Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Optimization Project Update

E5: Speed Optimizations

  1. --Pages are nearly twice as fast, and the ‘feel’ of the site is 3X where it was. 
  2. --If you notice certain pages not updating, what comes next? Just bust-a-cache.

The Long Story

Dev has spent around 75% of the past two weeks focusing on our Episode 5 project for speeding up our new platform, and it’s looking like we’ve gotten some fantastic results to report. Before we started the project, we looked through our ‘Fancy Tool’ (New Relic reports if you’re interested) and pulled out some stats to see how we were performing pre-project. Over the course of about a week prior to starting, here’s what it looked like:
  • *Average Backend Server Time (over the entire site): 990 milliseconds 
  • *Average Load Time (over the entire site) in the browser: 8.18 seconds 
Next step was to identify the easy targets for optimization, again using New Relic drill down on the backend and Chrome’s DevTools on the front end. After two weeks of tweaking, fixing and working in between SX 2014 projects and several other bug fixes, we’re super excited with the results. Over a 6 hour time period today, our stats look pretty sweet:
  • *Average Backend Server Time (over the entire site): 299 milliseconds 
  • *Average Load Time (over the entire site) in the browser: 4.51 seconds 
That’s about a 66% increase in speed on the backend, and a 50% increase on the front end.

Here are some things we implemented over the course of the project and a few more details in case you’re curious about what’s changed:

Caching Layers

We've implemented a multi-layer cache setup, and we plan to grow and refine it as we proceed to the moon. Read on for what these layers are.

The first layer we put in is a '304 Not Modified' layer. This is a high level cache for our repeat visitors. Essentially, when you hit a page on the site more than once, if this cache is working, your browser assumes that nothing has changed, and lets our app servers rest. This is implemented in tons of places throughout the site, and is easily broken by doing a 'hard refresh' (shift+refresh on windows, shift+cmd+r on mac).
This cache is set to expire on two conditions:
  1. --If the 'page in question' is modified - say it's an event and the event is edited and saved, or it's a venue page and it's edited and saved.
  2. --Every evening at switchover time (4am your time)
This means that, for example, if you hit a venue page and look at it, then you add events to that venue via admin, then you reload the venue page, you will still get the cached page. Because you have seen the page recently, you would have to 'hard refresh' the page to see the new events. Note: We will be adjusting these caches to bust when events are added / removed, and / or adjust the cache times.
Every person coming to the page for the first time since the cache refreshed (on venue update or at the evening switch) will see whatever they were meant to see.

This is a simple high level cache layer meant to speed up the site for our repeat users.

Layer 2 is a bit more involved. This is a lower level cache on things like the header, footer, layout, specific event data, etc.
These caches are cleared automatically when a related item is edited in Admin. For example, if you add an “Update” in Admin, the header and footer cache will automatically clear, ensuring the latest posts gets out instantly.

If for whatever reason these caches are giving you grief, please try the following:
  1. --'Hard' refresh the page (shift and refresh on windows).
  2. --Check out the brand new tab in your site's SASS editor called 'Cache Busters'. Here you can click a button and bust the cache for various parts of the site.
  3. --Email us!
We're currently adjusting the timings on both layers of caching, and we will be adding more and more cache busters to the editor. Since we launched our new cache layer, site performance has done a dramatic and exciting increase, so we're hoping we can find a balance between caching data and having things be fresh where they need to be.

Optimizing Specific Heavily Used Calls

According to our stats, the Featured Events, Featured Venues, and User pages (and a few others) were all being hit heavily and not performing well. We spent a few days tweaking the way these work and increasing their speed dramatically. You might have noticed last week when we pushed out the Featured Event and Featured Venue changes, everything sped up! Not only did we add cache layers (bustable via the above instructions), but we trimmed the results down by removing some of the unneeded JSON, and we made it so that your Featured Venue widget only loads one venue, when it’s needed (previously, we were loading all Featured Venues with a single call even though your user only sees one at a time).

User pages were a bit harder to fix, but some SQL (database) optimization, coupled with some caching has us down to an average response time of 500ms compared to 1500 - 2000ms two weeks ago.

Updating the Load Order of the Javascript

In addition to removing and optimizing our Javascript, we tweaked the load order of all the page bits for what we think is best for user experience. Our new design relies heavily on asynchronous data loading - the core of the page loads and renders as fast as possible, then other data is loaded ‘after’ the page loads, which ensures our users see what they want to see fast, and the whole site feels more responsive. Even though our overall page load averages 4.5 seconds, users will see the page much sooner!

First priority is to display the page, then the ‘current user’ data is run and applied, and finally the brand ads / featured events / and featured venues are loaded. This means people can start viewing and interacting with the site much faster than the 4.5 seconds, while all the extra data loads faster and in the background.

Optimizing Images and Ensuring Multiple CDN Loads

This is something we did on the old site but hadn’t implemented on the new site. When a browser hits a page, there is a setting - unique to each browser - that determines the amount of things it will load from a specific domain name at the same time.

Lets say a page on the site has 30 images, and they’re all linked via the same domain. Your browser will grab them 5 at a time, which means it asks for 5 images, waits till they load, then asks for 5 more and so on until they finish.

What we did was implement code that breaks the image domains (we’re using Cloudinary for our images) into a randomish set of 5 domains. This means that when the browser sees 30 images, they’re spread over 5 domains, and it can load 25 at the same time instead of 5. Faster page completion times is the result.

