office exchange lineup for this October, and to those that feel left out don't worry. We're coming to hang with you soon.

  • Oct. 20-24
    • HazDF - Stuart
    • Do214 - Ted
    • Do206 - Kristin
  • Oct. 27-31
    • Do317 - Adi
    • Do617 - Jordan
    • DoLA - Justin

Other News

Here's a quick rundown of other big happenings around the Network this month.

  • Do502's Launch Party: After debuting their site earlier this month to the fine folks of Louisville, the Do502 team is throwing a launch party on November 15th -- the Saturday after the Summit. They're still in the planning stages, but rumor has it that one of Kentucky's hottest new acts could be playing. Let Jeffrey and team know if you're looking to attend!
  • DoLA's Jack Daniels Pitch: Josh and the DoLA team put together this badass influencer program deck for their contacts at Jack Daniels last month. This is a perfect example of the type of prep that should go into one of these conversations. Josh said he's happy to make a copy for anyone that wants to use it as a template. (PLEASE do not share that link outside of the Network.)
  • Do512's ECP Deck: Speaking of well designed sales decks, look at Do512's new ECP deck
  • doNYC's Birthday: doNYC turned two earlier this month! And you know what they say, the first two years are the hardest. Be sure to congratulate Jon and Johnny next time you talk to them.
  • Do512's Raw Paw x PBR Activation: We'll leave you with this sweet recap video from Do512's "New Magic" party -- a collaboration between Do512, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Austin's Raw Paw art collective.

That's all this week! If you ever have news or tips to share with the Network, just drop it in the #bigwins channel in Slack.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Product Update: Lenses and ECPs in Radmin, Timezone Fix for RSVPs, and more

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

Big update this week! We have a brand new "Lenses" tab rolling out in Radmin, plus some other features and fixes added to the backend. Make sure you check out each one below!

(There WILL be a quiz.)

Lens and ECP Creation In Radmin

As we’re getting closer to moving the final bits of Admin over to Radmin, one of the features that’s been totally reimagined is Lenses. Lens creation, especially for ECPs, has long been a decentralized and pretty confusing process.

The new Lenses tab in Radmin, going live this week, will be the centralized place for you to manage existing lenses and oversee the creation of new ones.

But first, it’s probably best we do a little vocab review.

Vocab Review: Lenses and ECPs

We throw around a lot of acronyms and made-up lingo here at DoStuff and it can sometimes be hard to keep track. To make it even more fun, we sometimes switch up the meanings over time.

So before your head starts spinning, here are two terms we should define:

  • Lens: A customized view of your metro’s Event listings, or a certain cross section of those listings. When viewing a Lens, the design elements stay consistent across Lists and Event pages. Lenses can live on-site or on a third-party site and come in three different flavors:
  • ECP: An Event Calendar Partner (ECP) is a type of Lens that "lives" on a third-party partner’s site, and lists a personalized calendar of Events for their audience.
Creating an ECP in Radmin

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at the new Lens Creation process that will be coming to Radmin in the next few days. The set up is pretty much the same for all Lenses, but we’re going to use ECPs as an example.

With Radmin you can automate a large portion of ECP set up -- from emailing designers to creating the URL to building a service agreement. In fact, our goal is to give you the ability to build an entire ECP from start to finish without DoStuff’s help whatsoever.

To create a new ECP in Radmin, you'll click “New Lens” in the top-right of the ECPs page and be taken to this form:

Here's what you'll enter into each field:

  1. Title: What's the ECP going to be called?
  2. Mode: What type of Lens are you building? (Hint: You’re building an ECP.)
  3. User: Enter the email of the user that will be voting on Events for the ECP. (Note: They must be a registered user on your site before you can create the ECP.)
  4. Original URL: Paste the URL for your ECP partner's website so your designer can match the design and layout. (Note: This field only appears for ECPs.)
  5. Designers: Enter the email of the designer(s) that will be building the ECP. As soon as the ECP is created, they will be notified along with a link to their Radmin Dashboard so they can get started. (Note: This field only appears for ECPs.)
  6. Domain: What will the Lens' domain URL be? This will create a new URL on our server. (Note: You must create a URL ending in your metro's domain name to get started -- e.g. Later on you can redirect to a partner's domain URL if that was part of the agreement.)
  7. Locked Username: Is the Locked box checked? This is the username that will be used to access the ECP before it's unlocked (be sure to give to you designer and parters).
  8. Locked Password: Is the Locked box checked? This is the password that will be used to access the ECP before it's unlocked.

Before you press 'Save', click on the Service Agreement tab to enter the contact details for your ECP partner. The Service Agreement is a standard contract generated for all ECPs and basically says that DoStuff gives the partner permission to host our Event listings on their site. Enter the required info on this tab and press "Save".

A number of things will happen when you finish all these steps. First and foremost, the ECP will be created and will be visible in your Lenses tab in Radmin.

In addition, 1.) the ECP domain URL will be added to our server automatically, 2.) your designer will receive an email with the relevant details and instructions for building the ECP, and 3.) a Service Agreement will be generated using the contact details you entered earlier.

From this point, you can work 1-on-1 with your designer and ECP contact to finalize the site design, get the Service Agreement "signed", and decide on a launch date. Before you can launch the ECP, it's your responsibility to make sure your partner reads the Service Agreement and clicks "Agree" while logged into their account. To find the link to the Service Agreement at any time, click "View Agreement" on the ECP's details page in Radmin, or through the cog menu on the main ECP page.

While all this is may seem like a lot to learn right now, you'll find that you'll soon be creating and launching ECPs completely independent of DoStuff and the support team using this new process.

Service Agreements

With this new ECP creation process in Radmin, a signed Service Agreement will now be required for every single active ECP.

We’re well aware that the large majority of existing ECPs do not have a signed Service Agreement in place at this time -- the blame for this rests mostly on our shoulders anyway. But in order to make sure that DoStuff and the metros are protected going forward, we need all ECPs to agree to the standard Service Agreement.

We’ll work with each of you in the coming weeks to help you along the process of getting these generated and "signed" using Radmin.

Timezone Fix for RSVPs

As some of you have noticed in the past, the field for automatically emailing guestlists in Radmin hasn’t always worked too well.

The root cause was that Radmin standardized all events to the same time zone in the backend, but wasn’t taking this into account in the RSVP modal. Depending on what time zone you’re in, “1 hour prior” could turn into “3 hours prior”.

To fix this, we had to add an entirely new field at the bottom of the modal that now runs on a dropdown. This is the “good” guest list field. It can tell time and do basic addition and subtraction, as opposed to the “bad” field.

But here’s the catch, before we can kill the “bad’ field we need you to manually switch all your current RSVPs to the “good” one. You can do this by entering the proper time in the “good” field and leaving the “bad” field blank.

Since both of these are currently working, it’s really important you do this for all RSVPs (Approved Events > Filters > RSVP) and let us know when you’re done. Once we know that everyone has successfully switched over we’ll kill the “bad” field and you’ll never hear from it again.

Default Share Image

We’ve added a new field in Radmin under Site Design > Images for setting the default share image on Facebook and other social sites. Up until now, the thumbnail that pops up when you share a link has been your metro’s logo, which doesn’t always look too hot when it shows up against Facebook’s white background (see below).

Now you can upload a custom photo or graphic to Radmin to improve the way your links appear in Facebook's News Feed and help drive more clicks.

Media Search Functions

There’s been some confusion about what all the buttons in Radmin’s new media search widget do, so we thought we’d clear it up so you’re not left worrying about pressing the wrong thing:

  1. Page Icon: Updates the Facebook Page info (Does NOT change the current image)
  2. Check Icon: Update the current image AND updates the Facebook Page info
  3. Arrow Icon: Scrolls to next image

The difference between the page icon and the check icon are important to note the next time you need to update a Venue or Artist’s Facebook ID but don’t want to change the background image that’s currently being used.

Hidden User Activity Is Hidden

This may sound redundant, but the activity of hidden users is now hidden across the entire site. In the past, hidden users have appeared in the Event Activity feed under the name “Anonymous Coward”.

We decided it was kind of mean to call everyone a coward so now their activity just doesn’t show up anymore.


That's all for this week! We'll let you know in Slack when the Lenses tab is about to go live in Radmin so you know to keep an eye out for it.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 10/20/14

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Before we dive in, a quick reminder that I'll be leading a brief "Tips and Tricks" Google Analytics training session on Thursday, 10/23 at 2pm CST. For anyone interested in joining - just shoot me an email in reply and I'll get you added to the calendar invite.

Hokay, now for the Winners of the Week!
  1. Seattle Sharing In Bike Share's Success. Do206 had their first big RSVP event, and the results are unquestionably worth sharing (sorry). After the homepage, the event received the most traffic of any page on Do206, accounting for 10% of their traffic over the last week. This and the 335 people who RSVP'd helped propel Do206 to its second highest week of site traffic AND new users in the 4 months we've tracked weekly stats.

