Friday, July 29, 2016

Product Update: Desktop Feed, Referrals Going Live, Scraper Updates & More

Our Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week. Here's what's happening:

The Feed Comes To Desktop

The Feed - which previously has only existed on iOS - is coming to desktop next week. The Feed displays all of the posts that we’ve been calling “Latest” posts - as well as new shows for bands, venues and lists that you follow (when signed in).

Do416   What To Do In Toronto.png

We expect the addition of the personalized Feed content to lead to increased engagement, longer sessions on your site and more people finding awesome stuff to do.

Feed-Related Changes

1. This button will change from “Latest” to “Feed”.

this Button.png

2. You will add your Feed posts (FKA Latest posts) from Radmin - rather than the front end.

Feed Radmin.png

3. The process for adding Feed posts will be slightly different than Latest posts. The page from which to add your posts will look like this:

Feed UI.png

Your “Target” will be the page to which you want the post to link, your “Title” will be the title of the post, and etc. The most noticeable changes to the process are:

You will use type-ahead search to locate your “target” as opposed to pasting in a URL:

Feed   Toronto Radmin – DoStuff Media.png

And, under ‘Advanced Fields’, you will find the ability to schedule a post to be published and/or removed from your Feed as desired. This was a commonly requested feature with the old Latest posts - and we’re stoked to be able to provide it now:

Advanced Fields.png

Please note that if you do not check the ‘Advanced Fields’ box and specify a Publish Date, your post will be published immediately. Similarly, if you do not set an Expiration Date, your post will remain on the feed indefinitely.

4. Once the desktop Feed is deployed to production next week, clicking the ‘Add Latest’ link on the front end of your site will pop up the Radmin Feed screen in a new window.

We’ll be exposing the Radmin ‘Feed’ feature shortly so that you can preview it and give us feedback before the front end portion goes live next week.

Referrals Going Live

Last Product Update, we promised that the giveaway referral system would be going live across the network very soon. Well, the time has come! We're making referrals live later this afternoon. Here's to new users!

Flush A Part Of Your Queues

Another feature that was widely requested at The Summit was the ability to flush a portion of the pending and/or dupes queues.

Often, one venue’s scraper will go haywire and bring in unwanted events - but that shouldn’t have to mean that you need to flush your entire queue just to remove those events.

So, you can now filter by anything in the pending and/or dupes queues and flush only the events on the page that you’re looking at.

Flush Littlefield.png

This will leave the rest of the queue unaffected - so you can quickly get back to working through the rest of the events.

Tip Of The Week

As promised, we’re going to be turning off the old ad reports next week - so our tip for this week is to make sure to use the new ad reports whenever possible and let us know if there’s anything that you’d like changed. We’ve already received a lot of awesome feedback from around the network, and we’ll make sure that all of that is reflected in the ad reports before we turn off the old ones.

If you have any questions large or small about the new ad reports, or how to best use the data from them, please let Support know.

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Product Update: Desktop Feed, Referrals Going Live, Scraper Updates & More

Our Product Updates give you a rundown of all the features and bug fixes that are being deployed - plus one handy tip of the week. Here's what's happening:

The Feed Comes To Desktop

The Feed - which previously has only existed on iOS - is coming to desktop next week. The Feed displays all of the posts that we’ve been calling “Latest” posts - as well as new shows for bands, venues and lists that you follow (when signed in).

Do416   What To Do In Toronto.png

We expect the addition of the personalized Feed content to lead to increased engagement, longer sessions on your site and more people finding awesome stuff to do.

Feed-Related Changes

1. This button will change from “Latest” to “Feed”.

this Button.png

2. You will add your Feed posts (FKA Latest posts) from Radmin - rather than the front end.

Feed Radmin.png

3. The process for adding Feed posts will be slightly different than Latest posts. The page from which to add your posts will look like this:

Feed UI.png

Your “Target” will be the page to which you want the post to link, your “Title” will be the title of the post, and etc. The most noticeable changes to the process are:

You will use type-ahead search to locate your “target” as opposed to pasting in a URL:

Feed   Toronto Radmin – DoStuff Media.png

And, under ‘Advanced Fields’, you will find the ability to schedule a post to be published and/or removed from your Feed as desired. This was a commonly requested feature with the old Latest posts - and we’re stoked to be able to provide it now:

Advanced Fields.png

Please note that if you do not check the ‘Advanced Fields’ box and specify a Publish Date, your post will be published immediately. Similarly, if you do not set an Expiration Date, your post will remain on the feed indefinitely.

4. Once the desktop Feed is deployed to production next week, clicking the ‘Add Latest’ link on the front end of your site will pop up the Radmin Feed screen in a new window.

We’ll be exposing the Radmin ‘Feed’ feature shortly so that you can preview it and give us feedback before the front end portion goes live next week.

Referrals Going Live

Last Product Update, we promised that the giveaway referral system would be going live across the network very soon. Well, the time has come! We're making referrals live later this afternoon. Here's to new users!

Flush A Part Of Your Queues

Another feature that was widely requested at The Summit was the ability to flush a portion of the pending and/or dupes queues.

Often, one venue’s scraper will go haywire and bring in unwanted events - but that shouldn’t have to mean that you need to flush your entire queue just to remove those events.

So, you can now filter by anything in the pending and/or dupes queues and flush only the events on the page that you’re looking at.

Flush Littlefield.png

This will leave the rest of the queue unaffected - so you can quickly get back to working through the rest of the events.

Tip Of The Week

As promised, we’re going to be turning off the old ad reports next week - so our tip for this week is to make sure to use the new ad reports whenever possible and let us know if there’s anything that you’d like changed. We’ve already received a lot of awesome feedback from around the network, and we’ll make sure that all of that is reflected in the ad reports before we turn off the old ones.

If you have any questions large or small about the new ad reports, or how to best use the data from them, please let Support know.

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