Blocking Bad Bots

We love Google and Bing, and we’re OK with the old Yahoo bot, but beyond that we determined that other bots provide little value, and take up too much time and bandwidth. We’ve implemented a bot whitelist for the folks we like, and we’re telling the rest to leave us alone. This keeps some of the questionable bots from scraping page after page of the site, eating up our server and bandwidth performance.

In Summation

We are in a fantastic place, speed-wise, after this project. We will continue to optimize here and there, but as for our Official Project for the Episode, I think we can declare it a success, close it out, and move on to the Next Big Thing.

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What DoStuff's Doing: Getting Harder, Better, FASTER, Stronger

Weeks 1/13 - 1/27
We are steamrolling ahead on our E5 projects and delivering big product improvements, such as speeeeeed and a first look at lenses, streamlining how we support you all, and growing our team!  Then there is the very shout-out worthy stuff that you all are doing.  Read on to find out what's going on.

Speed Optimization

If you've gotten whiplash surfing your sites lately, that is due to the truly kickass work our Dev team has done as part of their highest priority E5 project. Kirk, our elusive developer genius, wrote this extended explanation for those of you interested in the technical details.

For everyone else, TL;DR:
  • --Pages are nearly twice as fast, and the ‘feel’ of the site is 3X where it was. 
  • --If you notice certain pages not updating, what comes next? Just bust-a-cache.
And that project is now officially accomplished!

Other Metro Platform Updates

We recently made the Giveaways button a permanent fixture on listing pages due to positive A/B test results. However, it makes the event cards HUGE on mobile and tablets, so we will be removing the button from those displays.

We are now A/B testing opening the RSVP/Giveaway entry form in a modal on listing pages instead of the event page. If you missed the details, you can review this recent update.

Take a first look at lenses with the SX artist info release. Much more to come as a tool to target content curation and presentation!

Some other progress made in the past few weeks:
  • -- HTML enabled in sidebar of event and user pages for ads
  • -- You now have ability to control your own footer web links:
  • -- Default shortcut restored so you can omit event categories from the homepage
  • -- Shortcuts now display repeating events and separates them out as individual events - as opposed to one event and option to view all "Every Tues"
  • -- Sold out events display "Sold Out" in place of "Buy"
  • -- 21+ not the appropriate age check for your RSVP event? You can now select the age check.
Some bugs exterminated:
  • -- Button issues: "Win" button showed strange text, the "Buy" button went briefly MIA, and the "On Sale" button was not showing the on-sale date. These have all been solved! 
  • -- A Tastemaker bug was keeping new TMs from listing but still updating current TM activity.
  • -- Time zone issues! BUT these have been put fully to rest.
  • -- The poster space was showing broken images.
  • -- Featured event ads in the sidebar were showing more than four and duplicate sets.
  • -- Paging now works for venue and user pages as well as shows additional events on user pages in order.

Requesting Fixes and Features

Thank you all so much for your continued contribution to our prioritization of the stuff that matters! For those of you that didn't have a chance to check it out, we added some clarification for how you can use the DSD queue to make that contribution.


DoLA and Do415 launched on their redesigned sites. And they are oh-so-pretty. Our whole network is now on the new platform!

Do617 had a crazy successful launch party. View more photos on Do617 (the World Series trophy was a guest of honor!).

In other new metro news, Do416 got its first ECP onboard and is moving toward launch in a few weeks!


We've turned the corner toward fest season this year, so lineup launches are happening. GovBallHangoutCounterpoint and Jazz Fest all launched their lineups. And talks with Bonnaroo have begun to make sure we meet their requests.


Nokia's photo program was successfully delivered and is wrapping up.  According to Nokia and Cohn & Wolfe, we "smashed" their goals!

The other week, we at DoStuff packed into the conference room to hold our first network sales call of 2014 with you fine people. It was less awkward than this scenario because who doesn't love to talk plans to make money?

Pabst will be sponsoring launch parties for Do206 and Do214, and Goose is likely to renew the sponsored Tastemaker meetups. You all are leading conversations with brands from PopChips (Do312) to Fireball (Do317) to Chevy (Do512).

And of course, SX will be a big opportunity for partnerships as well as parties.

Also of note: moves are being made toward a national sales hire and we will update you as soon as those moves are official.

Speaking of New Team DoStuff Members

We are excited to welcome Jordan “Cinnamon Stick” Ripley to DoStuff. Some of you may have had the opportunity to meet him already. This marks his third week working with the Delivery Team (our new term for "support"), where his focus is on all things related to Market Development and Business Support. He’s already hard at work advising on proposals and tackling an E5 project to build support resources specifically for new metros.

How did Jordan stumble into DoStuff you might ask? He tells the story best, “I got to DoStuff by being the ginger coffee-fetching intern at Do512. I went to UT for school, and spent many an afternoon on the (hygienically dubious) couch in the Do512 office. I must've not screwed things up too terribly, because after graduating college and working for a couple years doing search engine marketing at Adlucent, they kindly invited me back to help out.”

Yep, he was a Do512er and knows his "stuff." He already wrote up guidance on how to optimize the visibility of your Facebook posts given a recent change Facebook made.

Network Celebrations

doNYC just celebrated its 1-year anniversary (fashionably late) with a stellar turn-out to not just one but TWO parties.  Check out pics from the first night:
The doNYC duo with a lot to smile about after 1 year!

And we in Austin are celebrating that we survived not just one but TWO ice-pocalypses (this past Tuesday hit us unexpectedly). To great social success, Do312 called out Do512 during the first storm:

Then went so far as to design Do512 a t-shirt:

That actually got made by Gorilla Run and worn at the race on 1/25:

Now that is some great guerilla marketing for the whole network!