    Your DoXXX platform is perfect for partnering with these buzz-worthy product launches by hosting their RSVPs and driving people to launch events. Come up with an incentive to dangle in front of users (in this case, free beer and swag bags), use the incentive to get RSVPs, and watch people come in droves. Happy partners + happy users = DoXXX no-brainer.
  2. Louisville is off to the Races! Louisville launched last week on Wednesday, October 15th, and they've already had 3644 visits to their site. They're off to a great start thanks to some speedy Slugger outreach (already up to 40+), a handful of ticket giveaways, and some nifty pieces of content like their Neighborhoods page and Badass Shows for $12 or Less (complete with Eric Wareheim GIF). To top it all off, they already have an ECP live within a week of launch.

    Not too shabby, Do502! We're looking forward to reporting on all the big wins happening out in the heart of bourbon country in the weeks to come. 
That's all for today; take a peek at this week's updated Weekly KPI Report for the full rundown of all things Do:
As always, reach out if you have questions or want to share a win that we overlooked.

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Product Update: Quick List of Bug Fixes

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Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

There are no big product updates this week so we're just giving you a quick rundown of all the recent bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Auto-voting Venues: Users that are set to autovote were not always voting on Events at Venues that they follow. This was especially troublesome for neighborhood pages and other site-specific users. This has been fixed.
  • Co-reg for Future DoSites: This will only affect future DoStuff sites, but new users are now co-registered to the nearest metro -- even if it's not live yet. Unfortunately for Do502, no one from Louisville that created a Forecastle schedule this summer was added as a Do502 user because their site was still inactive. This was a big pain point and has been remedied by DoStuff for future launches.
  • Event Photos on ECPs: If an Event was created on the front-end of your site, the photos were not always displaying properly on ECP sites, and vice versa. This has been corrected so that photos are consistent on both ECPs and metro sites.
  • Past Events Popping Up Unexpectedly: There was a recent issue with past repeating Events showing up at the top of certain venue pages. This has been fixed.

That's all for this week! Stay tuned to Slack for the latest news from around the Network and be sure to log all bugs and suggestions in the DSD Queue.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 10/13/14

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Evenin' everybody,

A couple logistic notes:
  • As this marks our 15th week of collecting data for the Weekly KPI Report, we've decided to start posting each edition of these on the Doing Big Stuff blog.Clicking the "KPI Update" tag will take you to a collection of these weekly emails, extending back to when they first began. That way you can reference anything from the past or find content you might have missed.
  • I'll be hosting a "Tips and Tricks" Google Analytics training session on Thursday, 10/23 at 2pm CST. It should only last for 30-45 minutes, and it will focus on how to most efficiently use GA to look at data that affects your business. If you'd like to attend, just reply to this email and I'll send you a calendar invite.

Now, on to the Winners of the Week!
  1. Traffic In Indie? Indeed. Do416 had their highest week of ECP traffic, thanks to the launch of their Indieweek ECP. In the last week, that particular ECP received nearly 5K pageviews, pushing their total ECP visits last week to over 2,000 - higher than their previous record by 700 visits.

    In a unique content combination we haven't seen before, Do416 also created the Indie Week Lense as a way to showcase all of the Indie Week shows in a cohesive piece of content that could be sold to advertisers (as Do416 did with Levi Stephens). All of this is a great example of finding a local smaller conference, creating a customized piece of content (in this case, dedicated Lense + ECP) and then using it to build audience and revenue.
  2. Reaping Rewards from the Red River Rivalry. Though the Texas-OU game has been a tradition for over 100 years, this was the first where fans had the help of Do214 to find all the best parties the weekend had to offer. Do214 created their TX/OU weekend list to round up all of the watch parties, after parties, alumni gatherings, and hangover brunches happening around town.

    The work paid off, as the page accounted for 20% of Do214's total traffic for the week, receiving 1,747 pageviews (400 more than even their homepage). After coupling this with a ticket giveaway and a sponsored Facebook post that hit home with fans, Do214 was able to get the second most traffic to site of any week in the 15 weeks we've done the KPI report.

    And with all that traffic, the list makes an easy sell to American Born Moonshine. Yet another example of good content turning into dollars. Next time your city hosts a major sporting event, don't just stop at listing the event. Instead, make a list of all the cool stuff happening around the game, since that's where your DoXXX site can really shine.

That's it for this week. Enjoy perusing your updated numbers below:
As always, reach out if you have questions or want to share a win that we overlooked.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Product Update: Improved Event Search, Copying Events, and Sorting Event Ads

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Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes coming to your site or to Radmin.

A few bug fixes and improvements for you guys this week. Hope you like 'em!

Event Search

The Dev team is working hard to improve the power and functionality of Event Search in Radmin. Hopefully you’ve been able to notice the difference as of late.

Filtering By Event Type

This week we added the ability to filter past and current Events by type -- single day, ongoing, and repeating. In your Approved Events queue, expand the Filters menu and you’ll see the new “Event Type” options at the bottom.

Filtering by Event type will help you quickly spot how many weekly repeating Events you have on the site, or track down ongoing Events that might need to be broken up into multiple Events so they show up on your daily listings.

Improved Past Event Search

We’re still working to make it perfect, but searching for past Events has been much improved over the past couple weeks. Drop a line to support if you’re still seeing new issues, or just to let us know that it’s working now!

Copying Events With Images

Copying an Event now copies over all attached images to the new Event. Copying (Click on the gear icon > “Copy”) has always carried over all Event details and Artists, but now any attached cover images and poster images will be carried over as well.

Time saving FTW!

Finding Recently Ended Event Ads

When viewing inactive Event Ads (Advertising > Filters > “Include Inactive”), they are now sorted automatically by most recently completed. Before the default view was alphabetically by Campaign title, which wasn’t too useful for finding an Event Ad that ended last week.

For a number of complicated reasons, it’s not possible right now to sort the date columns for Event Ads any other way (all the columns are fully sortable with Brand Ads), but default sorting by most recent end date should help you find recently ended campaigns for your ad reports.

Radmin Dashboard Is Live!

For those following along in Slack earlier today, you saw the announcement that the Radmin Dashboard is now live. Read more about the features in last week's Product Update and share any thoughts you have with the rest of the Network over on Slack.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 10/6/14

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Welcome to October!

This edition of Winners of the Week spotlights the metros whose stats are on the rise, even though it's fall:
  1. San Antonio does its Heather Mills impersonation. Do210 became the latest in a long list of people that have benefited from Paul McCartney (lookin' at you, Ringo). In this case, Do210 landed a ticket giveaway for Paul's show in San Antonio, and fans wend bazonkers at the chance to win tickets.

    The previous most amount of "WIN" clicks Do210 received in a week was 633; this week they had 2386 WIN clicks. In the past week, they got more WIN clicks than everyone in thenetwork except for Do512 and DoLA. Total entrants in the contest topped out at over 1,200, and the page itself received 2.5K pageviews in a week (20% of Do210's total traffic). Traffic to the entire site doubled WoW.

    All of that is great, but what really makes it a fantastic win for a new market is the user acquisition. Those 1,200+ entrants helped Do210 grow their list by 1,476 new subscribers last week. That's more than any other market, and proves that one massive event can make a lasting difference to your business.
  2. DoLA's giveaway straws break the traffic camel's back. Awkward metaphors aside, it's not always one massive giveaway that turns the tide on traffic. DoLA's site traffic is up thanks to a whole bunch of giveaways, among them Aziz AnsariThe War On Drugs,  a block party with big-name headliners, and a whole bunch more thanks to this inventive partnership with Curb.

    All of those combined (plus other content winners like a free/donation-based festival, and the beginnings of their Halloween list) meant DoLA was in for a surge of traffic. YoY traffic to site was up 14%, and traffic compared to last week was up 56%. A huge chunk of that can be traced back to the fact that more people are clicking the WIN button than any week in the past 2 months.

    If you're not getting as many giveaways for your site as you can get your hands on, you're missing out on that nice hefty boost of traffic, and event more important - the users that join your mail list/register for your site. 
Updated numbers in the doc below. Give 'em a look through, and see how you can make October your best month yet!​
As always, reach out if you have questions or want to share a win that we overlooked.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/29/14

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Hi everyone,

It's late, and you probably want to see last week's stats, so we'll cut to the chase and dive into the Winners of the Week:
  1. The City of Grunge Succumbs to Jonas. Do206 had 30 more retweets on Twitter than they've ever had in any of the previous weeks due to the inexplicable phenomenon that is Nick Jonas. This tweet and this tweet alone accounted for 50 retweets, which is likely the same number of drinks they sold at that show.

    Before turning up your nose at something that might not ooze cool, remember that something a little more mainstream can be a hit on your social channels. Granted, it's probably best to use these types of events in moderation for your branding, but don't be too eager to turn your back on an event that could get you 50 retweets or 1000+ giveaway entries.
  2. Sometimes, it's the little fests that count. Last week, Do512 had 4,055 unique clicks on their newsletter content. Their previous record in the weeks that we've tracked stats was 2,744 clicks. What caused the uptick? Rather than a single big win driving this email traffic, Do512 benefited from several popular events. However, the biggest percentage of clicked on links were small festivals like The Pecan Street Festival and The Weird City Hip Hop Festival. These two events drove close to 2.5K clicks alone.

