Monday, October 5, 2015

Product Update: New Search, Create Your Own Deep Links, 'Download The App' Banners

Our biweekly Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week.

New Search

We are making two changes to our front end search functionality in order to help users find what they're looking for as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please note that these changes will go into effect for all metros, conferences and ECPs within the next 24 hours.

1. We are replacing our slow-loading search results pages with slimmer text-based editions. 

So this:

Will become this:

And the search results will update in real time to match your query.

Please note that this change only affects the display of search results that are displayed after a user hits 'enter.' The results that display before a user hits 'enter' will not change.

2. We are also removing the flyaways from search results pages. 

So, the search windows on results pages will look like this - even when you're modifying your search query.

Note: the search flyaways that you're used to seeing will remain the same on all other pages of your site. These are only going away when viewing pages of search results.

'Download The App' Banners

We are adding 'download the app' banners to our desktop and mobile sites that invite users to text the app themselves or their friends.

Please note that these phone number fields accept hyphens but not dots - so please enter your phone number as either '5742292470' or '574-229-2470' to text this functionality out. Friends in Mexico - please use the format '+52 1 55 2225 45 89 32'.

Users who 'X' this banner will see it again the next time they visit the site in a new browser window - but we do not expect this to be an issue since the banner is unobtrusive. 

Create Your Own Deep Links

Metros now have the ability to create their own deep links. Deep links are custom page links that behave in the following ways when clicked (depending on where they're clicked):

  • Mobile iOS (app already downloaded): the link opens the page in the app in whichever metro property the user visited last 
  • Mobile iOS (app not downloaded): Goes to App Store to download and then opens the selected metro's main event listings page 
  • Mobile non-iOS: Goes directly to deep link page, but in a web browser 
  • Desktop: Goes directly to the deep link page, but in a web browser

Please note that deep links will only work for the portions of your site to which you can link directly on the app. These include /p pages, venue pages, user lists and artist pages - and do not include photo galleries, 'All Tastemakers' pages or lists of search results.

Tip Of The Week

HTML is stripped out of event descriptions on the app (at least for now). So, if you have to insert a hyperlink in an event description, it's best to avoid language such as "Click here to..." or "Go to this link..." since there won't actually be anything for app users to click. 

Instead, use language that makes sense whether a certain sentence includes a hyperlink or not.

Here's an example of the recommended procedure - on desktop:

And here's how that looks on the app:

Please let us know if you have any other questions about simultaneously optimizing your content for both the site and the app.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Bookmarklets... the Facebook one has not been working for me at all. It will open a new event page to start creating, but none of the information is inputted automatically anymore. This has happened for all Facebook events from different venues for the last two weeks I'd say. Should I just delete / readd it?


Thoughts to share? DO!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Product Update: New Search, Create Your Own Deep Links, 'Download The App' Banners

Our biweekly Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week.

New Search

We are making two changes to our front end search functionality in order to help users find what they're looking for as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please note that these changes will go into effect for all metros, conferences and ECPs within the next 24 hours.

1. We are replacing our slow-loading search results pages with slimmer text-based editions. 

So this:

Will become this:

And the search results will update in real time to match your query.

Please note that this change only affects the display of search results that are displayed after a user hits 'enter.' The results that display before a user hits 'enter' will not change.

2. We are also removing the flyaways from search results pages. 

So, the search windows on results pages will look like this - even when you're modifying your search query.

Note: the search flyaways that you're used to seeing will remain the same on all other pages of your site. These are only going away when viewing pages of search results.

'Download The App' Banners

We are adding 'download the app' banners to our desktop and mobile sites that invite users to text the app themselves or their friends.

Please note that these phone number fields accept hyphens but not dots - so please enter your phone number as either '5742292470' or '574-229-2470' to text this functionality out. Friends in Mexico - please use the format '+52 1 55 2225 45 89 32'.

Users who 'X' this banner will see it again the next time they visit the site in a new browser window - but we do not expect this to be an issue since the banner is unobtrusive. 

Create Your Own Deep Links

Metros now have the ability to create their own deep links. Deep links are custom page links that behave in the following ways when clicked (depending on where they're clicked):

  • Mobile iOS (app already downloaded): the link opens the page in the app in whichever metro property the user visited last 
  • Mobile iOS (app not downloaded): Goes to App Store to download and then opens the selected metro's main event listings page 
  • Mobile non-iOS: Goes directly to deep link page, but in a web browser 
  • Desktop: Goes directly to the deep link page, but in a web browser

Please note that deep links will only work for the portions of your site to which you can link directly on the app. These include /p pages, venue pages, user lists and artist pages - and do not include photo galleries, 'All Tastemakers' pages or lists of search results.

Tip Of The Week

HTML is stripped out of event descriptions on the app (at least for now). So, if you have to insert a hyperlink in an event description, it's best to avoid language such as "Click here to..." or "Go to this link..." since there won't actually be anything for app users to click. 

Instead, use language that makes sense whether a certain sentence includes a hyperlink or not.

Here's an example of the recommended procedure - on desktop:

And here's how that looks on the app:

Please let us know if you have any other questions about simultaneously optimizing your content for both the site and the app.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Bookmarklets... the Facebook one has not been working for me at all. It will open a new event page to start creating, but none of the information is inputted automatically anymore. This has happened for all Facebook events from different venues for the last two weeks I'd say. Should I just delete / readd it?


Thoughts to share? DO!