Stay Warm

And enjoy the end of January as we hopefully turn the corner on winter (at least for us way down south)!

Team DoStuff Ep 5 Photo

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Your City's Facebook Page Updates Could Be Showing Less

On January 21st, Facebook announced a change to its newsfeed designed to increase the visibility of your friends’ text-based status updates. This same change also decreased the relative visibility of text-based status updates posted by Facebook Pages. In short, if your city is posting updates (new blog posts, show announcements, etc.) purely in text form with a link included, they could have their reach increasingly limited.

As a means to get around this, Facebook recommends posting your own content via link-shares, rather than just hyperlinking to a page. The difference is subtle, but can be seen below-

Text update with a link included (less likely to be seen in a user’s newsfeed):

Link-share update (unaffected by newsfeed change):

The link-share should automatically generate if you paste a URL into your status update box. Granted, using this method means each post takes up more space on your page. Regardless, it’s something to keep in mind when managing your metro’s Facebook page to ensure you’re getting as much reach as possible.

More information on the update here.
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LearnStuff Hours this Episode

One of our projects this episode is to restructure and implement LearnStuff hours so that they can be more collaborative and effective.

For a hilarious summation of the difficulties of group calls, Josh Baker shared this video:

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Friday, January 24, 2014

WIN Button + RSVP/Giveaway Entry A/B Test + Other Improvements

We have some exciting updates regarding RSVP/Giveaway entry as well as other improvements!

WIN Button Display WON the A/B Test

Not long ago we let you know we were A/B testing the display of the WIN button so it would show by default (without hovering) on your listing pages. The default display drove a 5% overall bump in clicks and 12% bump in entry submissions! And with no noticeable change in bounce rate, time on site, and those other important stats.

So now your WIN button will forever more remain on your listing pages to drive users to enter Giveaways and become registered users and lovers of your sites.

RSVP/Giveaway Entry A/B Test

We are now A/B testing opening the RSVP/Giveaway entry form in a modal from the homepage rather than opening it on the event page. Users that enter on the homepage through the modal can then simply go about their business browsing other events rather than having to navigate back to do so.

We are running this as a 50/50 test on Do512, Do312, and doNYC.

You can visit their sites to see how it looks - you may need to open a new incognito window to find the test - or check it out below:

Other Improvements

  • *The Tumblr icon now displays for your Tumblr social link.
  • *Paging through events works on all user and venue pages!
  • *Events on user pages below "View More" will load in order.

Happy Weekend!

Go DO awesome things. Questions or comments please send our way.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fixes and Features: Adding to the DSD Queue

Since we've transitioned the Opportunities queue into the Do Stuff DoStuff queue, we've gotten a few questions about what to add there versus email as well as how and where to add new items.

For those of you that want any clarity, we hope this helps!

Queue vs. Email?

The short answer: whichever is more convenient for you.

The longer answer: if the issue is something that applies to the network, it will be input in the queue no matter what.  If you email us and we input it in the queue, we will add you as a follower to that task.  If you input it in the queue directly, it makes the ticket immediately visible to all who may be experiencing the same issue or desiring the same improvement.

No matter what, we will address whatever it is in a timely manner. Urgent issues will be taken care of ASAP and requests will be listed by the order we plan to add them.

DSD Entry

Always put your new item under the header "ADD ALL NEW ITEMS HERE:"*

That way a) you don't have to think twice whether it's a bug or request or a whole big project and
b) we see it immediately and move it to the appropriate bucket for you.

* It can be helpful to search for your item before adding to see if someone has input something similar and either heart or add details to the original.

Then What?!

After a new item is added, we will add it to one of the following buckets:
1) PROJECTS - we'll move it here if your request falls into a larger project that we have planned then we'll close out the individual ticket and point you to the project so you can follow along there
2) BUGS - we'll move it here if it's something not working
3) REQUESTS - we'll move it here if it is a tweak or change to functionality
4) CLARIFICATION - we'll move it here if we need more info from you or someone here at DoStuff

In PROJECTS, BUGS and REQUESTS, we will be working on them roughly in the order in which they are listed. 

Things that Determine Priority:

--- The affect on you and/or users. i.e. something broken that makes site unusable for users will get fixed fast. For others, you can show support via hearts.
--- Input from DoStuff delivery team (Kristin, Katie, Justin, Stuart & Adi).
--- Our longer term vision for building the product around which you can build a cultural institution that dominates your city for decades.

Gone To Dev

Once we decide to work on it, we will move the ticket to "GONE TO DEV:" at which point you can expect it to be completed within ~3 months (obviously if it's something causing real problems it will be done much faster).

We will comment with updates on the task and close it when complete. 

What If My Task Never Moves?

If your input has gone unaddressed and it's important, simply give us a nudge. 

Any further questions or clarity needed, please let us know!
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do415 and DoLA Launched!

Earlier today, both Do415 and DoLA transitioned fully to their new sites. Our whole network is now on the new platform!

Thank you all so much for the hard work and patience in the pursuit of awesomeness.

Check them out and show them some love!

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Monday, January 20, 2014

Do206 is LIVE!

Team Seattle has unlocked their site to begin showing it off to the world. Fitting timing post the Seahawks' win yesterday! The official Do206 launch is next week, but you can check it out now if you just can't wait.