    Once again this is an example of what your Do platform can do best. A surefire win is to take something intrinsically popular (a local festival) that doesn't have a strong site or coverage in other media outlets, and then present the info in an easy to navigate list. In the case of the Weird City Hip Hop Festival, it was the first year of the fest, and there was no easy way to find when performers would be on stage...until Do512 listed all the shows. Capitalizing on this scarcity of information and curating your site to directly address this problem can result in content that keeps people coming back to your site.
That's all for this week. Browse your stats in the updated KPI doc below and holler if you have any questions/thoughts/ideas for great Halloween costumes. 
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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/22/14

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Happy Hobbit Day! (or American Business Women's Day, if that's more your flavor),

In the midst of this busy holiday season, I'd like to encourage you to check out this week's edition of the Weekly KPI Report. A round of accolades to the Winners of the Week:
  1. ECPeasy, Lemon Squeezy. HazDF received more traffic to ECPs than they have had in the previous 8 weeks. Since the amount of traffic to ECPs is largely out of your control post-ECP site launch, HazDF has continued to grow their ECP traffic by signing on additional partners. Their total number of ECPs partners climbed to an impressive six different calendars with the launch of FueTT last week.

    New markets can benefit immensely from locking in high traffic ECPs, as HazDF gets roughly 40% of their total traffic from ECPs each week. However, it's not just fledgling markets that stand to gain from ECPs. In the last 3 months, DoNYC has had 25K more ECP visitors YoY thanks to strong performance from sites like SummerStageWFUVFree Williamsburg, andOkayPlayer.
  2. Museums: Not Just For Old People. Do512's traffic is up more than 10% compared to last year, and the biggest cause is their Austin Museum Day List. That list of museums opening up their doors for free was the 4th most popular Do512 page last week and had 318% more traffic than it did last year. Acquisition-wise, the Museum Day feature drove more traffic to site than any other single piece of content on Facebook, Twitter, and Email.

    The Museum Day list is a prime example of two components that make or break a list:
    --Is this list relevant to my audience? Do512 gets A TON of traffic of people looking for free things to do, hence a collection of museums you could go to for free was guaranteed to hit the mark.
    --Is this content easy to find somewhere else? In this case, Museum Day isn't a massive affair with every entertainment blog in the city listing the participating venues. Yet for those people that needed a guide to the days' events, that need was fulfilled by Do512.

    Together those made for a doggone great piece of list-making.
And with that, check out the stats below for your market and the network as a whole to see what you can be doing to make your Do site more killer:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/15/14

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Hola DoCrew,

Welcome to the new week, and with it, the updated weekly KPI report. To start off with, check out the exploits of our Winners of the Week
  1. Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away, Boston. Do617 had its highest week of traffic to site since we began collecting weekly stats. The ticket to big traffic? Offering free tickets to big ticket shows. Or said less confusingly- Do617 locked in ticket giveaways to Jack WhiteStevie Wonder, and The New England Patriots.

    All said, their Guestlist page was far and away their most clicked link in their weekly newsletter, and more users clicked the Win + Buy buttons than any week prior. Just as securing ticket giveaways from fest partners can be a guaranteed traffic win, these ticket giveaways to "headliner" acts drive traffic similarly.
  2. RSVParty Hard. Do312's traffic is up 15% compared to last year, thanks to a slew of RSVP events that could rival even Boston's goal of giving users free stuff. The most popular of these was an Adrew WK dj set, but other popular pages included a boozy alley art installation, a pizza party graced with Macaulay Culkin's presence, and a Hood Internet show/video game party/Budweiser donation-athon.

    All in all, the top 6 Do312 pages, in terms of user engagement, were all RSVPs. If those events don't get your creativity flowing to start putting together some unique RSVP events for your audience, consider this: the amount of users landing on Do312's homepage was up 40% YoY, whereas Do312's homepage pageviews (whether as a landing page or not) were up 80%. This indicates that having an abundance of great events (like several RSVPs) means users aren't just entering the site to RSVP/enter a giveaway and leaving. Instead, they're coming to Do312, RSVPing for an event, then heading back to the homepage or other event listings to find even more cool events. Hit that threshold of listing multiple awesome events every day, and your users will do the same.
That's all for this week; check your stats, do some amazing things this week, and hopefully read about your successes in next week's update!
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/8/14

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Thanks to Labor Day, it's been awhile since we've had an updated Weekly KPI Report. Despite the week off, data for the last two weeks is now populated, which leads us to this edition ofWinners of the Week
  1. Seattle Invokes the 12th Man of Traffic. Do206 rolled out their feature interviewing several Seatlle music mainstays about the upcoming Seahawks season, and the combination of local pride and football fervor turned into a big traffic win.   

    Hawk Rock pages accounted for 30% of total traffic over the past week, with a total of nearly 5K pageviews. One main reason this content received as much traffic as it did was due to Do206 shoutouts from the artists being interviewed. For example, Nick Harmer's interview was the most popular landing page on Do206 this last week by a long shot, primarily because of the page being featured on Death Cab for Cutie's Facebook page.

    When featuring content on your site, lean on anyone that's involved to share on their own channels so that you can rack up the referral traffic. This is especially important for developing metros that are still trying to build up larger followings on social (even if your Seahawks tweets get shared and favorited an uncanny 12 times).
  2. Tiff Engagement ADDing Up. Do416 built out a lense for the Toronto International Film Festival, allowing users to visit a site entirely devoted to TIFF events. Their audience responded by adding events to their calendar in droves, as evidenced by the 554 "ADD" clicks last week, more than twice as much as any of the previous weeks.

    Additionally, their newsletter featuring TIFF in the subject line received more opens than any other email since we began collecting Toronto's weekly stats, as well as the second most traffic to site. Let us know if you have an idea for a lense that we can help set up to boost engagement similarly in your market.
  3. Do214 Voted Mayer of RSVPville. In the past week, Do214 had more traffic and new visitors to their site than in any previous week of Weekly KPI reports, thanks to the success of their Mayer Hawthorne RSVP.

    The event itself had over 500 RSVPs, and was a huge driver of user acquisition, as it accounted for 30% of new users to the site during the past week. Very few things work as well to hook new users as a big name RSVP, since users get a great show, and you get new people familiar with your DoXXX and subscribed to your email list.
  4. Quick Kudos to Do314 for switching over to Mailchimp. After leaving FanBridge, their open rate went up by 6%, and their click rate went up by 1%. Congrats on the switch!
That's all for this week; enjoy perusing the latest Weekly KPI Report, this time with 2 new weeks of updated data:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/25/14

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It's KPI time, and with that, a couple of logistical matters:
  • Month over month (MoM) data is now accurate! We've made it through 8 weeks of this, so you should now have a better long term idea of where you stand.
  • Two new dashboards! While knowing how many people are clicking on your emails and engaging on your social channels is great, it's difficult to replicate success without knowing which content is driving these numbers. For this reason we've built two new diagnostic dashboards: Social and Email. Each will show the content on your site that is driving the most interaction in the respective channel.

    This is where the dashboards will appear in your Weekly KPI Report, and this is what they'll look like in analytics. For a refresher on how to download and use any of the dashboards, check out slides 17-20 of this deck.

    ***Note to see email interaction data in Google Analytics, you'll need to enable it on each campaign you send out (screenshot). Otherwise no tracking data will appear. 
On to the winners of the week!
  1. MoM is just WoW upside down. Now that MoM data is in, who had the highest increases in traffic to their site? With a 57% increase in traffic to site, it should be no sorpresa that it's HazDF.

    The difference is easy to see. Last month, there were no RSVPs. Yet HazDF broke the seal this month with events like this anniversary party and various events at the Bonus Creative Week Festival. These, plus a partnership with Ceremonia music festival to give away tickets and design their festival lineup/scheduler (as part of an ad package, of course) all helped traffic trend upwards.

    Other MoM winners for traffic to site include:
    --DoNYC: Up 55%
    --DoLA: Up 42%
    --Do206: Up 40%
  2. Rogue Waves of Engagement. Do415 blew their record for RSVPs out of the water with this free Rogue Wave-headlined festival/block party. Do415 previously never had a week with more than 200 RSVPs, this past week, they had 864. The real deal is that this kind of engagement reaps serious traffic. More people visited the block party event page than any other page on the site (including the homepage!), and it accounted for roughly as many pageviews as the next 3 most popular pages combined.

    Cue the broken record section: Festivals = big traffic. RSVPs = big traffic. Put them together? Traffic magic. 
And now what you've all been waiting for, this week's updated weekly KPI report:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/19/14

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Another week, another weekly KPI report! Before we dive in, a couple notes about the data:
  • Unsubscribes has been added as a metric in the purple "Email" section
  • This is the last week that you should ignore Month over Month (MoM) data, as we'll finally have 8 weeks of historical data next week!
Without further ado, our Winners of the Week:
  1. Free Fests = Fans on Fans on Fans : There is no bigger traffic driver than letting people go to fests for free. Want proof?

