Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/25/14

It's KPI time, and with that, a couple of logistical matters:
  • Month over month (MoM) data is now accurate! We've made it through 8 weeks of this, so you should now have a better long term idea of where you stand.
  • Two new dashboards! While knowing how many people are clicking on your emails and engaging on your social channels is great, it's difficult to replicate success without knowing which content is driving these numbers. For this reason we've built two new diagnostic dashboards: Social and Email. Each will show the content on your site that is driving the most interaction in the respective channel.

    This is where the dashboards will appear in your Weekly KPI Report, and this is what they'll look like in analytics. For a refresher on how to download and use any of the dashboards, check out slides 17-20 of this deck.

    ***Note to see email interaction data in Google Analytics, you'll need to enable it on each campaign you send out (screenshot). Otherwise no tracking data will appear. 
On to the winners of the week!
  1. MoM is just WoW upside down. Now that MoM data is in, who had the highest increases in traffic to their site? With a 57% increase in traffic to site, it should be no sorpresa that it's HazDF.

    The difference is easy to see. Last month, there were no RSVPs. Yet HazDF broke the seal this month with events like this anniversary party and various events at the Bonus Creative Week Festival. These, plus a partnership with Ceremonia music festival to give away tickets and design their festival lineup/scheduler (as part of an ad package, of course) all helped traffic trend upwards.

    Other MoM winners for traffic to site include:
    --DoNYC: Up 55%
    --DoLA: Up 42%
    --Do206: Up 40%
  2. Rogue Waves of Engagement. Do415 blew their record for RSVPs out of the water with this free Rogue Wave-headlined festival/block party. Do415 previously never had a week with more than 200 RSVPs, this past week, they had 864. The real deal is that this kind of engagement reaps serious traffic. More people visited the block party event page than any other page on the site (including the homepage!), and it accounted for roughly as many pageviews as the next 3 most popular pages combined.

    Cue the broken record section: Festivals = big traffic. RSVPs = big traffic. Put them together? Traffic magic. 
And now what you've all been waiting for, this week's updated weekly KPI report:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 8/25/14

It's KPI time, and with that, a couple of logistical matters:
  • Month over month (MoM) data is now accurate! We've made it through 8 weeks of this, so you should now have a better long term idea of where you stand.
  • Two new dashboards! While knowing how many people are clicking on your emails and engaging on your social channels is great, it's difficult to replicate success without knowing which content is driving these numbers. For this reason we've built two new diagnostic dashboards: Social and Email. Each will show the content on your site that is driving the most interaction in the respective channel.

    This is where the dashboards will appear in your Weekly KPI Report, and this is what they'll look like in analytics. For a refresher on how to download and use any of the dashboards, check out slides 17-20 of this deck.

    ***Note to see email interaction data in Google Analytics, you'll need to enable it on each campaign you send out (screenshot). Otherwise no tracking data will appear. 
On to the winners of the week!
  1. MoM is just WoW upside down. Now that MoM data is in, who had the highest increases in traffic to their site? With a 57% increase in traffic to site, it should be no sorpresa that it's HazDF.

    The difference is easy to see. Last month, there were no RSVPs. Yet HazDF broke the seal this month with events like this anniversary party and various events at the Bonus Creative Week Festival. These, plus a partnership with Ceremonia music festival to give away tickets and design their festival lineup/scheduler (as part of an ad package, of course) all helped traffic trend upwards.

    Other MoM winners for traffic to site include:
    --DoNYC: Up 55%
    --DoLA: Up 42%
    --Do206: Up 40%
  2. Rogue Waves of Engagement. Do415 blew their record for RSVPs out of the water with this free Rogue Wave-headlined festival/block party. Do415 previously never had a week with more than 200 RSVPs, this past week, they had 864. The real deal is that this kind of engagement reaps serious traffic. More people visited the block party event page than any other page on the site (including the homepage!), and it accounted for roughly as many pageviews as the next 3 most popular pages combined.

    Cue the broken record section: Festivals = big traffic. RSVPs = big traffic. Put them together? Traffic magic. 
And now what you've all been waiting for, this week's updated weekly KPI report:
As always, reach out if you think there's a big win in your market we overlooked, or if you have any questions at all.


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