Also, be sure to support them on social:

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Friday, January 17, 2014

E5 Alive: DoStuff's Episode 5 Plans

*From email sent 1/16*

Giant thanks to everyone who played along with our Episode planning by sharing your hearts with us. We wanted to share what our final selections are for the projects we’ll be working on for you for the next 15 weeks. In roughly the order they’ll be finished:

Of course we’ll be working on bugs and requests as well, but these are the big thrust of the Episode and what we feel like gives us the most WIN right now, and sets us up best for future.

Episodes aren’t all about Product here either. FAR from it. We have a TON we’re planning to accomplish in New Business Development (NBD) and Delivery/Support as well. A sampling lies below:

  • Hiring our first dedicated team member focused on network sales
  • 5 new Metros signed up to join our merry band
  • BIG ambitions on Network Program sales
  • Work towards making the DoStuff Network KNOWN at the national level

  • New Help Desk!
  • Moving Everyone Over to New Email Template
  • Making SXSW awesome for everyone in the network
  • Regular Local Sales Calls
  • Better capturing & sharing of best practices

We also spent a lot of time over the holidays defining our goals for 2014, and want to share them with you - since you’re such a big part of why we do what we do.

  1. Double the Cultural Weight of the Network
    • “Cultural Weight” is a measurement we’re defining to indicate how important we/you are to cultural scenes. It’s made up of site visits, email opens, facebook/twitter followers, event attendees...
  2. Double the Financial Performance of the Network
    • In 2013 the overall network brought in over $2M (local + network sales). We’re aiming for $4M+ this year.
  3. Keep the Wheels on the Bus
    • Growing this fast is tough, and it’s important to us that we do it right. If we hit the other two goals but you guys end up hating us, or the DoStuff team starts hating their jobs - we’ll have won the battle but not the war. We WILL win the war.

These goals - for the episode AND the year - are ambitious. Super ambitious. We don’t, and you shouldn’t, expect us to hit every one. If we do, we’re not being ambitious enough.  That being said, we will be CRANKING to deliver. and DELIVER we will.

Hopefully you’re as excited about this year as we are. because...


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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do615 Heather's Reality TV Debut!

Heather Byrd, Do615's GM, has a new reality show about trying to make it in the music business in Nashville! It debuts tonight on A&E, but you can already view a full episode of Crazy Hearts: Nashville here.

Check it out and show a fellow Doer some love! Congrats Heather!

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Logo Icon + Social Links + Shortcuts + Other Lovely Little Improvements

Logo Icon

As much as we love Richard Pryor, we know you all may not be so fond of his image showing as an icon across your site.

You now can remove his image for good and replace it with your logo.

Here's how:
Step 1: Visit your SASS editor:
Step 2: Upload your LOGO and MOBILE LOGO directly to the editor.
Step 3: Save changes and your mobile logo will appear as the icon in place of Richard Pryor.
Note: It may take a hard refresh (f5 on PC or "command + r" on Mac) to show the change.

Social Links

You no longer have to notify us when you want your social links updated in your footer! Hooray! We've input a tab in Admin that controls these.

To input your social links:
Step 1: In this tab, select to "Create" a new social link
Step 2: Enter the "Text" for the title you wish to display in the footer
Step 3: Enter the link in the "URL" field and be sure to include http://
Step 3: Select from the social channel to which the link corresponds or just "link" - this designates the icon that appears next to the title.
Step 4. Click "Create"

Important: Until you enter a new social link this way, your site will display your "old" social links that we input. The FIRST social link you enter will override those, so any tests will cause your current links to disappear.


We have made some changes to your shortcuts so that they work better!

1. Your default shortcut now works so that you can exclude certain categories and neighborhoods from the event results that populate your homepage.
Note: "Meta Text" here is where you can control how your sire is described in the browser. Ex. Do312 - "Chicago, Illinois Music, Nightlife & Events"

2. Repeating events now not only show in shortcuts, they also show as individual listings!  Ex. - Lots of Happy Hours going on in Austin!

Other Improvements

1. For a day, your users may have been asked to enter their "Nombres" when RSVPing, but we've decided not to try out Spanglish across the network.
2. Your event and user pages have a new "Sidebar HTML" field that enables you to input custom HTML for ads and such.
3. The unsubscribe link in the band email digest was broken but now it is not.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

RSVP Email Customization + Other Improvements

RSVP Email Customization

That special feature you've requested to change the text of RSVP confirmation emails is available!  Here are the options you now have for these emails:

1. Do not customize any text and the default email will send
2. Enter text in the "RSVP Email Text (old)" and it will add that to the end of the default text - so this works exactly as it has worked
3. Enter a new title in "Email Subject" and special message in "Email Text" to customize the email entirely

*If you enter a title in the "Email Subject" field ONLY --> the default text will still send in the body of the email with your original subject line
*If you enter a special message in the "Email Text" field ONLY --> the default subject line will send with your special message in the body

For new users, they will also receive the default confirmation of registration on DoXXX with any RSVP email customization. (We fixed the default subject that noted the user "Entered to WIN and registered!")

Here is some image guidance:

Woot! If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know either in comments here or by email.

Other Improvements

Here is a general update on some tweaks and bug fixes we have made since our last update:

1.  We experienced missing BUY buttons and strange text in place of the WIN button that we fixed ASAP yesterday
2. Rearranged the WIN button to appear at top/as the first button among the calls to action
3. Input Opt-In in the RSVP/Giveaway modal below notification of registration for DoXXX
4. Added a hover state to the RSVP/Win button when in the modal
5. The # of followers has been removed from user pages
6. Playlists play songs!

DoStuff Update

We will send one Friday after our Episode planning so you can know how your hearts have won us over and what we'll be working on E5!