    DoNYC hosts Electric Zoo's afterparty page in exchange for tickets to all the events (rather than the typical arrangement of running ads on these pages). The result: YoY traffic is up 226%, and the number of people clicking the WIN button and entering giveaways is 4X higher than it's been since we've tracked stats.

    Or for another example, look at DoLA. They host RSVPs for Echo Park Rising and a special Echo Park Rising related show. The result: YoY traffic is up 71%, and the number of people clicking the RSVP button is twice as high as it's ever been since we started tracking stats
  2. Venue Teasers are Audience Pleasers. If you've been reading these updates these for the past few weeks, you've likely caught that posts announcing venue openings or sneak peeks at venues that are "coming soon" have been consistent performers on social channels.

    This week is no different. Do210 had its most successful post to date with a picture of the new performing arts center going up in San Antonio. Do512 tapped into the same vein by providing a behind the scenes look at the reopening of an Alamo Drafthouse movie theater and its accompanying complex, their most successful posts on both Facebook andTwitter.

    Show you're the authority on all the new spots in town, and reap the benefits on social.
  3. Do312 Marks the Passing of a Great. This simple image post commemorating Robin Williams' death resonated with Chicago and beyond. Not that this should ever be distilled down to purely numbers, but it does show that keeping abreast of current events and having a heart will keep your audience engaged. In this case, the result was more user responses than any other post across the network since we've started tracking stats. 

And with that, take a gander at your updated weekly KPI report!
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/11/14

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There's no need to let Mondays get you down; instead enjoy this edition of the Weekly KPI Report.

A couple notes on the data:
  • Month over Month (MoM) should still be ignored, as it won't be accurate until 2 more weeks of data
  • Total registered user data is now 100% accurate. Previously this was calculated by taking the number of new users and adding it to the previous week's total to get total users. This caused total user counts to become inaccurate over time. It is now updated according to the actual count of users that's on your Radmin dashboard, and will thus be an accurate reflection of the true user count from now on.
Here's the rundown of the Winners of the Week:
  1. Do210 Launches with a Bang: The city known for remembering the Alamo is now remembering to check Do210 before going out. In its first week of being live, it already beat out 8 other markets in site visits during the last week.

    Of course, it still remains to be seen if it can sustain this level of traffic. Yet, things look good thanks to a robust giveaways page and traffic drivers like their Siempre San Antonio RSVP, an event that helped them get more RSVP button clicks than any other market last week.
  2. Brunch is InescapableOf all of Do312's numerous noteworthy social posts, this someecard-bedecked post touting Do312's brunch list was the one that received the most engagement, grabbing 120 likes and 15 shares.

    Brunch is a nation-wide force to be reckoned with, considering that brunch pages are in Do214's top 15 pages since launch, and the most popular page on Do512's blog this year (receiving 20K pageviews of organic traffic).
  3. Social with a Soul. Take a look at the winning social posts from across the network this week, and it's easy to see that people engage with posts that sound like they come from a real human that lives in your city, rather than a steely-eyed robot of show announcements at advertised venues.

    Do415 LOL'd at a failed festival liquor smuggling. Do314 noted you can date Mr. Jones, but only after you vote. Do512 sparked debate over their "cool" rankingDoNYC andHazDF did their best to surface a national concern: anthropomorphised pugs.

    While the heart of your social media content should be around content on your site, remember that it's often that touch of humor and local flare that resonates and produces the "big wins."  

Enough chit chat, here's your updated weekly KPI report!
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 7/28/14

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Now that we're in the second week of sending out the KPI report, hopefully there's no mystery left in the process and you guys are ready to dive into your stats. 

We'll start off with the Winners of the Week:

  1. Know your 'hood: Do214's email clicks are up 62.5% over last week. The main culprit? Rolling out their neighborhoods feature. Their newsletter's link to Deep Ellum, the first of Do214's neighborhood lists, drove more clicks than anything else in the newsletter. It was also featured in the subject line, resulting in 26% more opens than last week. Plus, the page's strong performance (5th most popular page on Do214) has helped their site traffic increase by 13% compared to last week.

    Several other cities have built out features on neighborhoods (for example, Do317 and Do415). Find the geographic areas in your market that have the strongest offerings, and put together a list with your recommendations to see if you can reap similar rewards.
  2. Run contests that engage your audience: If you read our last network updateyou already know about Do312's pizzafy a punk album contest for Riot Fest. Now Do416 is running the same contest, and their social posts featuring the contest were their highest engaged posts on both Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, Do312's Jeff Bridges Look-A-Like contest got 178 newsletter clicks and helped propel Do312's newsletter to their highest click rate in over a month.

    For more information on how contests can get your user base more engaged and be an overall success for you business, check out our case study on Do312's Chicago Nightlife Awards.
  3. Apparently, people like holidays. The most social-engaged posts for Do512 and Do214 were posts about the completely legitimate National Tequila Day list and the somewhat less legitimate Batman Day list.

    Point is, the renown of the holiday isn't what's important. Find holidays (known or unknown) that you can create an associated list and use it to engage your audience on your social channels.

As promised, here's your updated weekly KPI report!

Remember to click on the the tab with your DoXXX on it to see your metro-specific stats.

As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/4/14

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Hi All,

It's Monday evening, and that means Weekly KPI report time! Now that most cities have 5 weeks total of data, you'll start seeing the "MoM" row of data populating BUT ignore this data for now. Until we have 8 weeks of data, the month over month historical comparison will be artificially inflated. 

Onto the meat of the KPI report, with this edition of traffic Winners of the Week:
  1. Must We Start With Durst?: Do617 reached new heights for shared content thanks to a promoted Facebook post featuring none other than the Limp Bizkit frontman. The post received more shares than any other Do617 post since KPI tracking began.

    So while this might not be a ringing endorsement for Do617 audience's taste, it does prove that sometimes the announcement of a oft reviled, yet still nostalgic band can work wonders on social. It doesn't however, provide any guidance on why you should take your cookie, and stick it up your yeah.
  2. Future Folk Tour Still Going Strong: Do214 has had its highest week of traffic, highest week of site engagement (most total WIN/BUY/ADD/RSVP clicks), and most amount of new registered users in the last 5 weeks that we've tracked KPIs.

    The single event with the most traffic and user engagement? Yup, Future Folk. On a larger note, hosting RSVPs for unique events that your audience cares about will quickly boost 1) Traffic 2) User Engagement and 3) User Acquisition all in one fell swoop.
  3. Chicago Goes Wild for the Night. If there was ever any doubt on the impact of hosting aftershows on your site, Do312's Lollapalooza Aftershows page proves it can be the golden ticket to gobs of traffic. There's a reason why Do312's rows of data are all green in the sheet, including traffic being up 13% compared to last year. Lolla Aftershows got 10K more people landing on it this year than last.

    Admittedly, not everybody has Lolla in their market, but almost everybody has a festival. As more and more fests become the marquee trafficked event in your market, hosting their aftershow events can be the ultimate way to capitalize on the traffic. 

And here's your updated Weekly KPI Report so you can do your own digging in:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Product Update: Episode 8 Prep

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

This week is full of planning meetings here at DoStuff HQ. Not only are we in the homestretch of Summit prep, we're also wrapping up Episode 7 and planning for Episode 8.

One of the most important parts of this planning period for the Product team is going through the DSD Queue to figure out what projects need more focus over the next few months.

Prepping DSD Queue For New Episode

Just as a quick refresh -- here at DoStuff we break our year into periods we call Episodes to assist in planning. An Episode ranges anywhere from 2-3 months depending on the time of year and what else is going on.

The week of planning between the old Episode and the new one is especially important because we need to decide where to dedicate our limited manpower in the coming months.

We'll have a full Episode 7 recap and Episode 8 preview coming soon, but in the meantime you might enjoy a peek into part of the planning process. Over the past few days, you may have noticed the Product team combing through all the tickets in the DSD Queue in Asana and segmenting them into buckets for E8 prep.

These segments have been used throughout this week by the product team to identify what's been generating a lot of DSD tickets lately and where they may need to focus their time over the next couple of months.

If you have any questions about what projects get picked for an Episode, it may be useful to go back to this exchange from the last Episode recap and to keep an eye out for the full Episode 8 preview in the coming weeks.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Metro News: doNYC's CMJ Lens, DoStuff Office Exchange, Do502 Launch Party, and more!

Our regular Metro News updates highlight big wins, cool ideas, and notable events from around the Network so you can stay up to date on what your counterparts around the U.S., Canada, and Mexico are doing.

It's Friday afternoon and we know you're looking to get outside and enjoy this fall weather. But before you walk out the door for the weekend, take a look at what's going on around the Network this month.

doNYC’s CMJ Lens

As the CMJ Music Marathon heads towards its finale this weekend, we wanted to highlight one of the fest’s breakout acts -- doNYC.

