Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 5/9/2016

Winner of the Week: DoLA!

DoLA continued their reign of email dominance with their second highest traffic week of all time. The goods: 
  1. In the 15 weeks since DoLA has switched to the new template and increased their sending frequency from weeklies, they've averaged a weekly click rate of 10.51%. Last week's CTR - 17.96%! But even more impressive, if you look at their single most successful campaign last week, they notched a CTR of 23.3%, meaning almost a quarter of the 36K people that opened the email clicked something in it.
  2. So what caused the jump last week? None other than rock luminary Neil Young. A giveaway to the new album listening party hosted by the man himself racked up 6,406 clicks, or more than 75% of the email's total clicks.
  3. The lesson here is the importance of subject line. DoLA had the good sense to lead with "Neil Young at Natural History Museum" in their subject, guaranteeing that they not only got a sizable amount of opens, but also setting the openers' expectation of what to hone in on. So even though it was just a bullet point in the giveaways section of their email, it was still able to drive crazy amounts of interaction (and 90%+ YoY traffic growth).
Of course, giveaways and show announcements for big name artists are nothing new in terms of driving email engagement. But it does speak to the importance of methodically leading with your biggest selling point in your subject line. We've recently started developing a hierarchy to help metros choose their subject line leads, which we're testing in two markets, but you can get a sneak peek here.

Otherwise, take a regular peek at your stats below:

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How You (and the network) Did Last Week - 5/9/2016

Winner of the Week: DoLA!

DoLA continued their reign of email dominance with their second highest traffic week of all time. The goods: 
  1. In the 15 weeks since DoLA has switched to the new template and increased their sending frequency from weeklies, they've averaged a weekly click rate of 10.51%. Last week's CTR - 17.96%! But even more impressive, if you look at their single most successful campaign last week, they notched a CTR of 23.3%, meaning almost a quarter of the 36K people that opened the email clicked something in it.
  2. So what caused the jump last week? None other than rock luminary Neil Young. A giveaway to the new album listening party hosted by the man himself racked up 6,406 clicks, or more than 75% of the email's total clicks.
  3. The lesson here is the importance of subject line. DoLA had the good sense to lead with "Neil Young at Natural History Museum" in their subject, guaranteeing that they not only got a sizable amount of opens, but also setting the openers' expectation of what to hone in on. So even though it was just a bullet point in the giveaways section of their email, it was still able to drive crazy amounts of interaction (and 90%+ YoY traffic growth).
Of course, giveaways and show announcements for big name artists are nothing new in terms of driving email engagement. But it does speak to the importance of methodically leading with your biggest selling point in your subject line. We've recently started developing a hierarchy to help metros choose their subject line leads, which we're testing in two markets, but you can get a sneak peek here.

Otherwise, take a regular peek at your stats below:

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