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Optimization Project Update

E5: Speed Optimizations

  1. --Pages are nearly twice as fast, and the ‘feel’ of the site is 3X where it was. 
  2. --If you notice certain pages not updating, what comes next? Just bust-a-cache.

The Long Story

Dev has spent around 75% of the past two weeks focusing on our Episode 5 project for speeding up our new platform, and it’s looking like we’ve gotten some fantastic results to report. Before we started the project, we looked through our ‘Fancy Tool’ (New Relic reports if you’re interested) and pulled out some stats to see how we were performing pre-project. Over the course of about a week prior to starting, here’s what it looked like:
  • *Average Backend Server Time (over the entire site): 990 milliseconds 
  • *Average Load Time (over the entire site) in the browser: 8.18 seconds 
Next step was to identify the easy targets for optimization, again using New Relic drill down on the backend and Chrome’s DevTools on the front end. After two weeks of tweaking, fixing and working in between SX 2014 projects and several other bug fixes, we’re super excited with the results. Over a 6 hour time period today, our stats look pretty sweet:
  • *Average Backend Server Time (over the entire site): 299 milliseconds 
  • *Average Load Time (over the entire site) in the browser: 4.51 seconds 
That’s about a 66% increase in speed on the backend, and a 50% increase on the front end.

Here are some things we implemented over the course of the project and a few more details in case you’re curious about what’s changed:

Caching Layers

We've implemented a multi-layer cache setup, and we plan to grow and refine it as we proceed to the moon. Read on for what these layers are.

The first layer we put in is a '304 Not Modified' layer. This is a high level cache for our repeat visitors. Essentially, when you hit a page on the site more than once, if this cache is working, your browser assumes that nothing has changed, and lets our app servers rest. This is implemented in tons of places throughout the site, and is easily broken by doing a 'hard refresh' (shift+refresh on windows, shift+cmd+r on mac).
This cache is set to expire on two conditions:
  1. --If the 'page in question' is modified - say it's an event and the event is edited and saved, or it's a venue page and it's edited and saved.
  2. --Every evening at switchover time (4am your time)
This means that, for example, if you hit a venue page and look at it, then you add events to that venue via admin, then you reload the venue page, you will still get the cached page. Because you have seen the page recently, you would have to 'hard refresh' the page to see the new events. Note: We will be adjusting these caches to bust when events are added / removed, and / or adjust the cache times.
Every person coming to the page for the first time since the cache refreshed (on venue update or at the evening switch) will see whatever they were meant to see.

This is a simple high level cache layer meant to speed up the site for our repeat users.

Layer 2 is a bit more involved. This is a lower level cache on things like the header, footer, layout, specific event data, etc.
These caches are cleared automatically when a related item is edited in Admin. For example, if you add an “Update” in Admin, the header and footer cache will automatically clear, ensuring the latest posts gets out instantly.

If for whatever reason these caches are giving you grief, please try the following:
  1. --'Hard' refresh the page (shift and refresh on windows).
  2. --Check out the brand new tab in your site's SASS editor called 'Cache Busters'. Here you can click a button and bust the cache for various parts of the site.
  3. --Email us!
We're currently adjusting the timings on both layers of caching, and we will be adding more and more cache busters to the editor. Since we launched our new cache layer, site performance has done a dramatic and exciting increase, so we're hoping we can find a balance between caching data and having things be fresh where they need to be.

Optimizing Specific Heavily Used Calls

According to our stats, the Featured Events, Featured Venues, and User pages (and a few others) were all being hit heavily and not performing well. We spent a few days tweaking the way these work and increasing their speed dramatically. You might have noticed last week when we pushed out the Featured Event and Featured Venue changes, everything sped up! Not only did we add cache layers (bustable via the above instructions), but we trimmed the results down by removing some of the unneeded JSON, and we made it so that your Featured Venue widget only loads one venue, when it’s needed (previously, we were loading all Featured Venues with a single call even though your user only sees one at a time).

User pages were a bit harder to fix, but some SQL (database) optimization, coupled with some caching has us down to an average response time of 500ms compared to 1500 - 2000ms two weeks ago.

Updating the Load Order of the Javascript

In addition to removing and optimizing our Javascript, we tweaked the load order of all the page bits for what we think is best for user experience. Our new design relies heavily on asynchronous data loading - the core of the page loads and renders as fast as possible, then other data is loaded ‘after’ the page loads, which ensures our users see what they want to see fast, and the whole site feels more responsive. Even though our overall page load averages 4.5 seconds, users will see the page much sooner!

First priority is to display the page, then the ‘current user’ data is run and applied, and finally the brand ads / featured events / and featured venues are loaded. This means people can start viewing and interacting with the site much faster than the 4.5 seconds, while all the extra data loads faster and in the background.

Optimizing Images and Ensuring Multiple CDN Loads

This is something we did on the old site but hadn’t implemented on the new site. When a browser hits a page, there is a setting - unique to each browser - that determines the amount of things it will load from a specific domain name at the same time.

Lets say a page on the site has 30 images, and they’re all linked via the same domain. Your browser will grab them 5 at a time, which means it asks for 5 images, waits till they load, then asks for 5 more and so on until they finish.

What we did was implement code that breaks the image domains (we’re using Cloudinary for our images) into a randomish set of 5 domains. This means that when the browser sees 30 images, they’re spread over 5 domains, and it can load 25 at the same time instead of 5. Faster page completion times is the result.