For those that aren’t familiar, the CMJ Music Marathon is a week-long music fest in NYC consisting of 1,400 acts playing 80 clubs spread out across 2 boroughs. It’s the Big Apple’s answer to SXSW, only without Lady Gaga playing inside of a giant Doritos bag. Think SXSW of the early 2000’s, not 2014.

Really wanting to take advantage of this influx of indie music fans, doNYC spent months putting together a badass Conference Lens for CMJ.

The Conference Lens format gave doNYC a number of big advantages for engaging the CMJ crowd -- including customized site design, a default “slim cards” view to pack more shows onto a single page, and a “view by start time” check box for sorting through hundreds of daily shows.

It took a lot of planning a design work from the doNYC team, but people are noticing. Not least of whom, the CMJ team itself.

The engagement numbers have also been pretty impressive this week, with more than 25,000 page views and over 20,000 unique visitors to That’s the most trafficked Lens in DoStuff history after the Do512 SXSW Lens.

Check out this week’s product update for more info on building Lenses in Radmin, and keep doNYC’s baller CMJ Lens in mind the next time a conference-style festival is happening in your metro.

DoStuff Office Exchange

Some of you are already clued into this, but DoStuff is doing its first Network Office Exchange this month. Members of the Delivery team are spending a few days with a metro to get a better feel for needs on the "front lines", and to provide a bit more hands-on assistance as needed.

Google Hangouts and Slack are great and all, but it's not the same as working with y'all in person. And to be honest, we just miss your musk.

Here's the office exchange lineup for this October, and to those that feel left out don't worry. We're coming to hang with you soon.

  • Oct. 20-24
    • HazDF - Stuart
    • Do214 - Ted
    • Do206 - Kristin
  • Oct. 27-31
    • Do317 - Adi
    • Do617 - Jordan
    • DoLA - Justin

Other News

Here's a quick rundown of other big happenings around the Network this month.

  • Do502's Launch Party: After debuting their site earlier this month to the fine folks of Louisville, the Do502 team is throwing a launch party on November 15th -- the Saturday after the Summit. They're still in the planning stages, but rumor has it that one of Kentucky's hottest new acts could be playing. Let Jeffrey and team know if you're looking to attend!
  • DoLA's Jack Daniels Pitch: Josh and the DoLA team put together this badass influencer program deck for their contacts at Jack Daniels last month. This is a perfect example of the type of prep that should go into one of these conversations. Josh said he's happy to make a copy for anyone that wants to use it as a template. (PLEASE do not share that link outside of the Network.)
  • Do512's ECP Deck: Speaking of well designed sales decks, look at Do512's new ECP deck
  • doNYC's Birthday: doNYC turned two earlier this month! And you know what they say, the first two years are the hardest. Be sure to congratulate Jon and Johnny next time you talk to them.
  • Do512's Raw Paw x PBR Activation: We'll leave you with this sweet recap video from Do512's "New Magic" party -- a collaboration between Do512, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Austin's Raw Paw art collective.

That's all this week! If you ever have news or tips to share with the Network, just drop it in the #bigwins channel in Slack.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Product Update: Lenses and ECPs in Radmin, Timezone Fix for RSVPs, and more

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

Big update this week! We have a brand new "Lenses" tab rolling out in Radmin, plus some other features and fixes added to the backend. Make sure you check out each one below!

(There WILL be a quiz.)

Lens and ECP Creation In Radmin

As we’re getting closer to moving the final bits of Admin over to Radmin, one of the features that’s been totally reimagined is Lenses. Lens creation, especially for ECPs, has long been a decentralized and pretty confusing process.

The new Lenses tab in Radmin, going live this week, will be the centralized place for you to manage existing lenses and oversee the creation of new ones.

But first, it’s probably best we do a little vocab review.

Vocab Review: Lenses and ECPs

We throw around a lot of acronyms and made-up lingo here at DoStuff and it can sometimes be hard to keep track. To make it even more fun, we sometimes switch up the meanings over time.

So before your head starts spinning, here are two terms we should define:

  • Lens: A customized view of your metro’s Event listings, or a certain cross section of those listings. When viewing a Lens, the design elements stay consistent across Lists and Event pages. Lenses can live on-site or on a third-party site and come in three different flavors:
  • ECP: An Event Calendar Partner (ECP) is a type of Lens that "lives" on a third-party partner’s site, and lists a personalized calendar of Events for their audience.
Creating an ECP in Radmin

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at the new Lens Creation process that will be coming to Radmin in the next few days. The set up is pretty much the same for all Lenses, but we’re going to use ECPs as an example.

With Radmin you can automate a large portion of ECP set up -- from emailing designers to creating the URL to building a service agreement. In fact, our goal is to give you the ability to build an entire ECP from start to finish without DoStuff’s help whatsoever.

To create a new ECP in Radmin, you'll click “New Lens” in the top-right of the ECPs page and be taken to this form:

Here's what you'll enter into each field:

  1. Title: What's the ECP going to be called?
  2. Mode: What type of Lens are you building? (Hint: You’re building an ECP.)
  3. User: Enter the email of the user that will be voting on Events for the ECP. (Note: They must be a registered user on your site before you can create the ECP.)
  4. Original URL: Paste the URL for your ECP partner's website so your designer can match the design and layout. (Note: This field only appears for ECPs.)
  5. Designers: Enter the email of the designer(s) that will be building the ECP. As soon as the ECP is created, they will be notified along with a link to their Radmin Dashboard so they can get started. (Note: This field only appears for ECPs.)
  6. Domain: What will the Lens' domain URL be? This will create a new URL on our server. (Note: You must create a URL ending in your metro's domain name to get started -- e.g. Later on you can redirect to a partner's domain URL if that was part of the agreement.)
  7. Locked Username: Is the Locked box checked? This is the username that will be used to access the ECP before it's unlocked (be sure to give to you designer and parters).
  8. Locked Password: Is the Locked box checked? This is the password that will be used to access the ECP before it's unlocked.

Before you press 'Save', click on the Service Agreement tab to enter the contact details for your ECP partner. The Service Agreement is a standard contract generated for all ECPs and basically says that DoStuff gives the partner permission to host our Event listings on their site. Enter the required info on this tab and press "Save".

A number of things will happen when you finish all these steps. First and foremost, the ECP will be created and will be visible in your Lenses tab in Radmin.

In addition, 1.) the ECP domain URL will be added to our server automatically, 2.) your designer will receive an email with the relevant details and instructions for building the ECP, and 3.) a Service Agreement will be generated using the contact details you entered earlier.

From this point, you can work 1-on-1 with your designer and ECP contact to finalize the site design, get the Service Agreement "signed", and decide on a launch date. Before you can launch the ECP, it's your responsibility to make sure your partner reads the Service Agreement and clicks "Agree" while logged into their account. To find the link to the Service Agreement at any time, click "View Agreement" on the ECP's details page in Radmin, or through the cog menu on the main ECP page.

While all this is may seem like a lot to learn right now, you'll find that you'll soon be creating and launching ECPs completely independent of DoStuff and the support team using this new process.

Service Agreements

With this new ECP creation process in Radmin, a signed Service Agreement will now be required for every single active ECP.

We’re well aware that the large majority of existing ECPs do not have a signed Service Agreement in place at this time -- the blame for this rests mostly on our shoulders anyway. But in order to make sure that DoStuff and the metros are protected going forward, we need all ECPs to agree to the standard Service Agreement.

We’ll work with each of you in the coming weeks to help you along the process of getting these generated and "signed" using Radmin.

Timezone Fix for RSVPs

As some of you have noticed in the past, the field for automatically emailing guestlists in Radmin hasn’t always worked too well.

The root cause was that Radmin standardized all events to the same time zone in the backend, but wasn’t taking this into account in the RSVP modal. Depending on what time zone you’re in, “1 hour prior” could turn into “3 hours prior”.

To fix this, we had to add an entirely new field at the bottom of the modal that now runs on a dropdown. This is the “good” guest list field. It can tell time and do basic addition and subtraction, as opposed to the “bad” field.

But here’s the catch, before we can kill the “bad’ field we need you to manually switch all your current RSVPs to the “good” one. You can do this by entering the proper time in the “good” field and leaving the “bad” field blank.

Since both of these are currently working, it’s really important you do this for all RSVPs (Approved Events > Filters > RSVP) and let us know when you’re done. Once we know that everyone has successfully switched over we’ll kill the “bad” field and you’ll never hear from it again.

Default Share Image

We’ve added a new field in Radmin under Site Design > Images for setting the default share image on Facebook and other social sites. Up until now, the thumbnail that pops up when you share a link has been your metro’s logo, which doesn’t always look too hot when it shows up against Facebook’s white background (see below).

Now you can upload a custom photo or graphic to Radmin to improve the way your links appear in Facebook's News Feed and help drive more clicks.

Media Search Functions

There’s been some confusion about what all the buttons in Radmin’s new media search widget do, so we thought we’d clear it up so you’re not left worrying about pressing the wrong thing:

  1. Page Icon: Updates the Facebook Page info (Does NOT change the current image)
  2. Check Icon: Update the current image AND updates the Facebook Page info
  3. Arrow Icon: Scrolls to next image

The difference between the page icon and the check icon are important to note the next time you need to update a Venue or Artist’s Facebook ID but don’t want to change the background image that’s currently being used.

Hidden User Activity Is Hidden

This may sound redundant, but the activity of hidden users is now hidden across the entire site. In the past, hidden users have appeared in the Event Activity feed under the name “Anonymous Coward”.

We decided it was kind of mean to call everyone a coward so now their activity just doesn’t show up anymore.


That's all for this week! We'll let you know in Slack when the Lenses tab is about to go live in Radmin so you know to keep an eye out for it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 10/20/14


Before we dive in, a quick reminder that I'll be leading a brief "Tips and Tricks" Google Analytics training session on Thursday, 10/23 at 2pm CST. For anyone interested in joining - just shoot me an email in reply and I'll get you added to the calendar invite.

Hokay, now for the Winners of the Week!
  1. Seattle Sharing In Bike Share's Success. Do206 had their first big RSVP event, and the results are unquestionably worth sharing (sorry). After the homepage, the event received the most traffic of any page on Do206, accounting for 10% of their traffic over the last week. This and the 335 people who RSVP'd helped propel Do206 to its second highest week of site traffic AND new users in the 4 months we've tracked weekly stats.

    Your DoXXX platform is perfect for partnering with these buzz-worthy product launches by hosting their RSVPs and driving people to launch events. Come up with an incentive to dangle in front of users (in this case, free beer and swag bags), use the incentive to get RSVPs, and watch people come in droves. Happy partners + happy users = DoXXX no-brainer.
  2. Louisville is off to the Races! Louisville launched last week on Wednesday, October 15th, and they've already had 3644 visits to their site. They're off to a great start thanks to some speedy Slugger outreach (already up to 40+), a handful of ticket giveaways, and some nifty pieces of content like their Neighborhoods page and Badass Shows for $12 or Less (complete with Eric Wareheim GIF). To top it all off, they already have an ECP live within a week of launch.

    Not too shabby, Do502! We're looking forward to reporting on all the big wins happening out in the heart of bourbon country in the weeks to come. 
That's all for today; take a peek at this week's updated Weekly KPI Report for the full rundown of all things Do:
As always, reach out if you have questions or want to share a win that we overlooked.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Product Update: Quick List of Bug Fixes

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes that are on the way.

There are no big product updates this week so we're just giving you a quick rundown of all the recent bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Auto-voting Venues: Users that are set to autovote were not always voting on Events at Venues that they follow. This was especially troublesome for neighborhood pages and other site-specific users. This has been fixed.
  • Co-reg for Future DoSites: This will only affect future DoStuff sites, but new users are now co-registered to the nearest metro -- even if it's not live yet. Unfortunately for Do502, no one from Louisville that created a Forecastle schedule this summer was added as a Do502 user because their site was still inactive. This was a big pain point and has been remedied by DoStuff for future launches.
  • Event Photos on ECPs: If an Event was created on the front-end of your site, the photos were not always displaying properly on ECP sites, and vice versa. This has been corrected so that photos are consistent on both ECPs and metro sites.
  • Past Events Popping Up Unexpectedly: There was a recent issue with past repeating Events showing up at the top of certain venue pages. This has been fixed.

That's all for this week! Stay tuned to Slack for the latest news from around the Network and be sure to log all bugs and suggestions in the DSD Queue.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 10/13/14

Evenin' everybody,

A couple logistic notes:
  • As this marks our 15th week of collecting data for the Weekly KPI Report, we've decided to start posting each edition of these on the Doing Big Stuff blog.Clicking the "KPI Update" tag will take you to a collection of these weekly emails, extending back to when they first began. That way you can reference anything from the past or find content you might have missed.
  • I'll be hosting a "Tips and Tricks" Google Analytics training session on Thursday, 10/23 at 2pm CST. It should only last for 30-45 minutes, and it will focus on how to most efficiently use GA to look at data that affects your business. If you'd like to attend, just reply to this email and I'll send you a calendar invite.

Now, on to the Winners of the Week!
  1. Traffic In Indie? Indeed. Do416 had their highest week of ECP traffic, thanks to the launch of their Indieweek ECP. In the last week, that particular ECP received nearly 5K pageviews, pushing their total ECP visits last week to over 2,000 - higher than their previous record by 700 visits.

    In a unique content combination we haven't seen before, Do416 also created the Indie Week Lense as a way to showcase all of the Indie Week shows in a cohesive piece of content that could be sold to advertisers (as Do416 did with Levi Stephens). All of this is a great example of finding a local smaller conference, creating a customized piece of content (in this case, dedicated Lense + ECP) and then using it to build audience and revenue.
  2. Reaping Rewards from the Red River Rivalry. Though the Texas-OU game has been a tradition for over 100 years, this was the first where fans had the help of Do214 to find all the best parties the weekend had to offer. Do214 created their TX/OU weekend list to round up all of the watch parties, after parties, alumni gatherings, and hangover brunches happening around town.

    The work paid off, as the page accounted for 20% of Do214's total traffic for the week, receiving 1,747 pageviews (400 more than even their homepage). After coupling this with a ticket giveaway and a sponsored Facebook post that hit home with fans, Do214 was able to get the second most traffic to site of any week in the 15 weeks we've done the KPI report.

    And with all that traffic, the list makes an easy sell to American Born Moonshine. Yet another example of good content turning into dollars. Next time your city hosts a major sporting event, don't just stop at listing the event. Instead, make a list of all the cool stuff happening around the game, since that's where your DoXXX site can really shine.

That's it for this week. Enjoy perusing your updated numbers below:
As always, reach out if you have questions or want to share a win that we overlooked.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Product Update: Improved Event Search, Copying Events, and Sorting Event Ads

Our regular Product Updates give you a rundown of the features and bug fixes that were rolled out over the past week, plus a look ahead to some of the bigger changes coming to your site or to Radmin.

A few bug fixes and improvements for you guys this week. Hope you like 'em!

Event Search

The Dev team is working hard to improve the power and functionality of Event Search in Radmin. Hopefully you’ve been able to notice the difference as of late.

Filtering By Event Type

This week we added the ability to filter past and current Events by type -- single day, ongoing, and repeating. In your Approved Events queue, expand the Filters menu and you’ll see the new “Event Type” options at the bottom.

Filtering by Event type will help you quickly spot how many weekly repeating Events you have on the site, or track down ongoing Events that might need to be broken up into multiple Events so they show up on your daily listings.

Improved Past Event Search

We’re still working to make it perfect, but searching for past Events has been much improved over the past couple weeks. Drop a line to support if you’re still seeing new issues, or just to let us know that it’s working now!

Copying Events With Images

Copying an Event now copies over all attached images to the new Event. Copying (Click on the gear icon > “Copy”) has always carried over all Event details and Artists, but now any attached cover images and poster images will be carried over as well.

Time saving FTW!

Finding Recently Ended Event Ads

When viewing inactive Event Ads (Advertising > Filters > “Include Inactive”), they are now sorted automatically by most recently completed. Before the default view was alphabetically by Campaign title, which wasn’t too useful for finding an Event Ad that ended last week.

For a number of complicated reasons, it’s not possible right now to sort the date columns for Event Ads any other way (all the columns are fully sortable with Brand Ads), but default sorting by most recent end date should help you find recently ended campaigns for your ad reports.

Radmin Dashboard Is Live!

For those following along in Slack earlier today, you saw the announcement that the Radmin Dashboard is now live. Read more about the features in last week's Product Update and share any thoughts you have with the rest of the Network over on Slack.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 10/6/14

Welcome to October!

This edition of Winners of the Week spotlights the metros whose stats are on the rise, even though it's fall:
  1. San Antonio does its Heather Mills impersonation. Do210 became the latest in a long list of people that have benefited from Paul McCartney (lookin' at you, Ringo). In this case, Do210 landed a ticket giveaway for Paul's show in San Antonio, and fans wend bazonkers at the chance to win tickets.

    The previous most amount of "WIN" clicks Do210 received in a week was 633; this week they had 2386 WIN clicks. In the past week, they got more WIN clicks than everyone in thenetwork except for Do512 and DoLA. Total entrants in the contest topped out at over 1,200, and the page itself received 2.5K pageviews in a week (20% of Do210's total traffic). Traffic to the entire site doubled WoW.

    All of that is great, but what really makes it a fantastic win for a new market is the user acquisition. Those 1,200+ entrants helped Do210 grow their list by 1,476 new subscribers last week. That's more than any other market, and proves that one massive event can make a lasting difference to your business.
  2. DoLA's giveaway straws break the traffic camel's back. Awkward metaphors aside, it's not always one massive giveaway that turns the tide on traffic. DoLA's site traffic is up thanks to a whole bunch of giveaways, among them Aziz AnsariThe War On Drugs,  a block party with big-name headliners, and a whole bunch more thanks to this inventive partnership with Curb.