Blocking Bad Bots

We love Google and Bing, and we’re OK with the old Yahoo bot, but beyond that we determined that other bots provide little value, and take up too much time and bandwidth. We’ve implemented a bot whitelist for the folks we like, and we’re telling the rest to leave us alone. This keeps some of the questionable bots from scraping page after page of the site, eating up our server and bandwidth performance.

In Summation

We are in a fantastic place, speed-wise, after this project. We will continue to optimize here and there, but as for our Official Project for the Episode, I think we can declare it a success, close it out, and move on to the Next Big Thing.

What DoStuff's Doing: Getting Harder, Better, FASTER, Stronger

Weeks 1/13 - 1/27
We are steamrolling ahead on our E5 projects and delivering big product improvements, such as speeeeeed and a first look at lenses, streamlining how we support you all, and growing our team!  Then there is the very shout-out worthy stuff that you all are doing.  Read on to find out what's going on.

Speed Optimization

If you've gotten whiplash surfing your sites lately, that is due to the truly kickass work our Dev team has done as part of their highest priority E5 project. Kirk, our elusive developer genius, wrote this extended explanation for those of you interested in the technical details.

For everyone else, TL;DR:
  • --Pages are nearly twice as fast, and the ‘feel’ of the site is 3X where it was. 
  • --If you notice certain pages not updating, what comes next? Just bust-a-cache.
And that project is now officially accomplished!

Other Metro Platform Updates

We recently made the Giveaways button a permanent fixture on listing pages due to positive A/B test results. However, it makes the event cards HUGE on mobile and tablets, so we will be removing the button from those displays.

We are now A/B testing opening the RSVP/Giveaway entry form in a modal on listing pages instead of the event page. If you missed the details, you can review this recent update.

Take a first look at lenses with the SX artist info release. Much more to come as a tool to target content curation and presentation!

Some other progress made in the past few weeks:
  • -- HTML enabled in sidebar of event and user pages for ads
  • -- You now have ability to control your own footer web links:
  • -- Default shortcut restored so you can omit event categories from the homepage
  • -- Shortcuts now display repeating events and separates them out as individual events - as opposed to one event and option to view all "Every Tues"
  • -- Sold out events display "Sold Out" in place of "Buy"
  • -- 21+ not the appropriate age check for your RSVP event? You can now select the age check.
Some bugs exterminated:
  • -- Button issues: "Win" button showed strange text, the "Buy" button went briefly MIA, and the "On Sale" button was not showing the on-sale date. These have all been solved! 
  • -- A Tastemaker bug was keeping new TMs from listing but still updating current TM activity.
  • -- Time zone issues! BUT these have been put fully to rest.
  • -- The poster space was showing broken images.
  • -- Featured event ads in the sidebar were showing more than four and duplicate sets.
  • -- Paging now works for venue and user pages as well as shows additional events on user pages in order.

Requesting Fixes and Features

Thank you all so much for your continued contribution to our prioritization of the stuff that matters! For those of you that didn't have a chance to check it out, we added some clarification for how you can use the DSD queue to make that contribution.


DoLA and Do415 launched on their redesigned sites. And they are oh-so-pretty. Our whole network is now on the new platform!

Do617 had a crazy successful launch party. View more photos on Do617 (the World Series trophy was a guest of honor!).

In other new metro news, Do416 got its first ECP onboard and is moving toward launch in a few weeks!


We've turned the corner toward fest season this year, so lineup launches are happening. GovBallHangoutCounterpoint and Jazz Fest all launched their lineups. And talks with Bonnaroo have begun to make sure we meet their requests.


Nokia's photo program was successfully delivered and is wrapping up.  According to Nokia and Cohn & Wolfe, we "smashed" their goals!

The other week, we at DoStuff packed into the conference room to hold our first network sales call of 2014 with you fine people. It was less awkward than this scenario because who doesn't love to talk plans to make money?

Pabst will be sponsoring launch parties for Do206 and Do214, and Goose is likely to renew the sponsored Tastemaker meetups. You all are leading conversations with brands from PopChips (Do312) to Fireball (Do317) to Chevy (Do512).

And of course, SX will be a big opportunity for partnerships as well as parties.

Also of note: moves are being made toward a national sales hire and we will update you as soon as those moves are official.

Speaking of New Team DoStuff Members

We are excited to welcome Jordan “Cinnamon Stick” Ripley to DoStuff. Some of you may have had the opportunity to meet him already. This marks his third week working with the Delivery Team (our new term for "support"), where his focus is on all things related to Market Development and Business Support. He’s already hard at work advising on proposals and tackling an E5 project to build support resources specifically for new metros.

How did Jordan stumble into DoStuff you might ask? He tells the story best, “I got to DoStuff by being the ginger coffee-fetching intern at Do512. I went to UT for school, and spent many an afternoon on the (hygienically dubious) couch in the Do512 office. I must've not screwed things up too terribly, because after graduating college and working for a couple years doing search engine marketing at Adlucent, they kindly invited me back to help out.”

Yep, he was a Do512er and knows his "stuff." He already wrote up guidance on how to optimize the visibility of your Facebook posts given a recent change Facebook made.

Network Celebrations

doNYC just celebrated its 1-year anniversary (fashionably late) with a stellar turn-out to not just one but TWO parties.  Check out pics from the first night:
The doNYC duo with a lot to smile about after 1 year!

And we in Austin are celebrating that we survived not just one but TWO ice-pocalypses (this past Tuesday hit us unexpectedly). To great social success, Do312 called out Do512 during the first storm:

Then went so far as to design Do512 a t-shirt:

That actually got made by Gorilla Run and worn at the race on 1/25:

Now that is some great guerilla marketing for the whole network!

Stay Warm

And enjoy the end of January as we hopefully turn the corner on winter (at least for us way down south)!

Team DoStuff Ep 5 Photo

Monday, January 27, 2014

Your City's Facebook Page Updates Could Be Showing Less

On January 21st, Facebook announced a change to its newsfeed designed to increase the visibility of your friends’ text-based status updates. This same change also decreased the relative visibility of text-based status updates posted by Facebook Pages. In short, if your city is posting updates (new blog posts, show announcements, etc.) purely in text form with a link included, they could have their reach increasingly limited.

As a means to get around this, Facebook recommends posting your own content via link-shares, rather than just hyperlinking to a page. The difference is subtle, but can be seen below-

Text update with a link included (less likely to be seen in a user’s newsfeed):

Link-share update (unaffected by newsfeed change):

The link-share should automatically generate if you paste a URL into your status update box. Granted, using this method means each post takes up more space on your page. Regardless, it’s something to keep in mind when managing your metro’s Facebook page to ensure you’re getting as much reach as possible.

More information on the update here.

LearnStuff Hours this Episode

One of our projects this episode is to restructure and implement LearnStuff hours so that they can be more collaborative and effective.

For a hilarious summation of the difficulties of group calls, Josh Baker shared this video:

Friday, January 24, 2014

WIN Button + RSVP/Giveaway Entry A/B Test + Other Improvements

We have some exciting updates regarding RSVP/Giveaway entry as well as other improvements!

WIN Button Display WON the A/B Test

Not long ago we let you know we were A/B testing the display of the WIN button so it would show by default (without hovering) on your listing pages. The default display drove a 5% overall bump in clicks and 12% bump in entry submissions! And with no noticeable change in bounce rate, time on site, and those other important stats.

So now your WIN button will forever more remain on your listing pages to drive users to enter Giveaways and become registered users and lovers of your sites.

RSVP/Giveaway Entry A/B Test

We are now A/B testing opening the RSVP/Giveaway entry form in a modal from the homepage rather than opening it on the event page. Users that enter on the homepage through the modal can then simply go about their business browsing other events rather than having to navigate back to do so.

We are running this as a 50/50 test on Do512, Do312, and doNYC.

You can visit their sites to see how it looks - you may need to open a new incognito window to find the test - or check it out below:

Other Improvements

  • *The Tumblr icon now displays for your Tumblr social link.
  • *Paging through events works on all user and venue pages!
  • *Events on user pages below "View More" will load in order.

Happy Weekend!

Go DO awesome things. Questions or comments please send our way.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fixes and Features: Adding to the DSD Queue

Since we've transitioned the Opportunities queue into the Do Stuff DoStuff queue, we've gotten a few questions about what to add there versus email as well as how and where to add new items.

For those of you that want any clarity, we hope this helps!

Queue vs. Email?

The short answer: whichever is more convenient for you.

The longer answer: if the issue is something that applies to the network, it will be input in the queue no matter what.  If you email us and we input it in the queue, we will add you as a follower to that task.  If you input it in the queue directly, it makes the ticket immediately visible to all who may be experiencing the same issue or desiring the same improvement.

No matter what, we will address whatever it is in a timely manner. Urgent issues will be taken care of ASAP and requests will be listed by the order we plan to add them.

DSD Entry

Always put your new item under the header "ADD ALL NEW ITEMS HERE:"*

That way a) you don't have to think twice whether it's a bug or request or a whole big project and
b) we see it immediately and move it to the appropriate bucket for you.

* It can be helpful to search for your item before adding to see if someone has input something similar and either heart or add details to the original.

Then What?!

After a new item is added, we will add it to one of the following buckets:
1) PROJECTS - we'll move it here if your request falls into a larger project that we have planned then we'll close out the individual ticket and point you to the project so you can follow along there
2) BUGS - we'll move it here if it's something not working
3) REQUESTS - we'll move it here if it is a tweak or change to functionality
4) CLARIFICATION - we'll move it here if we need more info from you or someone here at DoStuff

In PROJECTS, BUGS and REQUESTS, we will be working on them roughly in the order in which they are listed. 

Things that Determine Priority:

--- The affect on you and/or users. i.e. something broken that makes site unusable for users will get fixed fast. For others, you can show support via hearts.
--- Input from DoStuff delivery team (Kristin, Katie, Justin, Stuart & Adi).
--- Our longer term vision for building the product around which you can build a cultural institution that dominates your city for decades.

Gone To Dev

Once we decide to work on it, we will move the ticket to "GONE TO DEV:" at which point you can expect it to be completed within ~3 months (obviously if it's something causing real problems it will be done much faster).

We will comment with updates on the task and close it when complete. 

What If My Task Never Moves?

If your input has gone unaddressed and it's important, simply give us a nudge. 

Any further questions or clarity needed, please let us know!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do415 and DoLA Launched!

Earlier today, both Do415 and DoLA transitioned fully to their new sites. Our whole network is now on the new platform!

Thank you all so much for the hard work and patience in the pursuit of awesomeness.

Check them out and show them some love!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Do206 is LIVE!

Team Seattle has unlocked their site to begin showing it off to the world. Fitting timing post the Seahawks' win yesterday! The official Do206 launch is next week, but you can check it out now if you just can't wait.