    All of those combined (plus other content winners like a free/donation-based festival, and the beginnings of their Halloween list) meant DoLA was in for a surge of traffic. YoY traffic to site was up 14%, and traffic compared to last week was up 56%. A huge chunk of that can be traced back to the fact that more people are clicking the WIN button than any week in the past 2 months.

    If you're not getting as many giveaways for your site as you can get your hands on, you're missing out on that nice hefty boost of traffic, and event more important - the users that join your mail list/register for your site. 
Updated numbers in the doc below. Give 'em a look through, and see how you can make October your best month yet!​
As always, reach out if you have questions or want to share a win that we overlooked.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/29/14

Hi everyone,

It's late, and you probably want to see last week's stats, so we'll cut to the chase and dive into the Winners of the Week:
  1. The City of Grunge Succumbs to Jonas. Do206 had 30 more retweets on Twitter than they've ever had in any of the previous weeks due to the inexplicable phenomenon that is Nick Jonas. This tweet and this tweet alone accounted for 50 retweets, which is likely the same number of drinks they sold at that show.

    Before turning up your nose at something that might not ooze cool, remember that something a little more mainstream can be a hit on your social channels. Granted, it's probably best to use these types of events in moderation for your branding, but don't be too eager to turn your back on an event that could get you 50 retweets or 1000+ giveaway entries.
  2. Sometimes, it's the little fests that count. Last week, Do512 had 4,055 unique clicks on their newsletter content. Their previous record in the weeks that we've tracked stats was 2,744 clicks. What caused the uptick? Rather than a single big win driving this email traffic, Do512 benefited from several popular events. However, the biggest percentage of clicked on links were small festivals like The Pecan Street Festival and The Weird City Hip Hop Festival. These two events drove close to 2.5K clicks alone.

    Once again this is an example of what your Do platform can do best. A surefire win is to take something intrinsically popular (a local festival) that doesn't have a strong site or coverage in other media outlets, and then present the info in an easy to navigate list. In the case of the Weird City Hip Hop Festival, it was the first year of the fest, and there was no easy way to find when performers would be on stage...until Do512 listed all the shows. Capitalizing on this scarcity of information and curating your site to directly address this problem can result in content that keeps people coming back to your site.
That's all for this week. Browse your stats in the updated KPI doc below and holler if you have any questions/thoughts/ideas for great Halloween costumes. 

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/22/14

Happy Hobbit Day! (or American Business Women's Day, if that's more your flavor),

In the midst of this busy holiday season, I'd like to encourage you to check out this week's edition of the Weekly KPI Report. A round of accolades to the Winners of the Week:
  1. ECPeasy, Lemon Squeezy. HazDF received more traffic to ECPs than they have had in the previous 8 weeks. Since the amount of traffic to ECPs is largely out of your control post-ECP site launch, HazDF has continued to grow their ECP traffic by signing on additional partners. Their total number of ECPs partners climbed to an impressive six different calendars with the launch of FueTT last week.

    New markets can benefit immensely from locking in high traffic ECPs, as HazDF gets roughly 40% of their total traffic from ECPs each week. However, it's not just fledgling markets that stand to gain from ECPs. In the last 3 months, DoNYC has had 25K more ECP visitors YoY thanks to strong performance from sites like SummerStageWFUVFree Williamsburg, andOkayPlayer.
  2. Museums: Not Just For Old People. Do512's traffic is up more than 10% compared to last year, and the biggest cause is their Austin Museum Day List. That list of museums opening up their doors for free was the 4th most popular Do512 page last week and had 318% more traffic than it did last year. Acquisition-wise, the Museum Day feature drove more traffic to site than any other single piece of content on Facebook, Twitter, and Email.

    The Museum Day list is a prime example of two components that make or break a list:
    --Is this list relevant to my audience? Do512 gets A TON of traffic of people looking for free things to do, hence a collection of museums you could go to for free was guaranteed to hit the mark.
    --Is this content easy to find somewhere else? In this case, Museum Day isn't a massive affair with every entertainment blog in the city listing the participating venues. Yet for those people that needed a guide to the days' events, that need was fulfilled by Do512.

    Together those made for a doggone great piece of list-making.
And with that, check out the stats below for your market and the network as a whole to see what you can be doing to make your Do site more killer:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/15/14

Hola DoCrew,

Welcome to the new week, and with it, the updated weekly KPI report. To start off with, check out the exploits of our Winners of the Week
  1. Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away, Boston. Do617 had its highest week of traffic to site since we began collecting weekly stats. The ticket to big traffic? Offering free tickets to big ticket shows. Or said less confusingly- Do617 locked in ticket giveaways to Jack WhiteStevie Wonder, and The New England Patriots.

    All said, their Guestlist page was far and away their most clicked link in their weekly newsletter, and more users clicked the Win + Buy buttons than any week prior. Just as securing ticket giveaways from fest partners can be a guaranteed traffic win, these ticket giveaways to "headliner" acts drive traffic similarly.
  2. RSVParty Hard. Do312's traffic is up 15% compared to last year, thanks to a slew of RSVP events that could rival even Boston's goal of giving users free stuff. The most popular of these was an Adrew WK dj set, but other popular pages included a boozy alley art installation, a pizza party graced with Macaulay Culkin's presence, and a Hood Internet show/video game party/Budweiser donation-athon.

    All in all, the top 6 Do312 pages, in terms of user engagement, were all RSVPs. If those events don't get your creativity flowing to start putting together some unique RSVP events for your audience, consider this: the amount of users landing on Do312's homepage was up 40% YoY, whereas Do312's homepage pageviews (whether as a landing page or not) were up 80%. This indicates that having an abundance of great events (like several RSVPs) means users aren't just entering the site to RSVP/enter a giveaway and leaving. Instead, they're coming to Do312, RSVPing for an event, then heading back to the homepage or other event listings to find even more cool events. Hit that threshold of listing multiple awesome events every day, and your users will do the same.
That's all for this week; check your stats, do some amazing things this week, and hopefully read about your successes in next week's update!
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 9/8/14


Thanks to Labor Day, it's been awhile since we've had an updated Weekly KPI Report. Despite the week off, data for the last two weeks is now populated, which leads us to this edition ofWinners of the Week
  1. Seattle Invokes the 12th Man of Traffic. Do206 rolled out their feature interviewing several Seatlle music mainstays about the upcoming Seahawks season, and the combination of local pride and football fervor turned into a big traffic win.   

    Hawk Rock pages accounted for 30% of total traffic over the past week, with a total of nearly 5K pageviews. One main reason this content received as much traffic as it did was due to Do206 shoutouts from the artists being interviewed. For example, Nick Harmer's interview was the most popular landing page on Do206 this last week by a long shot, primarily because of the page being featured on Death Cab for Cutie's Facebook page.

    When featuring content on your site, lean on anyone that's involved to share on their own channels so that you can rack up the referral traffic. This is especially important for developing metros that are still trying to build up larger followings on social (even if your Seahawks tweets get shared and favorited an uncanny 12 times).
  2. Tiff Engagement ADDing Up. Do416 built out a lense for the Toronto International Film Festival, allowing users to visit a site entirely devoted to TIFF events. Their audience responded by adding events to their calendar in droves, as evidenced by the 554 "ADD" clicks last week, more than twice as much as any of the previous weeks.

    Additionally, their newsletter featuring TIFF in the subject line received more opens than any other email since we began collecting Toronto's weekly stats, as well as the second most traffic to site. Let us know if you have an idea for a lense that we can help set up to boost engagement similarly in your market.
  3. Do214 Voted Mayer of RSVPville. In the past week, Do214 had more traffic and new visitors to their site than in any previous week of Weekly KPI reports, thanks to the success of their Mayer Hawthorne RSVP.

    The event itself had over 500 RSVPs, and was a huge driver of user acquisition, as it accounted for 30% of new users to the site during the past week. Very few things work as well to hook new users as a big name RSVP, since users get a great show, and you get new people familiar with your DoXXX and subscribed to your email list.
  4. Quick Kudos to Do314 for switching over to Mailchimp. After leaving FanBridge, their open rate went up by 6%, and their click rate went up by 1%. Congrats on the switch!
That's all for this week; enjoy perusing the latest Weekly KPI Report, this time with 2 new weeks of updated data:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/25/14

It's KPI time, and with that, a couple of logistical matters:
  • Month over month (MoM) data is now accurate! We've made it through 8 weeks of this, so you should now have a better long term idea of where you stand.
  • Two new dashboards! While knowing how many people are clicking on your emails and engaging on your social channels is great, it's difficult to replicate success without knowing which content is driving these numbers. For this reason we've built two new diagnostic dashboards: Social and Email. Each will show the content on your site that is driving the most interaction in the respective channel.

    This is where the dashboards will appear in your Weekly KPI Report, and this is what they'll look like in analytics. For a refresher on how to download and use any of the dashboards, check out slides 17-20 of this deck.

    ***Note to see email interaction data in Google Analytics, you'll need to enable it on each campaign you send out (screenshot). Otherwise no tracking data will appear. 
On to the winners of the week!
  1. MoM is just WoW upside down. Now that MoM data is in, who had the highest increases in traffic to their site? With a 57% increase in traffic to site, it should be no sorpresa that it's HazDF.

    The difference is easy to see. Last month, there were no RSVPs. Yet HazDF broke the seal this month with events like this anniversary party and various events at the Bonus Creative Week Festival. These, plus a partnership with Ceremonia music festival to give away tickets and design their festival lineup/scheduler (as part of an ad package, of course) all helped traffic trend upwards.

    Other MoM winners for traffic to site include:
    --DoNYC: Up 55%
    --DoLA: Up 42%
    --Do206: Up 40%
  2. Rogue Waves of Engagement. Do415 blew their record for RSVPs out of the water with this free Rogue Wave-headlined festival/block party. Do415 previously never had a week with more than 200 RSVPs, this past week, they had 864. The real deal is that this kind of engagement reaps serious traffic. More people visited the block party event page than any other page on the site (including the homepage!), and it accounted for roughly as many pageviews as the next 3 most popular pages combined.

    Cue the broken record section: Festivals = big traffic. RSVPs = big traffic. Put them together? Traffic magic. 
And now what you've all been waiting for, this week's updated weekly KPI report:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/19/14

Another week, another weekly KPI report! Before we dive in, a couple notes about the data:
  • Unsubscribes has been added as a metric in the purple "Email" section
  • This is the last week that you should ignore Month over Month (MoM) data, as we'll finally have 8 weeks of historical data next week!
Without further ado, our Winners of the Week:
  1. Free Fests = Fans on Fans on Fans : There is no bigger traffic driver than letting people go to fests for free. Want proof?

    DoNYC hosts Electric Zoo's afterparty page in exchange for tickets to all the events (rather than the typical arrangement of running ads on these pages). The result: YoY traffic is up 226%, and the number of people clicking the WIN button and entering giveaways is 4X higher than it's been since we've tracked stats.

    Or for another example, look at DoLA. They host RSVPs for Echo Park Rising and a special Echo Park Rising related show. The result: YoY traffic is up 71%, and the number of people clicking the RSVP button is twice as high as it's ever been since we started tracking stats
  2. Venue Teasers are Audience Pleasers. If you've been reading these updates these for the past few weeks, you've likely caught that posts announcing venue openings or sneak peeks at venues that are "coming soon" have been consistent performers on social channels.

    This week is no different. Do210 had its most successful post to date with a picture of the new performing arts center going up in San Antonio. Do512 tapped into the same vein by providing a behind the scenes look at the reopening of an Alamo Drafthouse movie theater and its accompanying complex, their most successful posts on both Facebook andTwitter.

    Show you're the authority on all the new spots in town, and reap the benefits on social.
  3. Do312 Marks the Passing of a Great. This simple image post commemorating Robin Williams' death resonated with Chicago and beyond. Not that this should ever be distilled down to purely numbers, but it does show that keeping abreast of current events and having a heart will keep your audience engaged. In this case, the result was more user responses than any other post across the network since we've started tracking stats. 

And with that, take a gander at your updated weekly KPI report!
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/11/14

There's no need to let Mondays get you down; instead enjoy this edition of the Weekly KPI Report.

A couple notes on the data:
  • Month over Month (MoM) should still be ignored, as it won't be accurate until 2 more weeks of data
  • Total registered user data is now 100% accurate. Previously this was calculated by taking the number of new users and adding it to the previous week's total to get total users. This caused total user counts to become inaccurate over time. It is now updated according to the actual count of users that's on your Radmin dashboard, and will thus be an accurate reflection of the true user count from now on.
Here's the rundown of the Winners of the Week:
  1. Do210 Launches with a Bang: The city known for remembering the Alamo is now remembering to check Do210 before going out. In its first week of being live, it already beat out 8 other markets in site visits during the last week.

    Of course, it still remains to be seen if it can sustain this level of traffic. Yet, things look good thanks to a robust giveaways page and traffic drivers like their Siempre San Antonio RSVP, an event that helped them get more RSVP button clicks than any other market last week.
  2. Brunch is InescapableOf all of Do312's numerous noteworthy social posts, this someecard-bedecked post touting Do312's brunch list was the one that received the most engagement, grabbing 120 likes and 15 shares.

    Brunch is a nation-wide force to be reckoned with, considering that brunch pages are in Do214's top 15 pages since launch, and the most popular page on Do512's blog this year (receiving 20K pageviews of organic traffic).
  3. Social with a Soul. Take a look at the winning social posts from across the network this week, and it's easy to see that people engage with posts that sound like they come from a real human that lives in your city, rather than a steely-eyed robot of show announcements at advertised venues.

    Do415 LOL'd at a failed festival liquor smuggling. Do314 noted you can date Mr. Jones, but only after you vote. Do512 sparked debate over their "cool" rankingDoNYC andHazDF did their best to surface a national concern: anthropomorphised pugs.

    While the heart of your social media content should be around content on your site, remember that it's often that touch of humor and local flare that resonates and produces the "big wins."  

Enough chit chat, here's your updated weekly KPI report!
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 7/28/14

Now that we're in the second week of sending out the KPI report, hopefully there's no mystery left in the process and you guys are ready to dive into your stats. 

We'll start off with the Winners of the Week:

  1. Know your 'hood: Do214's email clicks are up 62.5% over last week. The main culprit? Rolling out their neighborhoods feature. Their newsletter's link to Deep Ellum, the first of Do214's neighborhood lists, drove more clicks than anything else in the newsletter. It was also featured in the subject line, resulting in 26% more opens than last week. Plus, the page's strong performance (5th most popular page on Do214) has helped their site traffic increase by 13% compared to last week.

    Several other cities have built out features on neighborhoods (for example, Do317 and Do415). Find the geographic areas in your market that have the strongest offerings, and put together a list with your recommendations to see if you can reap similar rewards.
  2. Run contests that engage your audience: If you read our last network updateyou already know about Do312's pizzafy a punk album contest for Riot Fest. Now Do416 is running the same contest, and their social posts featuring the contest were their highest engaged posts on both Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, Do312's Jeff Bridges Look-A-Like contest got 178 newsletter clicks and helped propel Do312's newsletter to their highest click rate in over a month.

    For more information on how contests can get your user base more engaged and be an overall success for you business, check out our case study on Do312's Chicago Nightlife Awards.
  3. Apparently, people like holidays. The most social-engaged posts for Do512 and Do214 were posts about the completely legitimate National Tequila Day list and the somewhat less legitimate Batman Day list.

    Point is, the renown of the holiday isn't what's important. Find holidays (known or unknown) that you can create an associated list and use it to engage your audience on your social channels.

As promised, here's your updated weekly KPI report!

Remember to click on the the tab with your DoXXX on it to see your metro-specific stats.

As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/4/14

Hi All,

It's Monday evening, and that means Weekly KPI report time! Now that most cities have 5 weeks total of data, you'll start seeing the "MoM" row of data populating BUT ignore this data for now. Until we have 8 weeks of data, the month over month historical comparison will be artificially inflated. 

Onto the meat of the KPI report, with this edition of traffic Winners of the Week:
  1. Must We Start With Durst?: Do617 reached new heights for shared content thanks to a promoted Facebook post featuring none other than the Limp Bizkit frontman. The post received more shares than any other Do617 post since KPI tracking began.

    So while this might not be a ringing endorsement for Do617 audience's taste, it does prove that sometimes the announcement of a oft reviled, yet still nostalgic band can work wonders on social. It doesn't however, provide any guidance on why you should take your cookie, and stick it up your yeah.
  2. Future Folk Tour Still Going Strong: Do214 has had its highest week of traffic, highest week of site engagement (most total WIN/BUY/ADD/RSVP clicks), and most amount of new registered users in the last 5 weeks that we've tracked KPIs.

    The single event with the most traffic and user engagement? Yup, Future Folk. On a larger note, hosting RSVPs for unique events that your audience cares about will quickly boost 1) Traffic 2) User Engagement and 3) User Acquisition all in one fell swoop.
  3. Chicago Goes Wild for the Night. If there was ever any doubt on the impact of hosting aftershows on your site, Do312's Lollapalooza Aftershows page proves it can be the golden ticket to gobs of traffic. There's a reason why Do312's rows of data are all green in the sheet, including traffic being up 13% compared to last year. Lolla Aftershows got 10K more people landing on it this year than last.

    Admittedly, not everybody has Lolla in their market, but almost everybody has a festival. As more and more fests become the marquee trafficked event in your market, hosting their aftershow events can be the ultimate way to capitalize on the traffic. 

And here's your updated Weekly KPI Report so you can do your own digging in:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.