Also, be sure to support them on social:

Friday, January 17, 2014

E5 Alive: DoStuff's Episode 5 Plans

*From email sent 1/16*

Giant thanks to everyone who played along with our Episode planning by sharing your hearts with us. We wanted to share what our final selections are for the projects we’ll be working on for you for the next 15 weeks. In roughly the order they’ll be finished:

Of course we’ll be working on bugs and requests as well, but these are the big thrust of the Episode and what we feel like gives us the most WIN right now, and sets us up best for future.

Episodes aren’t all about Product here either. FAR from it. We have a TON we’re planning to accomplish in New Business Development (NBD) and Delivery/Support as well. A sampling lies below:

  • Hiring our first dedicated team member focused on network sales
  • 5 new Metros signed up to join our merry band
  • BIG ambitions on Network Program sales
  • Work towards making the DoStuff Network KNOWN at the national level

  • New Help Desk!
  • Moving Everyone Over to New Email Template
  • Making SXSW awesome for everyone in the network
  • Regular Local Sales Calls
  • Better capturing & sharing of best practices

We also spent a lot of time over the holidays defining our goals for 2014, and want to share them with you - since you’re such a big part of why we do what we do.

  1. Double the Cultural Weight of the Network
    • “Cultural Weight” is a measurement we’re defining to indicate how important we/you are to cultural scenes. It’s made up of site visits, email opens, facebook/twitter followers, event attendees...
  2. Double the Financial Performance of the Network
    • In 2013 the overall network brought in over $2M (local + network sales). We’re aiming for $4M+ this year.
  3. Keep the Wheels on the Bus
    • Growing this fast is tough, and it’s important to us that we do it right. If we hit the other two goals but you guys end up hating us, or the DoStuff team starts hating their jobs - we’ll have won the battle but not the war. We WILL win the war.

These goals - for the episode AND the year - are ambitious. Super ambitious. We don’t, and you shouldn’t, expect us to hit every one. If we do, we’re not being ambitious enough.  That being said, we will be CRANKING to deliver. and DELIVER we will.

Hopefully you’re as excited about this year as we are. because...



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do615 Heather's Reality TV Debut!

Heather Byrd, Do615's GM, has a new reality show about trying to make it in the music business in Nashville! It debuts tonight on A&E, but you can already view a full episode of Crazy Hearts: Nashville here.

Check it out and show a fellow Doer some love! Congrats Heather!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Logo Icon + Social Links + Shortcuts + Other Lovely Little Improvements

Logo Icon

As much as we love Richard Pryor, we know you all may not be so fond of his image showing as an icon across your site.

You now can remove his image for good and replace it with your logo.

Here's how:
Step 1: Visit your SASS editor:
Step 2: Upload your LOGO and MOBILE LOGO directly to the editor.
Step 3: Save changes and your mobile logo will appear as the icon in place of Richard Pryor.
Note: It may take a hard refresh (f5 on PC or "command + r" on Mac) to show the change.

Social Links

You no longer have to notify us when you want your social links updated in your footer! Hooray! We've input a tab in Admin that controls these.

To input your social links:
Step 1: In this tab, select to "Create" a new social link
Step 2: Enter the "Text" for the title you wish to display in the footer
Step 3: Enter the link in the "URL" field and be sure to include http://
Step 3: Select from the social channel to which the link corresponds or just "link" - this designates the icon that appears next to the title.
Step 4. Click "Create"

Important: Until you enter a new social link this way, your site will display your "old" social links that we input. The FIRST social link you enter will override those, so any tests will cause your current links to disappear.


We have made some changes to your shortcuts so that they work better!

1. Your default shortcut now works so that you can exclude certain categories and neighborhoods from the event results that populate your homepage.
Note: "Meta Text" here is where you can control how your sire is described in the browser. Ex. Do312 - "Chicago, Illinois Music, Nightlife & Events"

2. Repeating events now not only show in shortcuts, they also show as individual listings!  Ex. - Lots of Happy Hours going on in Austin!

Other Improvements

1. For a day, your users may have been asked to enter their "Nombres" when RSVPing, but we've decided not to try out Spanglish across the network.
2. Your event and user pages have a new "Sidebar HTML" field that enables you to input custom HTML for ads and such.
3. The unsubscribe link in the band email digest was broken but now it is not.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

RSVP Email Customization + Other Improvements

RSVP Email Customization

That special feature you've requested to change the text of RSVP confirmation emails is available!  Here are the options you now have for these emails:

1. Do not customize any text and the default email will send
2. Enter text in the "RSVP Email Text (old)" and it will add that to the end of the default text - so this works exactly as it has worked
3. Enter a new title in "Email Subject" and special message in "Email Text" to customize the email entirely

*If you enter a title in the "Email Subject" field ONLY --> the default text will still send in the body of the email with your original subject line
*If you enter a special message in the "Email Text" field ONLY --> the default subject line will send with your special message in the body

For new users, they will also receive the default confirmation of registration on DoXXX with any RSVP email customization. (We fixed the default subject that noted the user "Entered to WIN and registered!")

Here is some image guidance:

Woot! If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know either in comments here or by email.

Other Improvements

Here is a general update on some tweaks and bug fixes we have made since our last update:

1.  We experienced missing BUY buttons and strange text in place of the WIN button that we fixed ASAP yesterday
2. Rearranged the WIN button to appear at top/as the first button among the calls to action
3. Input Opt-In in the RSVP/Giveaway modal below notification of registration for DoXXX
4. Added a hover state to the RSVP/Win button when in the modal
5. The # of followers has been removed from user pages
6. Playlists play songs!

DoStuff Update

We will send one Friday after our Episode planning so you can know how your hearts have won us over and what we'll be working on E5!